Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 568 Comparing a Mortal to an Extraordinary

Seven years later, in the territory of the centaur's hundred thousand commanders, in a vast grassland with four-sided terraces and hills.

The seven centaurs looked at the ferocious flock of sheep that were leisurely staring at the blood-red eyes grazing on the opposite side of them. After looking at each other for a few times, they took off their leather armor one by one and threw their weapons aside.

In an unequipped state, facing the ferocious sheep on the opposite side.

Accompanied by the approaching of the seven centaurs, the fifteen vicious sheep who were grazing raised their heads one by one from the state of eating, and their blood-red eyes stared violently at the uninvited centaurs. People and horses.

Dire sheep are an extremely bloodthirsty and warlike breed of sheep. They will never run away from enemies of the same level.

Instead, he will go from weak to strong, step by step and single out the enemy on the opposite side.

Of course, in the face of enemies far surpassing them, they are still quite conscientious, running as fast as they can.

As for the current situation, it was obvious that seven centaurs who were about the same strength as them came to trouble them, so of course they would not run away.

On the contrary, each of them was a little eager to try, wanting to fuck each other.

Ten seconds later.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the distance between the two sides is already approaching twenty meters.

In the flock of vicious sheep, seven vicious sheep that looked relatively weak stood up one by one from the flock according to the rule of going from weak to strong against the enemy.

Facing the approach of the seven centaurs, they paved the ground with their hooves one by one, and their curved horns pointed straight at the seven centaurs.

Boiling hot air sprayed from their nostrils.

Baa baa!

Two sheep howls roared from their mouths.

The seven vicious sheep each chose a target, and charged towards it with all their might.

The seven centaur didn't show any weakness, and rushed up with their bare hands.

bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a fierce impact sound, seven centaurs and seven vicious sheep fought together, you bumped into me, I threw you, they were all red-eyed.

After a fierce battle, the three centaurs were overturned by the three ferocious sheep in the fierce battle. While being slightly injured, they were also disgraced.

Only four centaurs won the battle, capturing their prey head-on.

On the way back.

Among the seven centaurs who picked up their weapons and put on their equipment, the three centaurs who hadn't got their prey silently picked up their bows and arrows, and aimed their hunting targets at the group of wind speed rabbits running extremely fast.

However, the reason why the wind speed rabbit is called the wind speed rabbit is that it runs extremely fast and is very, very difficult to shoot.

Coupled with the fact that the surrounding grasslands are densely packed with small hills with four-edged terraces, in such a complex environment, it is much more difficult to hunt the wind speed rabbit than to hunt down the vicious sheep head-on.

Most centaurs work hard for a day, and when they are exhausted, they can shoot one and eat half full.

If you want to barely eat, you have to eat a lot of pasture like a dire sheep.

One of the strongest centaur looked at the three brothers who were going to hunt the wind speed rabbit, and said with a little bit of bitterness in his mouth:

The days are getting more and more difficult. Those ferocious sheep and bulls don't know what's going on these years. They are getting stronger and stronger.

I used to be able to beat a ferocious bull, but now I can only bully those ferocious sheep.

There are also those wind speed rabbits, just like taking medicine, running faster and faster, if my father saw that we could not catch up with those rabbits, and allowed us to hunt the first wind speed rabbit every day, let us With bows and arrows, most of our brothers probably have to eat grass for a living.

Speaking of this, he was full of confusion.

Seven years ago, without knowing what happened, all the officers led them, armed with knives, and hacked to death all the more docile sheep, cattle, and rabbits in the territory.

Among the dense food, they had a very happy year.

However, the scene that made them feel scolded was born, after they finished eating all the food reserves.

Group after group of violent sheep, violent cows, and fast-running wind speed rabbits were thrown into the pasture.

This greatly increased their workload. Every time they wanted to get food, they could no longer easily kill the docile cattle and sheep and eat fat sheep and beef like before.

The Dire Sheep and Dire Ox had to be turned over head-on, so that they could eat meat, and the difficulty of obtaining food was directly multiplied several times.

The scariest thing is that this is just the beginning, and more extreme things are yet to come.

