Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 133 Powerful Army

As long as you can fight them desperately regardless of your own lives, the winning rate is still very high!

The legendary saint Delia smiled and said.

Fourteen human legends began to look around.

What a joke, they are legends, and there are still hundreds of years of good life they haven't enjoyed, so how could they sacrifice their lives because of a battle.

Not to mention that even if this battle is won, there is not much benefit, let alone if it is lost.

As a legend, they don't care about the casualties of ordinary soldiers. As long as the extraordinary casualties are not large, they will be able to pull countless troops from the grassland tribes in a few years.

A defeat is a defeat, and it's not like they haven't been defeated before.

As long as their own lives are still alive, nothing else is a big deal.

How is it possible to want them to fight the dark legend on the opposite side?

And the last time they fought a dragon to death, they lost a few legends here, and the benefits were all taken by the legends in the middle and east. Their anger has not subsided yet.

Isn't it funny to want them to fight the dragon desperately now?

They don't want to do things that are not good.

Looking at this group of legends looking left and right, Delia sighed, she knew it would be like this.

The current legend is getting harder and harder to fool around, since the group of guys in the middle and east borders, through instigation and other distribution of benefits, let the legends in the north and south borders desperately exchange lives with the giant dragon. After the lives of a few giant dragons, but not much benefit.

Most of the living Southern and Northern legends have become quite shrewd.

If it is good for them, they will go, if it is not good for their lives, they will turn around and run away.

Everyone was afraid that they would be tricked by others.

The dozen or so northern legends who abandoned millions of troops without even fighting are the best examples.

Manuel looked at the legendary saint who looked a little disappointed because they looked around.

He smiled awkwardly and said, We won't lose this battle no matter how we fight. We are cavalry, and we can leave at any time if we can't fight!

Drag can drag the opponent to death!

As long as we don't go head-to-head with the opponent's Extraordinary Legion, we still have a good chance of winning!

It's not that you haven't chopped those dark creatures. Even if they are full, their morale will be like that. It will collapse after a little beating.

All the legends of the nomads nodded one after another, agreeing very much with what their boss said.

Isn't that the reason? Except for the seven extraordinary legions, the morale of ordinary dark creatures is simply not comparable to that of humans.

That being the case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The worst is just running away. With their speed and running experience, and the densely packed cannon fodder of more than 2.5 million, the safety of Xiao Minger is still very guaranteed.

Seeing his brothers regained their confidence.

Manuel waved his hand and said, Order the group of third-tier tribal nobles under your command to act according to the plan.

Tell them, who screwed up? I'll screw their heads off with my own hands!


The lords of the twelve legendary tribes responded one after another.

Afterwards, thousands of cavalry rushed out of the city and sent messages to the surrounding tribes.

Seven or eight days later, more than 2.5 million cavalry legions were divided into hundreds of units, with 10,000 people as a unit, rushing towards the attacking dark race army like a tide.

On the undulating grassland, densely armed dark creatures formed one after another scattered army formations.

Under the command of countless dark nobles and dark heroes, step on the ground and walk forward.

On the ground, the sound of shaking continued, and one after another, heavily armored ogre trolls in iron armor walked at the forefront of the queue.

They hold giant maces, giant sabers, and giant axes. They are three meters tall and their whole bodies, even their eyes, are covered with barbed wire. Not an inch of skin is exposed, and they can be called walking steel giants.

In order to arm this group of main forces, with a big wave of his hand, Ace modified all the more than one million sets of armor seized on the battlefield and put them on them as the absolute main force.

As the heavy armored infantry stepped on the ground step by step, the ground shook continuously, and the rumbling vibrations in the ground could be felt from a long distance away.

Behind the heavy armored infantry, there are 100,000 elf archers neatly arranged. They formed a neat one-line formation, followed closely behind the ogre troll heavy armored infantry, ready to provide them with firepower at all times support.

As for the Orc Legion and the Goblin Kobold Legion, they are the most numerous existences, all wearing leather armor, holding spears or shields in their hands, hugging each other tightly, staring at their red eyes, ready to fight ahead at any time. military exploits.

Gulu Gulu took a big sip of the fruit juice and looked at the endless 3 million dark army that finally looked like an army.

Ace grinned from ear to ear, and said, These guys are finally not a bunch of rabble, and finally they didn't waste the weapons and armor I distributed to them!

After several wars, under the policy of absolute militarization and his blood sacrifice bonus field, the subjective fighting will of the dark creatures under him is quite positive.

In order to gain more military merits, the lower-level commanders of tens and centurions worked very hard to regulate their troops, allowing them to train and deploy like the human army.

During the march from the northern border of the dark swamp to the southern border for more than half a year, needless to say, the cannon fodder army was a little tidier than before.

But the 1.55 million military merit recipients who have already obtained military merit have already achieved great results in this regard.

If you look at it vertically, it is a line, and if you look at it from the left, it is a line. Although they still can't make it out, the army formation that can barely be seen is not a big problem.

Among the dark creatures, except for kobolds and goblin goblins and other naturally weak creatures, most of the dark creatures exist like trolls, ogres, harpies, tauren, etc. Their Physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people.

The reason why they couldn't beat humans in the past was because their weapons were far inferior to humans, and they couldn't list any military formations, so they were hanged and beaten by humans again and again.

But now among the group of guys under him, the weapons are already excellent. Even the goblin kobolds have a set of leather armor on their bodies, and some even wear two sets of leather armor.

As the main force, the ogre troll hoplite army was armed to the teeth with steel, a proper group of steel giants.

With their three-meter-tall bodies, they could knock a cavalryman to the ground with a stick.

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