Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 581 Human Evolution History in Cannibalism

In the original space of the infinite and eternal world.

The big white hairball, Jingya, Ace, Alkas, four multivariate, powerful existences at the cosmic level, looked at the super wronged Murisya in front of him, the world will of the big world, Murisya, each of them had quite an expression. subtlety.

Murisya whimpered: Bosses, you have to make decisions for me, little brother.

Ablos is too insignificant. I was almost able to climb to the top of the multiverse. This guy doesn't speed up the speed of the dark rules, and he desperately slows down the speed of the dark rules.

Under his oppression, the countless gods and saints who are fighting for the cause of the multiverse in my universe dare not help my world reach the top of the multiverse faster.

She couldn't beat her, she didn't dare to scold her, she couldn't speak the truth, she had nothing to do with Ablos.

At the moment when she was complaining, Ablos was chasing a bunch of gods and saints, forcing them to slow down the speed of the dark rules.

She is really miserable.

She's just trying to get into the multiverse, what's wrong with her?

What happened to mortals? The big deal is that after she ascends to the top of the multiverse, she will pull all the suffering mortals out of the timeline and send each person to a big world-level region.

Can we talk about anything?

As long as you can reach the top of the multiverse, everything is worth it.

But if he couldn't hold back Ablos, he wouldn't get into it at all, and he wouldn't talk to her at all, but he suppressed the speed of the dark rules.

Looking at the extremely aggrieved Murisya, the big hairy ball patted the table, and said first: Everyone understands the situation, and the Murisia world is only one last shudder away from being able to climb to the top of the multiverse and become one of us.

But now, Ablos, the creator of the dark rules, is working hard to slow down the speed of the dark rules.

If this goes on like this, the great world of Myrisia will never be so trembling.

Everyone tell me what to do?

Everything that happened in the great world of Murisia, as the will of the infinite and eternal world, of course she understands very well.

But how to put it, Ablos is a great existence who created the dark rules of the rising rules, and he is also the world lord of the Great World of Murisia.

Rounding it up, the other party is equivalent to the world master of a multiverse-level world.

Violence and coercion to calculate or something must not be done.

Everyone is a civilized person, and it is better to be kind and friendly, so that we can unite and help each other to make progress together.

Therefore, she also had some headaches about Ablos' insistence, and she felt helpless about it.

You can't just shout at Ablos or conspire against him just because Ablos restricts the rules he created and slows down the operation of his rules.

That's totally unnecessary.

The speed of progress in the Great World of Murisia is there, although it will always be trembling.

But this trembling can also be resolved through external force.

For example, in their three multiverse-level worlds, they lend some saints to each other, and let their own saints go to the other party's world to spread their thoughts.

The saints in the three multiverse-level worlds all went to each other's world to spread their thoughts, and the last shiver passed easily.

It's just that the saints in their world may not be very happy. After all, it was not only Jingya who squeezed the saints fiercely, exchanging the faith of the saints for their own progress, but also the Arcas Great Universe. .

It's just a different method, replacing belief with the power of reason produced by the other party's day and night research.

Therefore, this solution can only be put at the end.

The saints are really offended, what should they do if they just lay down and lie down, the world is still progressing, they are the main force of the world's progress.

After thinking for a while, Jingya said: Ablos is a great existence conceived by the absolute military transformation rules. Force deception, conspiracy and tricks must never be used.

At our level, if we can handle it easily, we can handle it simply.

I think we should try our best to convince each other.

After finishing speaking, Jingya looked at Ace who was yawning.

Among them, what Ace said was definitely the most important to Ablos.

Ace is the creator of the rules of absolute militarization, and Ablos is a great existence conceived step by step by the rules of absolute militarization.

The relationship between the two parties is not insignificant.

As long as Ace appears on the stage, Ablos will definitely consider it very seriously.

Ace yawned, looked at Jingya who was looking at him, and said with a puzzled face:

What am I doing? I'm not a lobbyist.

Ablos, the creator of the dark rules, has his own thoughts, and he knows what he is doing.

Why do I run over and ask the other party to slap me in the face with reason?

You're just worrying about it.

After speaking, he ignored the will of several worlds and went back to sleep.

The big hairball called him over in a hurry, he thought it was because of Ablos.

Only the creators of the rules of rise can understand the thoughts of the creators of the rules of rise.

Sometimes, their intuition is more important than anything.

This is how he was back then, before he fully understood the hidden operating laws of the absolute militarization rules, his intuition helped him survive disaster after disaster.

Ablohs should be in the same situation as him now.

After all, the dark rule is an extremely complex compound rule, which is much more difficult to control than the absolute militarization rule and the eternal life rule of civilization. It is better for him not to disturb the other party.

Let the other party move forward step by step according to their own rhythm.

The most important thing is that even if it fails, it doesn't matter if it collapses. The three multiverses with endless matter and energy serve as his backing.

After failing 10 billion times, he can do 10 billion more times, adding 10 million zeros.

Their multiverse has a lot of everything, even more matter and energy.

Jingya, Arcas, Big Hair Ball, the three world wills at the multiverse level, looked at Ace who had gone back to sleep.

They looked at each other a few times, and they all began to comfort Murisya.

What Ace said makes sense, the saint is very sensible, and there is no need for Ablos to prevent the great world of Murisia from reaching the top of the multiverse.

After all, he is the master of the big world of Murisia, and half of the big world of Murisia belongs to him. Who would go against him for no reason?

Therefore, there must be a reason for Ablos to do this, and they should not add to the chaos.

They still understand that professional matters should be handled by professional people.


Jingya's world is vast and boundless. Among the stars built by the golden sun and real fire, Ace's wide body of hundreds of millions of miles lies on it, soaking in the sun comfortably.

