Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 590: Wireless Destiny Duplication Law

After counting the resources consumed by the eight rules and regulations in the past few thousand years, Jingya was a little speechless.

It's not that she feels sorry for those resources, but she has a deep understanding of the difficulty of a world reaching the top of the multiverse.

In the center of the original space, the law of destiny feels the countless continents that have been replicated one after another under the support of the power of faith and emotion of the saints in the space within one's body.

At a certain moment, she suddenly felt that after a continent was copied, there was a different existence.

When copying this continent, she only invested in the origin of the world to create a continent. Logically speaking, she can only create a standard continent.

But what is different from before is that when copying this continent this time, in addition to copying a standard continent, there is also an extra small atom.

I succeeded!

In the space, the law of fate embraced this small atom, and the mood was agitated to the extreme.

At her roots, a silent metamorphosis begins.

This is the evolution of laws and rules, and it is the most important part towards the laws of the multiverse.

In the outside world, the big ball of light transformed by the law of fate suddenly shines brightly, illuminating the endless original space.

In the ocean formed by the origin of the world at the bottom of the original space, a sun slowly rises above the ocean.

The astonishing power shrouded the entire Jingya world through the original space.

The vast power is endless, it is the power beyond ordinary laws and rules, it represents infinity.

In the world membrane of Jingya's world, the God of Destiny opened his eyes. He stood up from the seat of God, and his eyes penetrated the endless void.

The entire void exists in his eyes, and the vast expanses of nothingness are as simple to him as observing the fingerprints in his palm.

My God of Destiny has ascended to the top of greatness from now on. He is the god above the gods, possessing endless material and energy, and is a great divine power.

The sacred declaration penetrated the world membrane of Jingya's world, echoed in the starry sky, echoed in the mortal world, and echoed in the nether world.

All the lives in the entire Jingya world raised their heads at this moment, looking at the sky, the sun of the kingdom of God that turned into a great sun and shone on them.

All things fell to their knees, and the gods faced and bowed.

At this moment, all the lives in Jingya's world knew that a great divine power was born in their world.

In the original space, countless laws and rules feel the extremely powerful breath of the law of fate.

Everyone knows that the law of destiny has evolved into the law of infinite destiny replication.

They are full of envy.

The laws of the multiverse level, what kind of power is this, they can't even dream of it.

But this miraculous scene finally appeared before their eyes.

Law of Destiny, congratulations on your rebirth. You have mastered the multiverse-level power and evolved into the infinite law of destiny replication.

Ace and Jingya flew to the edge of the law of fate, and Ace opened his mouth to congratulate.

In a multiverse, every time there is a multiverse-level law, its power can exponentially double.

His own world has become more powerful, of course he is happy.

And of course he likes the law of destiny that helps his world become stronger.

Jin Cancan and the big yellow ball of light transformed by Jingya have a similar destiny law, watching Ace praise himself.

Turning around, she turned into a rather refined beauty in a pure golden dress and a crown on her head.

The law of destiny gracefully bowed to Ace: In the void, every world has its own law of destiny. I was originally an insignificant one of them. To the void, I am like the one in Jingya's world. Like everyone else?

Because of your appearance, I have come to today step by step. Your kindness to me is endless. For this reason, I am here to express my gratitude to you and pledge my allegiance to you.

If you have any needs, you can contact me anytime and anywhere.

Looking at Ace, Destiny Law couldn't help showing a smile on her pretty face, coupled with her bumpy figure, she was quite attractive to the dragon.

Don't see wrong, don't listen wrong, don't blame wrong.

I am a gentleman dragon.

Ace put on an appearance of a gentleman and a dragon, and he didn't seem to be attracted by beauty at all. He said with a smile on his face: Everything you have now is what you deserve.

Your contribution to the Jingya world will never be indelible. The Jingya world has been able to reach its eternal glory today. Your contribution is quite great. You don't have to be afraid of everything you have obtained now.

The law of destiny is one of the most important laws in the world.

She can pull the fate of the world in a good direction and help the world move forward forever.

Listening to Ace's praise, the law of fate smiled even more charmingly.

As the saying goes, a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and similarly, the laws and rules of the will of the world are not good laws and rules.

In the past, Jingya's power was too strong, and more than 90% of the world's origin in the entire Jingya world was basically devoted to the expansion of the land.

Jingya, who is the law of the earth, occupies most of the authority and power in Jingya's world under such circumstances.

They are powerless to resist these laws and rules, and can only obediently obey them.

From time to time, if he did something wrong, he would be beaten up by Jing Ya.

Jingya wants to be disciplined, but she can be disciplined, but there is no way to manage hundreds of millions of rules and regulations, fists are necessary.

Combining fists and rules can make people submit.

As she evolved into a multiverse-level law, the law of infinite fate replication, and the position of the will of the world, she was not unable to think about it.

Also, she really likes Ace as a dragon.

Because of this dragon, her interests can be increased billions of times, trillions of times, countless billions of times, until today's multiverse-level laws.

Ace's kindness to him is too much, and the benefits he has brought to her are too much, she can't help but give too much.

And a certain dragon's heartbeat slowed down a beat in the face of the law of fate that smiled even more charmingly. Fortunately, his dragon body was extremely powerful, and no one knew about it.

Jingya looked at the one dragon and one person who were flirting, her big eyes narrowed involuntarily.

She said in her heart: The law of fate is dishonest, take a moment to beat her up.

It can treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Ace is also a chromatic dragon.

If the law of fate ran over naked, would Ace still refuse?

She knows all about Ace's willpower.

