Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 595: The Law of Infinite Time

The torrent of time rolled forward, and in the blink of an eye, ten thousand years passed.

In Limel's world, the endless lines of time, like dense spider webs, entwine and control all the energy, all matter, and all laws and rules of the entire world.

The mighty power of time has reached its peak in this world.

At a certain moment, a king suddenly made his choice. He decided to give his throne to his second son instead of his eldest son.

In the original timeline, this king should have handed over his throne to his eldest son.

But he just violated the timeline and shifted the timeline in another direction.

Accompanied by his choice, the timeline of Limel's world suddenly split into a small branch, flowing in another direction.

The separation of the timeline also led to the separation of a small part of the material world in Limel's world. At this moment, Limel's world was divided into two, becoming a big world and a small world.

In the small world, the king handed over his position to his second son. The development of the world is sailing towards an unknown future, and everything in this small world is exactly the same as the kingdom ruled by the king, except that they are lost. Everything outside the kingdom ruled by the king.

In the big world, the timeline is still set and controlled by Limel. In this world, the king handed over his position to his eldest son according to the established future, and the timeline remains unchanged.

Everyone's choice may cause the world's timeline to shift, resulting in the appearance of the same world with different timelines.

In the huge world of Limel, with the support of endless void energy, the timeline began to shift in a large range with the choices of the lives in the world.

As the timeline shifted, one after another similar but new worlds were separated from Limel's world.

Looking at the past from the perspective of time, the entire Limel world seems to be a growing tree.

The big tree keeps growing upwards, and keeps separating various branches, rushing towards all directions.

And all kinds of separated branches, with the different choices of their own internal characters, created a new timeline offset, and thus separated a new world

The main body world, the branch world, the two-branch world, the three-branch world, the four-branch world, and the separation world require an extremely large amount of matter and energy, and the consumption of Limel's world has skyrocketed hundreds or thousands of times in an instant.

With the skyrocketing consumption, the speed at which Limel's world devours void energy has also skyrocketed hundreds or thousands of times.

All of a sudden, the surrounding void energy couldn't be replenished.

The plight of the Limel world appeared in the eyes of the five multiverses early on.

Infinite Eternal World, Jingya World, Arkas Great Universe, Murisia Great World, and Mellia Great Universe all began to spray endless void energy around Limel World at the same time.

Compared with the void energy sprayed out by the five multiverse worlds, the void energy swallowed up by Limel's world at this time is only a small point.

At this moment, no matter how Limel's world absorbs it, the surrounding void energy will not decrease.

The strong support of the five multiverse worlds makes the world of Limel completely free from worries.

She began to continue to accelerate each world to shift its own timeline, separating more worlds.

Thousands of years later, the number of branch worlds in the Limel world has exceeded one trillion, and each branch world, with the support of the five multiverses, has grown to a level comparable to the big world.

In the original space of Limel's world, Limel looked at the world she had just separated, with a bright smile on her face.

This time, time branched out into a world, and I only paid for the matter and energy of a standard big world.

But now, in this branch world, there is an extra continent of matter and energy.

From now on, I, Limel, will be called the law of infinite time, and I will be ranked in the sixth multiverse of the void.

The nourishing and silent transformation began in Limel's deepest root, and the endless and limitless power was held in the palm of Limel's hand.

In the endless world in the void, they suddenly discovered that a shining star appeared in their eyes.

This star has been continuously improving its brightness since its birth.

Amidst the amazement of countless worlds, she became brighter and brighter, and rose higher and higher, until she became a new void sun comparable to the other five void suns.

At this moment, all the worlds understood that another multiverse was born in the void.

And the name of this multiverse is also known by all worlds at the same time, named: Limel World.

Above the long river of time, a palace floats on the cloud-like land.

In this palace, Ace was lying on the ground, the whole dragon was drowsy, and the dragon's head was bit by bit, as if it would fall asleep at any time.

Beside him, wearing a crystal-colored gauze, the extremely glamorous Jingya was sitting on a small bench with no backrest, leaning on Ace's dragon claw.

And in front of Jingya, Big Hairball, Alkas, Mellia, and Murisya are playing five-player chess with Jingya. Several multiverse-level worlds with different looks are fighting fiercely. Everyone puffed up their little faces, and no one would let anyone else.

Limel, who had just dealt with the affairs of her own world, strode here.

She looked at the harmonious scene in front of her.

With a smile on his face, he came to Ace who was sleeping, patted Ace's cheek with his small hand, and said with a little shyness: Boss Ace, your little brother is here to look for you.

Wake up!

Ace, who was dreaming and bleeding a lot, felt the touch on his cheek and the call in his ear, and opened his huge long eyes in a daze.

Looking at the beauty in front of him with purple hair, purple pupils, and skin like milk, his eyes stared straight.

Who is this? How do you look so beautiful?

Facing the beautiful woman, he subconsciously bowed his head forward to take advantage.

He is just a little dragon, what bad thoughts can he have?

Jingya turned her head to look at Ace, who was laughing at Limeer, and rubbed her head with her crystal clear hands, causing a particularly headache.

Among the wills of the world in the circle in front of him, the other party did not dare to take advantage of Murisya and Da Maoqiu, and he dared to take advantage of other wills of the world.

A whole obsession.

Among them, he doesn't take advantage of the big fur ball, that's because the big fur ball looks like a fur ball, and the big fur ball is the other party's world mother.

