Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 577 The Void of Superspeed Development

Jingya's world, in the sea of ​​golden books.

Ace's gaze pierced the endless void, looking at the pink world happily accepting the rules of the rise and the rules of love, he withdrew his gaze.

If you give up, you will get something. I don't know where she can go.

The rules of love are not so easy to control.

Since his birth, the development speed of the entire void has increased by an unknown number of times.

It has already given birth to the rules of absolute militarization, the rules of eternal life of civilization, the rules of darkness, the rules of peaceful continents, and the rules of agriculture. If you add this rule of love.

So in today's void, six rising rules have appeared in a short period of time.

Among the six rising rules, the rule of love is a relatively special rising rule.

The previous five rising rules were created based on the current status of all worlds in the void.

The blood gene constructs the body, and the true spirit creates the soul with the cooperation of the body, and the soul controls the body.

The three can influence each other, but in this process, the physical body occupies more than 95% of the proportion.

The five rising rules all focus on the physical body. With the help of the constantly improving genetic level of the physical body, more powerful souls and higher-level true spirits are continuously bred, so that the world's income is getting higher and higher, and talents are becoming more and more talented. The more, the final step by step to the top of the multiverse.

The rules of love have changed the original system, from the emphasis on the flesh to the emphasis on the true spirit.

There is no precedent for this rising rule.

The only good thing is that this rising rule works very, very stable.

After all, when she is running, the physical body of intelligent life is no longer based on blood genes, but based on true spirits.

The true spirit will center on itself, and when the baby is conceived, it will continuously improve the baby's aptitude until it is equal to its own level.

In this way, there is no situation where the true spirit is downgraded due to the physical body.

Instead of downgrading, there are ways to upgrade.

As long as endless time passes, the world will eventually develop step by step.

If there is a disadvantage, it is too slow.

Look at his Jinya world, since it has absolute militarized rules.

It took more than 20,000 years.

However, within more than 20,000 years, the development of Jingya World can be said to be rising all the way, and rockets under the buttocks are not enough to tell the development speed of Jingya World.

Now the threshold of the multiverse has been touched.

Looking at the downstream of the long river of time, you can also see the appearance of Jingya world ascending to the top of the multiverse in the future.

It only took more than 20,000 years to go from a world that was not even a big world to where it is today.

You know, for most of the worlds, if they want to go from the strongest worlds under the big world to the top of the big world, they have to have tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years of development, and billions of years are nothing. rarity.

Some are particularly unlucky, and the world is destroyed and they can't touch the threshold.

The Jingya world was able to touch the threshold of the multiverse in more than 20,000 years, and it couldn't be faster. Everything that the ordinary world dared not dream of, has become a reality.

The other worlds with rules of rise are basically the same as Jingya's world.

After Alkas Great Universe found its direction, its development speed was no slower than that of Jingya World. Every year's development was equal to the development of its own world in tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

The great world of Murisia itself has saints who created dark rules, and the speed of development cannot be slowed down.

These two worlds, which exclusively enjoy the rules of rise, have now bred hundreds of millions of saints in their own worlds with the help of the experience of Jingya's world, which is already enough to reach the threshold of the multiverse.

Based on the rising rules created by the current major worlds of the void, the speed at which the world becomes stronger is unparalleled.

One year is worth the harvest of countless years in the previous world.

The rule of affection is not based on the rising rule created by the current world in the void, it is the rising rule created by him with the help of the rules in a world in the void.

In addition to her own characteristics, if she wanted to use her world, she would have to use her muscles and bones to use it, and the speed was extremely slow.

Fortunately, she has many, many backstages, it's okay to be slow, they can afford to wait.


In the great universe of Alkas, a small black dragon crawled in the cemetery next to the college. His eyes stared straight at the dozen tombstones in front of him, and his expression was full of sadness.

In this world, dragons are eternal and immortal. As long as they are not destroyed by foreign objects, they can live forever with the Arcas Great Universe.

But ordinary life has a very limited lifespan.

Even though their bodies have endless lifespans, their souls and wills cannot withstand the scouring of time, and will eventually die in silence.

Since he came to this world, what he cherished and what he expected was leaving him step by step.

Ten thousand years is not enough to heal the sadness in his heart.

He still firmly remembers the girls who fed him.

I finally know the original body. I have endless desires, but I still only love Jingya and don't go out to have fun.

The relationship between everything and us is just a flower in a mirror after all, and the moon in the water will not have a good result.

woo woo woo woo!

Why do I only understand now?

He opened his dragon's mouth and let out one small cry after another.

However, amidst the crying, he was slowly maturing again.

He used to be Ace's clone, but when he was captured here by the Arcas Universe, he became a new life form.

As a new life form, and a long-lived species with eternal life.

He is a thousand years old, and time is not enough to help him mature.

Only after going through many trials and tribulations can he mature step by step and acquire his own thoughts and will.

In the thick and transparent air, the world will of Alkas Great Universe, Alkas Little Lolita, looked at the defenseless giant dragon in front of him.

While eating the lollipop, I also felt a little funny in my heart.

Her Arcas Great Universe is not a small world that doesn't even have reincarnation, why is this dragon crying here?

I really want to find those few of his feeders, break into the reincarnation, and just browse through their reincarnations, wouldn't it be enough?

What's the use of looking at the tombstone here?

If it really doesn't work, come over and act coquettish and cute to her, and she will be able to pull those feeders out of the long river of time immediately, and let the two sides meet.

Hey, what are you crying here?

If you look like this, if Ace sees it, he can't blame me? Said that I abused his clone.

