Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 112 The Dawn of Victory

Just when Ace had the absolute upper hand, sixteen other legendary kings also came to their battlefield.

Looking at the 100-meter-long dark creature formed by the seven extraordinary ace legions in front of them, they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

How could a country-level legion like the Extraordinary Army, which could only be supported by an empire, be supported by those dark races who were so poor that they only had a pair of trousers left.

This is simply a fantasy, the river began to flow backwards.

Facts are facts, however, and they have to deal with this extremely powerful lineup.

What should we do? We are the only ones who can't compete with those extraordinary legions that can compete with the demi-artifact winners.

There are still two elves and a giant war tree over there, this battle cannot be fought.

The few of us rushing up are definitely not enough for the opponent to fight. Don't forget that there are two giant dragons hiding in the dark. They will be attacked by them, and they will not be able to escape even if they want to.

The legendary king Kimberly Haber frowned and spoke irritably.

Originally, he wanted to kill or drive away the poor dark legend who didn't even have a piece of legendary equipment with lightning speed, and then rushed to support their boss.

As a result, I looked up, let alone killing those dark legends or escaping, the few of them rushed up and didn't know if they could come back alive.

This is a fart.

Legendary king Nikas Arndt kept his attention on his brother Nikolai Basovna.

Looking at the distance being regarded as a ping pong ball, he rushed forward desperately, and then was slapped to the ground by the giant dragon or directly slapped the brother who had no side, Nicola Basso was completely beaten husband.

He slipped.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but that the opponent is too strong.

The opponent not only has a legendary and extraordinary army that can fight with demi-artifact acquirers, but also has three elves that can fight with them.

There are also two giant dragons hidden in the dark.

And judging by their aggressive appearance, they are not the ones who are afraid of death.

The existence of the three elves looked at them with eyes like a sea of ​​blood and hatred. There were many people fighting their lives on the opposite side, their combat power was much higher than theirs, and their numbers were not much different from them.

There is simply no way to fight this.

The legendary king Nikas Arndt endured the anger in his heart and said: We are doomed to fail in this war, and there is nothing to fight. I don't want to die here, because of the group of Eastern legends soaked in honeypots. contribute.

Don't forget that there are still seven or eight legends of the Frost Giant family watching behind us. If a few die here, do we still want our country?

Nikas Arndt inspired the approval of fourteen other legendary kings.

When they fought against the Giant Dragon Alliance, the people from the northern border had put in all their strength and lost four or five legends. Countless people died in battle. In the end, all the benefits were taken up by the people from the eastern border.

Relying on a lot of money, a lot of equipment, a lot of legends, a large number of people, and strong national strength, they insisted on occupying most of the warm but not humid plain basin areas in the central part, and they ate a lot of fat.

And what about them? Looking at the fact that they are still fighting against that group of frost giants every day, you can see what kind of life they are living now.

The northern ice field is not a good place for human survival. Not only are there various powerful ice field beasts entrenched, but there are also many overlord-level races such as frost giants.

If you want to expand, you have to use the strength of your old nose.

They also want to live in the warm and suitable plains and basins in the south, but the rich guys in the middle and east regions keep them out of the warm and comfortable areas.

They may kill occasionally, rob a few kingdoms and take revenge a few times, but in order to restrain their expansion, those guys will quickly gather troops when they occupy the territory, and then come together to drive them back.

Not only them, but also the grassland nomads in the south are the same as them. Most of the territories they occupy are deserts and Gobi. There are not many good places. The country firmly blocked it, and could only vent their anger by slaughtering a few small human kingdoms in their territory occasionally.

It can be said that after driving the dragon out, the humans who benefited the most are the humans in the middle and east regions. They have taken up the land rich in food and magic resources. The humans in the north and the nomadic humans in the south are only Can go to occupy those sites that don't have much oil and water.

Now it is too inappropriate for them to help those filthy rich guys to block the knife of this giant dragon.

It's still necessary to let them taste the fear of the dragon attack again, besides, there is no need to risk their lives here.

And it's not that they don't want to fight, but that the guys on the opposite side are too powerful, they can't fight at all.

If you still fight when you can't fight, isn't your brain flooded?

woo woo woo woo!

With the determination of the sixteen legendary kings together, in order to stop the loss in time, the horn of retreat was sounded.

On the battlefield with a radius of hundreds of miles, countless human warriors who were fighting with the dark creatures began to retreat rapidly.

Eyes These people are about to run away, and the morale of countless dark creatures is instantly bursting, all of them staring at the red eyes, chasing and killing them frantically.

Seven giant dark creatures with a height of 100 meters slowly advanced on the ground, and large numbers of human warriors who had not had time to retreat were slaughtered piece by piece.

On the shoulder of the 100-meter giant ogre, Tia Michael looked at the dozen or so human legends retreating in the distance, and couldn't hold back their hatred.

We just watched them go!

Tia Michael's tone was full of unwillingness, and he clearly had the absolute upper hand. On their side, there were seven dark and extraordinary legions led by dark legends.

If the opponent doesn't run away, they can all be left behind.

Tia Lydia said with some pity: The extraordinary army led by a legend is powerful, but the speed is too slow.

I can't catch up with them at all!

If you abandon the legion to pursue, those dark legends are not the opponents of the sixteen human legends who are armed to the teeth.

One human legend can fight three or four dark legends, and we will be the ones to catch up and be defeated.

Occupying an absolute advantage, Tia Lydia of course wanted to keep all the sixteen human legends to avenge her people.

But this is the reason why the extraordinary army has not become the mainstream of the world. The speed is too slow. As long as the legend wants to run, can a slow army catch up to the opponent?

As long as the other party doesn't want to work hard, they can run at any time if they want to run.

Of course, compared to the speed of running, no one is as good as the dark legends. They have run past countless times after losing battles, and their running experience is extremely proficient.

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