Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 109 The Orcs Attack

A dozen or so legends were silent.

As old fritters who have lived for hundreds of years or even before, although they don't see many such scenes, they have experienced a few.

Therefore, it is not surprising to most of them. It is their legends that can really determine the outcome of the battlefield.

As long as you can defeat or kill all the legends on the opposite side, the morale on the other side will definitely drop, and victory will naturally come at your fingertips.

As for why they didn't rely on their legendary strength alone to defeat each other, but brought this tens of millions of troops.

This is of course because the legend is also tiring. The army on the opposite side formed an army formation and rushed forward densely. Although the legend cannot be killed, it is easy to hold the legend and consume the opponent's physical strength and magic power.

Once other legends join in midway, a sneak attack will come from time to time, it will be fatal.

Not to mention that human beings are experts in large-scale war equipment, send a few people to surround them, and then use large-scale war equipment to launch a sneak attack.

Just like when the elves attacked Elena in a sneak attack, they crippled her in one wave and almost lost her capture. That is the real injustice.

It's different if there is an army. The army is mighty and mighty, what are the traps? When the army kills them, the opponent will definitely be exposed. With precautions, it will not be so easy to sneak attack.

And there are army guards, if you can't beat the opponent, you can use the army as cannon fodder to hold the opponent down, and then run away by yourself.

There is a world of difference in the strength and security that erupts between a legend without an army and a legend with an army.

Therefore, most legends will not allow themselves to fall into siege.

Like Elena, there are really a small number of people who kill the younger brother alone before rushing up to block all the traps.

Even if the dark legends were extremely reckless, they charged with a group of third-order dark nobles, not alone.

The sun rose to the highest point in the sky, under the blinding sunlight.

Countless human beings lined up in a relatively neat formation, like an unstoppable steel forest, advancing step by step.

Goblins, kobolds, goblins, etc., dark creatures with very weak combat effectiveness, are swallowed by the opponent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As time went by, a large area of ​​the first echelon of dark creatures began to move towards the two sides. While they struggled against the human slaughter, they squeezed hard to the two sides.

The frontmost troops of the human beings have entered the interior of the dark creatures of the first echelon for more than ten miles, and are slowly approaching. The second echelon, the goatmen, tauren, snakemen and other more powerful dark creatures.

Your Majesty has orders, kill!

Dozens of dark nobles in armor stood in the open space in front of the second step, pointing their weapons at the human legion that was about to break out of the first step and roared.


Stimulated by the smell of blood, the second-order army of millions of dark creatures, who were restless and eager for war, was stimulated by dozens of dark nobles, and their morale soared instantly.

One by one howled and rushed forward.

The Tauren exhaled white air from his nostrils, holding thick bone sticks in his hands, and rushed forward like a wild bull. Wherever he passed, the earth trembled, as if hundreds of thousands of cavalry were slapping the ground with their iron horses. Deafening and overwhelming.

The snake people hold a sharp knife in their hands, and the black venom is attached to the knife, like an assassin swimming quickly on the ground, always ready to attack the opponent.

The sharp fangs of the leopard man stood out, and the sharp claws shone coldly. They were frantic, and they landed on all fours, rushing forward like wild beasts.



In the army formation, a human warrior with a height of 1.9 meters and a hammer in his hand knocked out the brains of a panicked goblin with one hammer.

The goblin's body fell.

The human warrior shook off the blood on the hammer, and roared involuntarily in the extreme excitement: This is the twenty-fifth dark creature I have killed.

Who else wants to be my dead soul and become my glory.

Clang! Clang!

The sledgehammer hit the shield in his hand, and the human warriors leaned on the shield and quickly gathered the scattered companions around, showing off while maintaining their formation.

Big beard, what's there to show off? As long as these things don't run away, I can kill thirty of them by myself.

A short human warrior held a shield, quickly kicked down a goblin, and chopped off the goblin's head with a single knife, saying somewhat dissatisfied.

Little dwarf, get out of here!

With your small body, I can beat ten goblins by myself. If you can chop off thirty, I can smash the heads of a hundred goblins.

The grumpy, bearded human warrior, retorted unceremoniously.

While chatting, they rushed forward and killed countless dark creatures. Their army is not far from killing the dark creatures and the last dark creatures in the first echelon.

Along with hundreds of goblins, the kobolds fell.

Their vision was clear, and they saw a thousand meters ahead, densely packed with countless Tauren, Snakeman, and Goatman rushing towards them howling.

The earth trembled, and looking around, they couldn't see the end of them at all.

Defend, defend, the orcs in front rush over!

Seeing so many dark creatures rushing towards them, the bearded man roared frantically.

However, it was too late at this time. In order to kill the weak dark creatures such as goblins, kobolds, goblins and so on, their formation was not as tight as it was when they first entered the battlefield.

In a hurry, it is impossible to gather together.


The tauren noble took the lead, and a huge meteor hammer was thrown out by him. The power of nearly a hundred tons was contained in this big meteor hammer.

Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump!

The meteor hammer slammed into the scattered human formation, and the dozen or so people in front were smashed into a pile of flesh and blood in an instant by the meteor hammer.

Where the shock wave swept across, dozens of people were knocked into the sky by the powerful force, wailing everywhere, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Moo! Moo!

Fellows, let these humans experience the power of our tauren.

Moo! Moo! Moo!

The roar of the bull resounded throughout the world, and countless tauren entered the human army through the gap opened by the tauren nobles.

Bone sticks, cow hooves, cow feet, all the weapons that could be attacked were used by them, and the loose human army was defeated.

All of a sudden, dozens of human legions in front were beaten and retreated steadily.

Seeing the benefits, kobolds, goblins, goblins and other dark creatures who are afraid of death also have the courage, so they don't run away, and turn their heads to kill.

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