After soaking for a while, he stretched out his whole body and clicked on his magic screen, which recorded the development of the great world of Murisia in detail.

Churches, priests, no bathing, filth, crucifixion, attack on medicine, these are quite familiar scenes.

He licked his lips.

With a touch of emotion, he said: The dark rules, how can I look at the past? This rising rule is somewhat similar to the rules followed by the ancient Christianity of the Blue Star West in my previous life.

There are churches, there are pastors, there are no baths, there are cross fires.

Another point is that ancient Europe was so big, how could it be in the Middle Ages? The only well-known treatments in the ancient West were bloodletting and enemas, and few herbs were used.

It stands to reason that even certain tribes of primitive people will have summed up some methods of using plants to treat diseases during their long history of existence.

Europe is so big, it doesn't make sense to have it? Civilized society has developed step by step from primitive society.

After thinking carefully for a while, he found that the rules of darkness were 70 to 80% similar to the methods used by the ancient Western Christianity in his previous life.

As for the purpose of the other party doing this, it is actually the same as the current Murisia world.

Raising the genetic level of one's own race amidst dirty deceit and lies,

In other words, in the name of God, those with bad genes in their own group were burned to death and died of disease.

Some people may be wondering, given the situation in ancient Europe, how could people with bad meridian levels be burned to death accurately?

This is actually a fairly simple question.

Suppose there are one hundred households in a village.

There are ten families who are stronger and farm with their strong bodies, and they can bring fifteen silver coins to the pastor every year.

There are eighty ordinary families who can bring ten silver coins to the pastor after a year of hard work and farming.

There are ten families who are relatively thin. After a year of farming, they can only bring five silver coins to the pastor.

One day a year later, the Pope issued an order requiring priests in various dioceses to eliminate evil and make the glory of the Lord more radiant.

In order to cater to the glory of the Lord, the pastor faithfully carried out the will of the Lord, preparing to burn the evil to death.

As for where is the evil? Of course he said whoever is evil is evil.

Ordinary people who have been brainwashed by religion will not question the Lord.

If anyone doubts? Then of course he can only be sent to the stake. It must be evil to question the existence of the Lord.

At this time, the pastor faced a hundred families, and he had to select some of them to burn to death, because only in this way could he better control the whole village, spread the glory of the Lord, and make the lambs more docile.

In consideration of interests.

Would the priest burn ten strong families who brought him fifteen gold pieces a year?

Or burn the eighty ordinary families that brought him ten gold pieces a year.

Or burn to death ten thinner families with lower genetic levels who can only bring him five gold coins a year.

Under normal circumstances, the priest would choose to burn ten families that were thinner and had a lower genetic level.

In addition to this, normal people will have feelings of hatred and resistance. Even after being brainwashed, there is still a lot of possibility of resistance or even revenge under the hatred.

Burning strong or ordinary people to death, once the other party accidentally escapes, the pastor has to worry about being killed all the time.

It is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong, and pastors are also human, so of course they are also bullying and afraid of the strong.

Even if weak people escape, the threat they bring is relatively small.

From the perspective of profit and safety, for the vast majority or even a very small number of priests who have seen through the rules and regulations of the Guidance, burning people with lower levels of thin and weak genes is the best choice.

He looked at the history of the development of the Christian world in the West.

What is the history of cannibalism? This is clearly a history of human evolution dressed in cannibalism.

With the help of this evolutionary rule, Westerners climbed to the top of the world step by step with an unstoppable trend.

As for Dahanghai becoming the world's ruler or something, that was the inevitable result after he was strong enough.

In fact, it's not just Westerners who are evolving, there are also evolutionary rules in his previous life group, and the number is super large.

Almost every unified dynasty of the main nation has an evolutionary rule.

The sacrificial rules of the Shang Dynasty, the rules of the military merit system of Shang Yang, the rules of making fat beautiful in the Tang Dynasty, the rules of the imperial examinations in the Song Dynasty..., and so on.

Among them, the sacrificial rules of the Shang Dynasty are quite similar to the rules of the western Christian world, and they all burn people to death in the name of gods.

It's just that the rules of sacrifice in the Shang Dynasty were a little more tricky. The sacrifices of boys and girls of gods such as mountain gods, river gods, sea gods, locust gods, etc.,

It's still the same reason, people are bullying and afraid of toughness, when choosing boys and girls, the priests will target those who are thin and weak in genetic level.

As for why it is thin? Because at the bottom level, the strength of the body basically represents the difference between strength and weakness.

He looked through the history of the world and found that all the races that were able to reach the top, their history is a history of race evolution in different cloaks.

As for those races that have abandoned their own evolutionary rules, they are either exterminated by other races after weakening, or they are eating their old roots and becoming the meat on other people's plates step by step on the way to weakening.

As for what will happen after weakening to the lowest point? Of course, it can only be eaten after death.

The brain storm was gradually moving away from his dragon head.

He shook his faucet to wake himself up.

at last. He reclined on top of the star, and waved his hands to conjure endless delicacies, and he began to enjoy them with big mouthfuls.

What are you thinking so much about? Ablos has the idea of ​​Ablos, and it is a certainty that the Great World of Murisia will reach the top of the multiverse.

If it doesn't work, he can only suffer the saints in his world. At worst, he will fight for a seat of great power for those saints.

I believe that the god seat with great divine power is in front, and they will be happy to go.

After all, in today's Jingya World, due to the special rules of the Jingya World's gong system, the quota has basically been determined.

The nine laws and regulations with the most credit will reach the top step by step, and the gods who control them will become great divine powers in one fell swoop.

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