Chapter 1: Phase 2
"Hey, he's waking up." A ginger haired short girl, with green eyes says as she wakes up her sleeping friend. "Huh, oh hey, hey, how are you?" The white haired and purple eyed girl, jerks up and runs to the bedside of the waking Myles. He groans and almost jumps out his bed shocked by the sight of the beauty before him so close to him. "Who are you!" His sudden outbursts startled her, her reaction was incongruous to her intimidating stature. Myles found it strangely cute and so he smiled. Lia, the white haired beautiful giant blushed, Myles' smile caught her off guard. "I'm glad you're ok, but can you not look at me like that?" She says, as she looks away shy. "Hey prig, she's way out of your league don't even think about it." The short blondie says as she comes between their sights. "My name is Kaelen and that beauty, is my younger sister. So, I'm gonna need you to stop that." "Wait, wait who are you and why am I here? I thought I was on a morning jo... hey where are my clothes?" Myles confuzzled says.
"You mean those rags over there?" Lia says as she looks in the direction of his track suite and boxers, they are neatly folded and on a chair behind her. "You were soaked in blood I'm honestly shocked you are still alive." Myles finally realizes he is covered head to toe in bandages. He remembers he is naked again. "Couldn't you have at least left the boxers on?" He says in frustration as he pulls the blanket over his body as if being stared at perversely. Lia turns away flustered by the situation and crouches into a ball. "Eeek!" "Where's the fun in that?" Kaelen, closing the distance between them and whispering in his ear. Lia almost as if on instinct pulls her sister away, maybe a little too hard. Her sister flies and crashes into the wall and even falls through it. Lia puts her hand over her mouth in shock of what she had done. Just before Lia could apologies, there is a loud bang, and the room is covered with dust.
"Don't forget I'm your older sister." Kaelen says with a rather cold tone. She appears a little different though, some of the strands of her long silky blonde hair on her forehead, are now curly and ginger, her face more mature contrast to her usual playful look. Her right foot presses on her sister's left bust, it causes her to let out a soft moan. "I'm sorry I really didn't mean it, lost control." Lia looks away from her sister defeatedly. Soon after a rather concerningly mischievous smile drew across Kaelen's face. Oh, you're sorry huh? Nah, I'm not going to take your sorry, if you are truly sorry you will accept my punishment. Just then a jet black haired girl, blue eyes, fair skin, chubby cheeks a slender but well endowed body and a majestic aura appeared behind the girls.
"What is all this commotion, I thought you were to be tending to his wounds, Kaelen?! Why must you take every opportunity to get new victims for your experiments, she is your younger sister. " Kaelen's hair turns back to normal "Oh come on sis I wasn't actually going to do anything, just wanted to shake her up a bit." The lady let out a small laugh, I know, but you mustn't bully her when she's vulnerable. The conversing pair start to giggle and then the lady disappears. Myles is completely dumbfounded and even more so confused by his situation, because of what just occurred before him. "Is this some kind of sick joke, or a dream? Either way I want out." He says frustrated in his head, he doesn't have the guts to say it out loud. The girls, were as far as he was concerned either super human or not human at all. He also noticed the lady that came in earlier had two blue horns on her head.
Myles suddenly realizes he didn't get an answer to his questions, "Hey weirdos, where are we and what happened to me?" Lia and Kaelen look at him baffled, and then Kaelen starts, "Oh my, you really don't remember do you?" "Remember what." Myles says frustrated, then he continues, "The last thing I remember is going through a different route than I usually do on my early morning jog." Suddenly a sharp pain hits his head, "Aaagh!" He holds his head in pain, the pain seems to get more intense and like a bolt of lightning, Lia moves to his side and embraces him almost like a mother for her child, Myles was disappointed but enjoyed the attention. A green light suddenly covered his head, and as the pain eased....."I....I remember, wait you guys thought I was a beast all this time? How couldn't you tell I was human?" The two girls looked at him and asked simultaneously ,"Human?" Kaelen takes over, "Oh, you mean the mouth breathers from earth. Well my friend you aren't on earth. I honestly thought the creatures you should probably remember were a dead give away " Myles now more scared confused and panicked, "Wait those were real?" Lia chuckled, and looked away as when they both looked her way.
Kaelen smiles, "Well, this is over due but welcome to Phase 2"