As for the big world of Murisia, it is because the other party has Ablos, the master of the world, and is a married woman.

Like some single world will, Ace is not polite.

The world of Limel was originally created by Ace. Later, because Ace wanted to become the master of the world of Jinya, he had no way to control his own world.

Therefore, the lucky Limel took advantage of the gap between the world created by Ace after Ace left and the will of the world had not yet appeared, and became the time law of the world created by Ace, and then became Ace step by step. The world will of the created world.

Later, with the help of this identity, the other party used the principles of agriculture for quite a long time, and with the help of the extremely powerful effects brought about by the principles of agriculture, they created their own rules for rising.

With the help of the rising rules created by Limel himself, the other party reached the top of the multiverse.

After a crackling calculation, the connection between the other party and Ace should not be too close.

Almost grew up being spoon-fed by Ace.

Its connection is not much worse than the connection between Arcas Great Universe and Ace.


What are you doing, Limel just climbed to the top of the multiverse, and you are going to bully others.

Continue to sleep on your sleep!

Seeing that Ace was getting more and more excessive, he licked Limel with his tongue, and Limel was stupid, letting a certain dragon take advantage of it, Jingya stood up and spoke righteously to uphold justice .

Ace, who was playing very happily, suddenly woke up when he heard the voice in his ear. He looked at Limel, feeling a little embarrassed, and lay down on the ground, saying: I thought I was dreaming just now, That's why you look like that, sister Limel, don't worry, I have absolutely no bad intentions for you.

I am a very righteous dragon.

Feeling the contemptuous gazes of several world wills behind him, he blushed without heartbeat, and said cheekily what he didn't even believe.

As for whether there are very righteous dragons in the world, he said that there are absolutely none within his sight.

If a certain evil dragon becomes righteous, he will turn the opponent into a metal dragon with a big wave of his hand, and then strip the opponent of all the benefits that belong to the evil dragon that he can enjoy.

An evil dragon is an evil dragon, isn't a righteous evil dragon just a metal dragon wearing an evil dragon's skin?

This is very bad, I was cast in the wrong tire, and I have to correct it.

Seeing the serious Ace talking nonsense, Limel laughed.

He didn't pick up Ace's fault, and strode to the edge of the will of several multiverse worlds who were playing chess, and asked them to make room for themselves.

For the companions, Big Hairball, Jingya, Alkas, Murisya, and Mellia, they all welcomed them very much, and happily gave up a position to welcome Limel to participate in the chess game.

The magnificent chess game continued, but the original five-player chess became six-player chess.

And Ace expressed his indifference to the will of the six multiverse worlds who are playing chess.

These guys, if you cut your heart open, it will all be black.

They seem to be playing chess, but they are actually playing a large-scale void chess game with the void as the board and the endless world as the piece.

Being able to participate in this chess game depends on the will of the multiverse world.

And the reason why he stayed here was to keep an eye on these guys and keep them from messing around, so he could take advantage of it by the way.

Don't let them mess around, that is, they are all cultivating some of the worlds they support in the void, some strange worlds, and sometimes they will get their support.

Like the abyss, hell, and weird worlds, sometimes they get a lot of support.

In order to prevent some Crusu-like stuff from appearing in the void, he has been staring at this chess game.

It's okay to support the normal world, but support some weirder worlds, and he will strike hard.

The big hairball is his world mother, and the Alkas universe has reached the top of the multiverse, and he has helped a lot.

The Great Universe of Mellia used the rules of troubled times produced by Jingya World, not to mention the connection with him.

The Master of the World of Murisia Great World was conceived by his absolute militarization rules, and its connection is quite deep.

Not to mention Jingya World, the will of the world is his wife.

And the newcomer, Limel, is also his hardcore.

Turn your fingers around, and all the multiverses are closely related to him.

Relying on this, he easily changed their thinking about supporting the weird world.

In today's void, the abyss world, the hell world, and some weird worlds, life is quite difficult.

He just stared at them.

For him, the current void is already very beautiful, as long as he proceeds step by step, he can keep moving forward.

But this harmonious scene may be broken a little bit.

In the void, there are quite a few crazy, crazy and unreasonable worlds. Perhaps among hundreds of millions of worlds, only one such world will appear in millions or even tens of millions of worlds.

But with the emergence of multiverses one after another, the volume of the void is expanding upwards every moment.

The world it nurtures is often measured in trillions.

Only one such world will appear in millions of tens of millions of worlds. It seems very rare, but put this range in the vast void.

Count it casually, it is innumerable.

There are so many crazy and crazy worlds, which can be said to make him feel very intrusive.

What worries him the most is that these crazy and crazy worlds have reached the top of the multiverse.

There is no distinction between the multiverse, only the multiverse and the worlds under the multiverse.

As long as a world reaches the top of the multiverse, there is no possibility of being destroyed by the enemy.

Because the other party's thoughts can speed up time countless times, and then create endless matter and energy.

You can have as many as you want, and you can't kill them at all, and you can't limit them.

A crazy and crazy world has reached the top of the multiverse, and the entire void is basically impossible to live a good life.

All worlds, including all multiverses, are subject to never-ending wars and the insanity of each other.

In order for him to continue to enjoy a good life, he resolutely does not allow the crazy world to reach the top of the multiverse.

For this reason, he directly expanded the scope of the attack, so that countless crazy worlds could not get the support of the multiverse.


The new book Dragon of Civilization has been released, and everyone is welcome to come and watch it.

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