Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 172 Dragon Man

Human lords, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, except for children and the elderly, as long as you can afford weapons, you will all be dragged into the battlefield.

Of the four to five million troops in the northern border this time, about one-third of them are legions composed of women.

Therefore, among the more than one million humans captured by Ace, the proportion of women is still very high.

After all, because of the physical gap between women and men, most of them are not as fast as boys, and they are very easy to be captured.

Boss Alex, there is an order from His Majesty, saying that he will help us with the blood sacrifice and make us extraordinary powers.

A human officer with a hundred characters printed on his head strode to Alex Ferrari with a few slaves, shouting happily.

It's time for the blood sacrifice!

Alex Ferrari suppressed the joy in his heart, and said as happily as the other party.

Boss, I heard from those elves that the time has come, but because of the war, let our soldiers and slaves rest for a while and take care of them, otherwise it would have started long ago.

The centurion officer said with some dancing.

Blood sacrifice, that is the easiest benefit to climb the extraordinary ladder.

As early as the day they came back, the great scholars of the elves bestowed extraordinary skills on these officers above the centurion level and practiced them for several months.

Not only are their strength much stronger than before, they are not far away from becoming knights.

As long as there is the blessing of this wave of blood sacrifice, becoming a knight is a certainty, which makes him, who was originally just at the bottom, unhappy.

Alex Ferrari waved away the female slaves around him.

With a dozen slaves and the centurion who just came to deliver the news to him, he hurried towards the square.

In the east of the island, in a square with tens of thousands of square meters.

Thousands of soldiers were printed on their heads, and tens, hundreds, and thousands of human beings gathered together.

The only one among the human beings, the Ten Thousand Commander, sat high on the altar in the center of the square.

Leandro Ferrere is the only man in the world who is a man of war.

If Alex Ferrari is the pinnacle of luck, there are always heads to give him.

Then Leandro Ferrere is the Son of the Dragon.

The ancestor of Leandro Ferrere was a dragonman with the blood of a black dragon. In his generation, the blood is actually very thin.

Compared with ordinary humans, he only has a black dragon scale on his buttocks, which doesn't play much role.

As a descendant of a dragonman, he is also a small nobleman, and he must be indispensable on the battlefield.

This time he fought with the Legend of the Northern Territory and the Dragon Alliance, and he was also honorably captured.

It's not his fault. Although he is a nobleman, most of the legendary kings and great nobles don't like him because of his blood.

Therefore, in the human world, it is not easy for him to obtain extraordinary resources.

He may need 2,300 or even 4,000 to buy resources that others can buy with 1,000 gold coins.

Therefore, when he entered the battlefield, he was only a small first-order knight.

A first-order knight is only slightly better than those ordinary soldiers on the battlefield, and one who is not careful may lose his life.

But in this war, his luck came.

When the three black dragons exploded with all their strength, the mighty dragon's power enveloped the entire battlefield. Under the shadow of the black dragon's power, his black dragon blood was activated, and a lot of black dragon scales grew on his head.

Looking at the dark creature that came over, the dragon scales on this guy's head looked familiar. Why did it look a bit like His Majesty's dragon scales? I can't afford to provoke him, I can't kill him, so I don't chase him down.

The extraordinary strongman among the dark creatures met him, and carefully felt the opponent's aura. It seemed that he was similar to a black dragon. He couldn't kill him, and he didn't chase him.

When Dark Legend saw him, he also adopted the policy of ignoring him. If you don't mess with me, I won't beat you either.

Because of his abnormal performance on the battlefield, some fleeing humans took a look at this guy, why didn't there be dark creatures chasing him? Does the other party have contact with there?

It's a traitor, so I didn't chase him down.

So in order to save his life, he got rid of the countless dark creatures who wanted to cut off people's heads desperately.

Countless human beings came together, threw away their weapons and surrendered to him without saying a word.

So when Leandro Ferrere was a little confused, he captured more than 100,000 human captives by himself.

Because of his black dragon blood, when recording military achievements, the priests and scholars subconsciously regarded him as one of their own, and with a wave of their hands, the other party became the Chief of the Ten Thousand Commanders.

So by a dreamy coincidence, at this time he became the real ruler of more than one million human beings.

Get what you want, comparable to the king of a small kingdom.

Leandro Ferrere looked blankly at the countless respectful subordinates below him, and he was still a little confused until now.

What happened? Why am I sitting here?

It feels a little unreal.

Leandro Ferrere recalled the bullying he suffered in the human world, and now, he has everything he wants, power, power, beauties, and wealth.

Especially beauties, he has no shortage.

Leandro Ferrere turned his head to look at the more than one hundred female elves guarding around him, and swallowed involuntarily.

The loyalty to the three black dragon majesties has risen sharply again.

It's not that he wants to betray the human world, but that everything he wants is here.

And he also consciously believes that he is the hope of the human world.

Now the Dragon Alliance is in full swing, and the combined power of more than seventy legends can push an aspect of the human world at any time.

On the human side, because of the uneven distribution of benefits, there are many contradictions, and there are all kinds of legendary powerhouses all over the world, which hinders their hands and feet.

They are difficult to hold together.

And their lifespan is too short, even if it is legendary, it is only a thousand years.

In the dark swamp, even the dark legend with the shortest life span can live for five or six thousand years. If he is given the blood of the dragon clan, this number can be multiplied by four or five times.

It can be said that even if the dragon alliance does nothing at this time, just stay in the dark swamp and wait for a thousand years, it can still kill those human legends outside.

As for the human legends in the outside world, most of them were actually born after eating dragon meat after sneak attacking the dragon.

And giant dragons are long-lived species, and there are not a few giant dragons with a lifespan of thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

Killing half of the giant dragons is actually equivalent to destroying half of the extraordinary resources accumulated by the giant dragons over tens of thousands of years. Only in this way can so many legendary human beings and so many legendary weapons be born.

The extraordinary resources that were born in the mainland for thousands of years are just a fraction of the resources accumulated by the giant dragon for tens of thousands of years.

Such a small amount of extraordinary resources is simply not enough to give birth to too many human legends.

Thousands of years later, when the human legends of the older generation are dead, there will be forty or fifty human legends in the outside world, which is already the result of their hard work.

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