After a year of feeding Dire Sheep and Dire Cattle, something happened that made them feel confused.

Their officer fathers, all called upon them to do the honor of warriors, and to do justice and justice to their prey.

They are not allowed to use weapons and armor to deal with the vicious sheep and bulls whose combat power is over the top, let alone gang fights, and they must give their prey enough respect in one-on-one hand-to-hand combat.

Also, when hunting the Wind Speed ​​Rabbit, it is absolutely not allowed to use long-range weapons, stones are not allowed, you must chase desperately, chase desperately, catch the Wind Speed ​​Rabbit after chasing the Wind Speed ​​Rabbit, and only then can you eat the Wind Speed ​​Rabbit.

The restrictions one by one, like a sledgehammer after another, stunned them.

They fiercely want to oppose the unreasonable rules that abuse them like this.

However, every time they mustered up their courage and stood in front of their officer father and officer mother, looking at the sharp extraordinary sword behind them, they were shamefully discouraged.

It's not that they don't work hard and are not strong, but that the knives of the officer's father and officer's mother are too big and too sharp.

What else can I do if I don't follow my heart? Is it possible to have sex with your parents?

Not to mention whether to do it or not, their feelings for their parents are very deep, and a little rule restriction is not enough to shake the emotional bond between them.

For various reasons, they lived a very miserable life.

Today, I have to compete with the fierce sheep, and I will be hit with bruises all over my body. Tomorrow, I will wrestle with the fierce bull, and if I don’t pay attention, I will be knocked seven or eight meters away.

I can't be idle the day after tomorrow, I want to go crazy and chase the group of wind speed rabbits that run so fast, they look so panting, their lungs can be deeply gasped by them.

Looking back on the previous scenes, it was all blood and tears.

In recent years, for some unknown reason, the fighting power of Dire Sheep and Dire Bull began to increase step by step.

The running speed of the wind speed rabbit is also rising steadily.

The difficulty of hunting is getting more and more difficult month by month.

Obviously, five or six years ago, he was able to do a fierce bull, but now, he can't do it at all. Every time he fights with a ferocious bull, he is hit by a ferocious bull and bruises all over his body.

If his father hadn't been an extraordinary man who could heal his wounds with extraordinary power, he would have been killed in battles with vicious sheep time and time again.

The second most powerful centaur listened to the facts in his ears, sighed and said, how many of us are doing well?

I heard that the vicious sheep and bulls in the neighboring territory are much more vicious than the vicious sheep and bulls in our territory.

A lot of centaurs are killed every day.

However, although many centaurs were killed by them, there are quite a few semi-transcendents among them.

Unless you have reached the top of the extraordinary, you will be able to fight against the ferocious bull king with extraordinary combat power and win the battle.

The most important thing is that these semi-transcendents are quite popular.

It's a woman, she can easily marry a male military winner, give birth to a lot of offspring, and at the same time have the right to participate in external wars.

If it's a man, that's pretty good. There are a lot of female military winners vying for it, and there are a lot of participation rights in external wars.

Hearing the seductive sound in their ears, the other three centaurs swallowed involuntarily.

Those semi-transcendents are too cool.

As long as he can defeat the ferocious Bull King head-on, he can not only reach the sky in one step, but also become the wife or husband of a military winner.

You can also get the right to participate in external wars.

That's what they dreamed of.

Although they have not participated in external wars, they often watch the situation of external wars through the magic screen of their military meritorious father's father.

that scene.

how to say? It's just killing all the way.

From south to north, from north to south, the external enemies are all a group of weak chickens.

As long as one is on the battlefield and one's luck is not too bad, it is easy to get permanent military merit.

It can be said that as long as you defeat the ferocious bull king, you will become a semi-transcendent.

Permanent military merit recipients have at least half the chance of achievement.

Compared with the weak chickens outside, those colleagues who robbed them of temporary military fiefdoms are extremely difficult to fight.

Every inch of land obtained must be stained with blood to have a chance to obtain it.

The difficulty was simply beyond the charts, and they were all a little desperate.

