Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 190 One Billion Tons of Grain

In the lair that was illuminated by crystal lamps, Eliza sat on the throne, staring at Pandaren Grand Scholar Caroline Kennedy and Kobold Grand Scholar Ronnie Stam with a pair of big dragon eyes in front of her.

Caroline Kennedy is the leader of the pandaren clan. She manages the entire nut tree plantation. Nearly 90% of the dragon alliance's food is in her hands.

Although it is usually inconspicuous, even if the resources they have are on the entire continent, they are still ranked high.

Seven years ago, after she was promoted from a second-tier scholar to a third-tier university scholar, her position became more stable.

Among today's pandaren, although he does not have the title of the king of the race, he has the fact that he is the king of the race.

Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam is the actual controller of the swamp farm. There are more than 7 million swamp kobolds, all of whom are kobolds related to him by blood.

They have been changed and can move freely in the waters. Their combat effectiveness is not only strong, but the swamp farming is also flourishing under their efforts.

In today's 100,000-square-kilometer swamp farm, the other party can provide their three dragons with more than 10 million tons of meat every year.

Feed the three dragons enough to fill them up, and they can't finish eating the ones with too much fish and meat. It's a proper hero.

A panda and a dog's head, facing the gaze of the dragon of his Majesty's younger sister, looking straight at the gold coin under his feet.

I was very puzzled.

The two of them are not as high-profile as those legends, who always take their younger brother to swagger through the market. Although they hold the lifeblood of the entire dragon alliance, they are very low-key.

Except for showing their achievements to their Majesty at certain times, they will not participate in general things.

His Royal Highness called the two of them over, so that they really didn't know what the other was going to do.

Stam, how many tons of fish have you stored?

After carefully scanning the two dependents, Eliza spoke slowly.

Facing the question from His Royal Highness, Ronnie Stam hurriedly replied: Your Highness, there are more than 23 million tons of frozen fish in the icehouse.

It's completely open to eat.

Ronnie Stam's face was full of pride, 23 million tons of fish, such a large amount of property, from the birth of the dragon to the present, only a few dragons have such a large amount of property.

And all of this was created by him step by step under His Majesty's guidance. As the main executor, he would certainly be proud.

How many tons of fish can be harvested this year?

Eliza nodded in satisfaction.

Now, the three dragons are not far from reaching the legendary stage of adulthood.

Her body length has exceeded 18 meters, and she is only 2 meters short of the 20 meters length of an adult dragon.

The legend is just around the corner. At this time, if they want to climb to the top as quickly as possible, the resource consumption will be many, many times that of usual.

As the chief steward of the Dragon Alliance, she must understand how many resources she has in her hands.

Ronnie Stam said clearly: This year's harvest should exceed 15 million tons.

You can rest assured that the swamp kobold tribe will not let you down.

Ronnie Stam slightly brushed his chest and lowered his head.

Hearing that 15 million tons of fish meat will be harvested this year, Eliza looked at kobold scholar Ronnie Stam with even more satisfaction.

After praising the other party, Eliza turned to look at pandaren scholar Caroline Kennedy.

Seeing that His Royal Highness looked at her, Caroline Kennedy hurriedly said: Your Highness, the plantation area of ​​the nut tree plantation has exceeded 100,000 square kilometers, with a huge area of ​​one billion acres (one acre equals one thousand square meters) .”

The grain that can be harvested every year is calculated as one ton of grain per acre, and we can harvest one billion tons of grain every year.

Caroline Kennedy's tone was also full of pride.

Under the planting of their Pandaren, the middle of the Dark Swamp has completely turned into a big granary.

There are hundreds of millions of dark creatures that can be fed. It can be said that one billion tons of food per year can fully support any ambitions of the Dragon Alliance.

In today's era of blood sacrifice, food equals population, population equals blood sacrifice energy, and blood sacrifice energy equals the strong, and the strong equals power.

With such a huge amount of food in hand, as long as His Majesty thinks, no one can resist His Majesty's will.

Even though she knew the approximate area covered by the nut tree plantation before, Eliza still felt a little trembling in front of the data of one billion acres and one billion tons of grain per year.

The blood sacrifice was taken from the memory of the dragon inheritance, and no one knew the potential of the blood sacrifice better than her.

As long as there is enough food, the road of blood sacrifice is a road to reach the gods.

Now this road is slowly getting out of control.

After understanding the current background of her power, Eliza casually let a panda and a dog head leave.

The golden door slowly closed.

Eliza lay on the throne in a daze.

One billion tons every year, and blood sacrifices, what exactly did we release?

Eliza said incomparably complicated heart.

Casually used magic power to condense a screen in front of her, and Eliza clicked a few times, and the racial information of various races in the dark swamp appeared in front of her.

Dark race: 156.33 million.

Elf: 3.65 million.

Dwarves: 7.86 million.

Humans: 4.34 million.

Warcraft: 350,000.

With no enemies, plus enough food, the legends of various races tried their best to make their own races bear children. For the past eleven or twelve years, even though she kept controlling the growth of their numbers.

The growth rate of each race is still not much slower.

Adding up the miscellaneous things, the creatures of all races they ruled now have exceeded 180 million, an astonishing number close to 200 million.

This huge force has countless powerful people. The legend is close to 80, and the number of third-tier strong people under the blood sacrifice has exceeded 10,000.

As for the powerhouses of the second and first tiers, there are countless of them, in units of ten thousand.

If all these powerhouses were gathered together to form an extraordinary army, the human world would simply not be able to resist the torrent they formed.

There are too many strong people. With my current strength, I can't control them at all.

Except for Ace who can hold this giant war beast that wants to fight like crazy, almost no one in every world can resist it.

Eliza was a little excited, but also gnashing her teeth.

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