Arkas little loli stepped out of the space, kicked Atomic Metal Sea on the buttocks, and directly kicked the little black dragon transformed by Atomic Metal Sea into jumping up.

The little black dragon in the air turned his head to look at the little loli behind him with a lollipop in his mouth. After calming himself down from being startled, he ignored the little loli and lay down on the tombstone again. Before, teary.

Seeing that this little black dragon didn't even want to talk to him.

Arkas's little loli puffed up her face angrily, strode to the front of the little black dragon, and looked down at the little black dragon's eyes condescendingly.

Said: You have been eating and drinking for nothing in my world for so long, and you have given birth to a lot of dragon cubs with these feeders of yours.

I have to create a cosmic starry sky of a million-unit world to house your dragon cubs.

Now, I'm standing on the threshold of the multiverse, and I need a little help from you.

Are you helping or not?

The rising rule in the world she controls is the rule of eternal life of civilization created by Ace, the world master of Jingya world.

Over the years, with the help of the powerful genetic evolution ability brought about by the eternal life rules of civilization, the genetic level of intelligent life in her world has been soaring all the way to the top, and has reached an astonishing 5 trillion choices.

That is to say, any intelligent life in her world today, compared to when she had not obtained the rules of civilization and immortality, is an intelligent life with the highest genetic level selected among five million intelligent life .

It can be said that any person in her universe who came to her former world can be called a god in the world, and his talent is not far behind that of a god.

And she also touched the threshold of the multiverse with the help of the wisdom generated by the infinite intelligent life that chooses one of five billion billion.

But now there is a problem, that is, the growth rate of the civilization immortality rule is still a little insufficient.

If she wants to climb to the top of the multiverse, the will of her world is the key, and the rules of her rise are also the key. Only when both of them reach the peak can they have the greatest success rate to reach the top of the multiverse.

The imperfection of the eternal life rules of civilization severely restricted her from ascending to the top of the multiverse.

She also went to Jingya World to find Ace, wanting to seek Ace's help.

Keith told her.

Originally, he knew how to help her grow up with the rules of eternal life of civilization when she was young, but she continued to grow as the rules of eternal life of civilization adapted to your world, and he did not watch or guide the rules of eternal life of civilization to grow step by step.

He doesn't understand her now, and he can't help her evolve.

In terms of image metaphor, the original civilization immortality rule is his child, he created her, so he knows her very well.

As time goes by, the rules of immortality of civilization have grown up and have their own will, thought, and code of conduct.

After growing up, he no longer understands the rules of eternal life of civilization, let alone help her grow.

Long Gui has self-knowledge. From Ace's point of view, although he helped Civilized Eternal Life Rule pass through childhood, he began to grow slowly upwards.

But the subsequent childhood, youth, youth, and adulthood all grew up on their own while the Alkas universe was running.

Insufficient information, he has no way to use his current wisdom to help the rules of eternal life of civilization grow.

The little black dragon looked at the little Arkas loli in front of him who was determined to find him, his scarlet eyes were full of displeasure.

He is already miserable, well, why bother him at this time.

But then he thought about the dragon cubs who were dominating the countless star fields one after another in a place far away from the human territory, and he advised himself to calm down.

After thinking for a while, he said: I know the reason for your visit, but the evolution of the rules of civilization's immortality has been quite perfect.

You take the school as the center and divide it into three levels of educational institutions: elementary school, middle school, and university.

Among them, people with primary school diplomas will find their partners in school after graduating from primary school for ten years but not being admitted to middle school. The two will enter the society after giving birth to a child, and the child will be raised by the school. The moment they enter the society , their reproductive function will be locked, and their number accounts for 30% of the students.

As for the students who have passed the middle school, after graduating from middle school, they will also find their partners in the school and give birth to two children. They are the same. After entering the society, their fertility will be locked. Their number It occupies 40% of the students.

Students who finally passed the college entrance examination through their own abilities will also find their partners in school after graduating from college. After giving birth to three children, they will also be locked in their fertility and enter the society.

You strictly control the reproductive mechanism in today's society.

Excellent people have more births, ordinary people have normal births, and those who are almost born have fewer births.

It not only ensures that everyone has blood inheritance, but also makes more and more outstanding people among human beings.

This model, under your continuous improvement, has become so perfect that it can't be more perfect.

Now, the reason why you feel that the rules of civilization's immortality are still a little imperfect.

That's because you have noticed that with tens of thousands of years of genetic evolution, human genes have been perfected to the extreme under the current situation.

It has been fixed at one of five million and will not be raised upwards.

Arkas little loli nodded.

It is because of this, in recent years, because the genetic level of her human beings has been perfected beyond perfection, and there is no way to go up anyway.

Under the current situation, the rules of immortality of civilization can no longer help the human genetic level to become higher. Now it can only prevent the human genetic level from deteriorating downward.

Seeing Atomic Metal Sea pose a question on its own, Arkas' little loli's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, Then do you have a solution?

I can assure you that as long as you help me get through this, I will never treat you badly.

Atomic Metal Sea was originally Ace's clone, but because he left Ace for too long, he slowly became a new life form.

Unlike Ace who is far away in the sky, Atomic Metal Sea has personally experienced the growth and expansion of the rules of civilization's immortality, and has an incomparable understanding of the rules of civilization's immortality.

With the help of some of the same characteristics of the avatar and the main body, it is not necessary for him to create a new rising rule, but it is not very difficult to help the civilization's eternal life rule evolve a little.

That's why she came to him.

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