While talking, they returned to their home.

In the centaur centurion's home, the centaur centurion looked at the extraordinarily majestic daughter in front of him, who was bathed in the blood of the fierce bull king.

His face was full of pride, and he said happily: Your birth is the best gift of fate to me.

Daughter, as your father, I am proud of your prowess.

As a mortal, you have achieved miracles that many first-order transcendents have not achieved.

Because of your strength.

The three Mrs. Wan have issued an invitation to you to get married.

The Violent Bull King is the king of the Violent Bulls. Even if he has not reached the top of Transcendence, he can still compete with ordinary first-order Transcendents by virtue of his extremely powerful body.

Even many first-order transcendents who have just advanced can't beat the ferocious bull king.

His daughter, as a mortal, overthrew the ferocious bull king who could compete with the first-order transcendent.

Its powerful fighting ability and genetic level are many times stronger than him.

This is the miracle of life.

And precisely because she is a miracle of life, the three military officers at the rank of ten thousand commanders are so eager for her.

Looking at the crazy father, the extraordinarily majestic female centaur raised her head high, it was obvious that she also had extra confidence in herself.

After all, the ferocious bull king she defeated now is different from the ferocious bull king who just came to their centaur territory before.

For six years, the people of their centaur clan have fought against the dire sheep and dire bulls every day.

Because Dire Sheep and Dire Ox like to choose the weakest clansman, from weak to strong one-on-one.

Among the ferocious sheep and ferocious cattle, the ferocious sheep and ferocious cattle that were not strong in combat were all killed by a steady stream of centaurs.

The Dire Sheep and Dire Ox that can survive and reproduce are stronger than the other. With their blood inheritance, the strength of Dire Sheep and Dire Ox is of course increasing steadily.

The previous centaurs lamented that the strength of Dire Sheep and Dire Sheep and Bull is getting stronger and stronger, and this is the reason.

As for the ferocious bull king who is the ceiling of their race's combat power, because the underlying foundation is constantly raised, the criteria for judging it are of course higher and higher.

The previous ferocious bull king, if he was exhausted, he would fight a first-order transcendent who had just become a transcendent, and he lost more than he won.

But the current ferocious Bull King, a Transcendent in the middle of the first order, can only kill him with all his strength. If he is not careful, he may capsize the ship, which is a brutal mess.

She was able to overthrow the current ferocious bull king with a mortal body, which meant that when she was fully armed, she was already able to kill the superhumans in the middle of the first order.

What is it but a miracle to compare an extraordinary person with a mortal body?

In the study of Centaur Hundred Thousand, Centaur Hundred Thousand looked at the dazzling one hundred and fifty-six on the semi-transcendent column on his magic screen.

The crack at the corner of the mouth almost cracked directly to the ear.

He said excitedly: The one hundred and fifty-six real semi-transcendents can still be compared to the first-level semi-transcendents and mid-stage semi-transcendents.

Such a glorious miracle appeared on a large scale in my territory.

As long as they can reproduce on a large scale, let their own bloodlines multiply and spread.

It's definitely safe to overthrow that group of elves.

Having said that, he sighed softly again.

He turned his attention to the thick marriage proposal book on the left side of his desk, which was a meter thick. Among them, the lowest ranks were all commanders, and most of them were military officers above ten thousand commanders, and there were seven or eight ten thousand commanders.

He secretly gritted his teeth and cursed: A group of robbers, seeing that there are good things in my territory, every one of them is eager to snatch the good things right away.

It's really shameless.

All of them are hundreds of years old, or even thousands of years old?

You actually proposed to a bunch of little girls, what about your faces?

If it weren't for the fact that everyone is related by blood, I would have to slap you hundreds of times?

Of course, he was very, very reluctant to part with the one hundred and fifty-six baby lumps.

But what made him feel helpless was that they gave too much. They not only took the one hundred and fifty-six darling lumps to the front line, but also tried to win for his legion to go to the front line together. Qualifications.

It was really bleeding.

You must know that the competition to go to the front line to see permanent military exploits has already been so intense that it is jaw-dropping.

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