Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 174 Genocide invisibly

Anyone who heard these few words would feel that what she said was quite reasonable.

Do you really think those clothing books we gave away are useless?

My two younger sisters, your wisdom is still a little behind mine.

Ace chuckled.

Elena and Eliza hurriedly looked at Ace with probing eyes, they were waiting for Ace's explanation.

Swamp farming, grafting and farming, and absolute militarization have brought them too many benefits.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the forty-four legendary monsters who have taken refuge in them recently, didn't they rely on swamp breeding to make them kneel obediently under the throne of the Dragon Alliance.

Without the more than one million tons of meat brought by swamp farming, it would be impossible for those legendary beasts to rely on them.

Instead, they probably held a grudge against them because the three dragons robbed them and became their enemies.

At that time, they could not gather such a huge force now.

It can be said that there is no swamp farming, no grafting and farming, and no absolute militarization rules.

Now they may be just a few young dragons with a length of several meters. Human beings can send a few second-level powerhouses at random, and they can lift up their ashes. How can there be the current scenery.

And these were brought by Ace, so they couldn't help but pay attention to the strategy Ace insisted on.

As for why they are opposing now, I am not happy about it.

That's because being dyed silver, it's too shameful to pretend to be a silver dragon.

Moreover, they are now more than ten meters long, and they can't pretend to be baby dragons to be fooled by each other. The difficulty is several orders of magnitude greater than before.

After the giant dragon becomes a juvenile dragon, even a stupid white dragon's IQ is not lower than that of ordinary and smarter humans.

It is almost impossible for human beings to fool.

And the value of these clothing books in their hands cannot be exchanged for countless gold coins.

Being fooled by the other party for no reason, a fool can detect the problem.

There are no fools on the human side, and it is impossible for a fool to occupy more than 90% of the mainland.

It was too difficult to be fooled by the other party in the past. The three dragons struggled a lot in the past few times, so they managed to fool them.

This time, their size skyrocketed again.

Ace is already close to 16 meters, more than 2,000 tons, a proper behemoth.

Eliza was more than fourteen meters tall and weighed more than a thousand tons. How could her wise eyes be fooled by others.

Elena is also more than 14 meters tall, and weighs more than 1,400 tons. Under the same body size, she is 300 to 400 tons heavier than Eliza. Just standing there, the floor will be pressed down by a section.

Three dragons standing together, is it a foolish existence? No matter how stupid human beings are, it is impossible for them to be that stupid.

Ace squatted on the gold coin and waved his paw to signal his two younger sisters to come over.

Eliza and Elena hurried over and squatted down.

With a thought in his mind, Ace's mental power diffused from his mind, and tons of gold coins slowly lifted into the air in front of the three dragons.

With a wave of Ace's hand, tons of gold coins instantly turned into a pile of gold powder under the tearing force of mental power.

The gold powder gathered into a huge sphere, which looked like a round golden ball.

Both Elena and Eliza looked at Ace strangely, not knowing what he was doing.

Ace explained: From now on, this golden ball represents humanity as a whole.

I'm going to use it to explain it to you!

The two little dragons nodded, their eyes widened, like two cats begging for a foster care.

There are three kinds of people in the human world. One is strong and absorbing people. In their hands, superhuman resources can be absorbed by more than 70%. .”

As soon as the words fell, the huge crystal ball separated into small spheres of about one percent, suspended on the side of the large golden ball, and a strong word slowly appeared on the surface of the small golden ball.

The second type is those who are thin and weak with poor digestion ability. In their hands, extraordinary resources can only be absorbed by them by less than 10%, or they are completely wasted. Their number is about the same as the number of human beings with strong digestion ability, which is also 100%. one or so

Another small golden ball was separated out, still only one percent, and the word weak slowly appeared on the surface.

As for most of the rest, they are ordinary people, looking like they're not up or down.

Ace pointed to the remaining big golden fairway.

Then, under the gaze of the two little dragons, the three golden balls, one big and two small, were arranged into an equilateral triangle.

Connecting the three golden balls are six gold threads that are flowing back and forth.

Among ordinary people, some will become geniuses, among geniuses, some will become ordinary people, among ordinary people, some will become fools, and among fools, some will become ordinary people and geniuses.

So they influence each other and are independent.

And what we have to do is to make this little golden ball with strong characters smaller and smaller, and make this little golden ball with weak characters bigger and bigger.

As Ace waved his hand, the three connected golden balls began to change.

The small golden ball with strong characters shrinks rapidly, and flows its own gold powder to the other two small golden balls, making them bigger and bigger.

And the weak little golden ball desperately absorbs the gold dust from the other two little golden balls, and becomes bigger and bigger.

In front of the two little dragons, the little golden ball representing the strong character is getting smaller and smaller, almost invisible, and the big golden ball representing ordinary people is also rapidly shrinking. Getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, only a little bit of the small golden ball of the strong character and the big golden ball of the ordinary person are left, and the sum is less than one-thousandth.

The small golden ball representing the weak character is very big, accounting for 999 per thousand of the weight.

Ace turned the weak golden ball into a big golden ball and lifted it up with the dragon's claws.

Pointing at it with another dragon claw, he said, This is my purpose.

The two little dragons were dumbfounded, and Elena's somewhat intelligent eyes completely turned into mosquito coils.

She understood part of it, but he really couldn't understand some parts, and he couldn't figure it out, so he could only become a mosquito coil.

And Eliza widened her wise long eyes, and looked at Ace with the eyes of a god.

Ace, your birth is really a miracle.

I'm so lucky to be on the same side as you, not on the human side.

Eliza said softly.

Elena couldn't understand it, but she understood it completely.

Let 999 out of 1,000 people in the human world become a group of people who can only absorb less than 10% of extraordinary resources.

Then it means that even if human beings occupy the entire continent and control the endless extraordinary resources, they still can't give birth to many strong people.

You can only become a chicken on a plate and be slaughtered by others.

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