In terms of business, Ace's willpower is absolutely leveraged, he will always stick to what he thinks is right, and move forward all the way, even if the will of all vested interests in the whole world is overwhelming, he will remain unchanged.

But in terms of life enjoyment, the other party's will is so weak that it can be said that it can be broken at the first glance. All these years, he has relied on sleeping to resist all kinds of temptations.

But now, the law of fate is going to take the initiative, which is troublesome.

She fell into deep thought.

The world lord has a complicated relationship with other laws and rules, which is something that almost all world lords will face.

Especially the male Lord of the World, who was extremely chaotic.

And this situation, all the will of the world doesn't really care, and she doesn't care much either.

For their world will, they don't have the jealousy of mortal women.

The only thing they care about is whether the Lord of the World will be limped by other laws and rules, thinking about changing the will of the world.

Ace is so weak-willed when it comes to life, she worries that Ace is being limped.

After all, Ace values ​​feelings. If the law of fate desperately improves his feelings in Ace's heart, he will overtake her along the way.

Under the influence of reason, it is impossible for Ace to help the other party become the will of the world in Jingya's period, but there is a very small chance that he will help the other party to obtain greater benefits.

For example, find a way to divide the originally created matter and energy into 80/20, or even 70/30.

As the world will of Jinya World, before Ace came, she had always occupied 90% of the interests of Jinya World.

Ninety percent of the world origin produced by Jingya World every year will be expanded by her to enhance her power.

Today, the situation is the same.

For every ten parts of matter and energy created by the newly born multiverse-level laws, nine parts of matter and energy must be given to her.

It's not just her doing this, the world wills in the void, including the world wills of the infinite and eternal world, all do this.

After praising the law of destiny, Ace turned his head and crawled back to his nest. The first four-century meta-rotation is over, and the next fourth-century meta-rotation is coming soon.

The golden age of his fellow dragons had come.

However, the difference from before is that the former Jingya world only had the rising rule of the absolute militarization rule.

And the current Jingya world, because the Alkas universe and the Murisia universe have ascended to the top of the multiverse, there are two new rules of rise, the rule of civilization immortality and the rule of darkness.

The evil dragons cannot enjoy these two rising rules exclusively, and what they can exclusively enjoy in the era of evil dragons is the absolute militarization rule.

But how should I put it, in the Era of Dragons, the dragons still have an absolute advantage.

The rule of absolute militarism is the rule of rise based on war, using war to continuously improve the genetic level of intelligent life in the area she covers. Compared with killing people, she is definitely a professional.

Compared with the rules of absolute militarism, the rules of darkness and the rules of eternal life of civilization are softer.

Within their enveloping range, the genetic level of intelligent life is getting lower and lower as the war is fought.

Therefore, the evil dragons still have an absolute advantage, but they don't have the monopoly of before.

In the starry sky, in a gorgeous golden temple that exceeds tens of millions of square kilometers, Ace, who turned into a small dragon no more than four or five meters in size, sleeps on a big bed woven with golden and silver threads.

With a burst of grunting, his strength skyrocketed rapidly.

Since the law of destiny evolved into the law of infinite destiny replication, it began to use its own power to continuously create more energy and matter.

After she appeared, the expansion speed of Jingya's world was more than dozens of times faster.

Almost every year, with the help of Jingya and the law of fate, the volume of Jingya's world will increase by about three hundred times.

In fact, it can be faster, but the speed at which the laws and rules that have not evolved to control the new region is really too slow.

In today's Jingya world, most of the regions that have just been created are basically controlled by Jingya and the law of fate first. They will first simulate other laws to stabilize the new region, and then in the region After it matures, let other laws devour the simulated laws of this area and take control of this area.

The emergence of the law of infinite fate replication enables the law of fate to cooperate with Jingya to weave stronger and more perfect simulation laws, thus creating more regions faster.

And with Jingya's world, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, exponentially expanding its own power.

As the world master of Jingya World, his power is of course also expanding upwards along with Jingya World.

At this moment, he no longer knew how terrifying it would be if he shot with all his strength.

Anyway, he felt that after he fully expanded his body, the sum of billions of worlds would not be able to fill one of his cells.

At this moment, he really understood what a multiverse is.

This is a miraculous existence that can expand infinitely and represents existence.

If nothing means nothing, then the multiverse means something.

And every level of the multiverse is equal to the sum of all levels of nothing.

A day in the palace is a thousand years in the mortal world.

Ace, who was sleeping, opened his eyes. He looked at the starry sky where countless civilizations had developed, and sighed.

Obviously, the Era of Dragons has been developing for a long time, otherwise it is impossible for these civilizations to develop so quickly?

Counting, he slept for about three or four thousand years.

Is this the concept of longevity?

Take a thousand years as a day, ten thousand years as a month, and hundreds of millions of years as a year.

In other words, the world of Eliza and Limel should be close to the multiverse.

Having said that, his eyes passed through Jingya's world, through the void of infinite distance, and looked at the thriving world of Eliza and Limel.

With the help of the multiverse, the world with the rules of rise develops very, very fast.

It only took about 30,000 years for the original Jingya world to develop from a giant world that was not even a big world to a multiverse.

Its speed is not bad.

Compared with the infinite and eternal world that evolves into the multiverse with a time unit of tens of billions of years, the speed of light spaceship is not as fast as the upgrade speed of Jingya's world.

Today, the Eliza world and the Limel world have been developed for more than 10,000 years, and this is still a void year.

If they add acceleration to the inside of their world, then there will be more time.

Now, they should be developing well.

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