Black beard, the filial son of the pirate

Chapter 60 The Injured Mermaid

Chapter 60 The Injured Mermaid

On the ruins, Tiqi sat there watching a few slave traders, trying desperately to please himself.

"Caffy Whitman is about to be beaten to death, won't you help him?" Teach asked.

"Hehe, my lord, we are not his subordinates, it's just that there are people behind his most powerful, we don't want to fight with him."

Among these few people, a big fat man stood out more and more. He had a big belly full of jewels, and his smile was as bright as a chrysanthemum.

The person who has been pressing on their heads is about to die, and they are all full of joy. How could they fight the Whitebeard Pirates for each other.

They all want Kaffi Whitman to die quickly and die cleanly.

"Is this a gift for me?" Tiqi glanced at several large suitcases, and visually estimated that there was a [-] million Bailey.

"Yes, this is our gift to you, my lord!"


Tiki watched the murlocs slaughtering humans in the distance, and asked in a calm tone
"We want to get your protection. It would be best if you could introduce us to the great pirate Whitebeard."


Tiqi pulled out the revolver inlaid with sapphires from his belt, and shot the opponent in the shoulder casually.


"Yes, yes, let's go!"

Even though he was shot, his shoulder was dripping with blood, but the fat man's expression didn't change at all, and he kept smiling all the time.

While speaking, he lay down on the ground and started rolling.

The slave traders who were with him also had smiles on their faces and rolled on the ground like him.

During the chaotic battle, the few people didn't care about the ruins on the ground, and they didn't care about the jewels all over their bodies.

Rolling all the way back to their respective slave exchanges, the scene looked rather funny.

Tiqi stood up, smiling and watching these people perform hard in front of him.

These people were not really looking for his protection, let alone seeing Whitebeard, their purpose was just to confirm whether they would also be wiped out.

"These money, you share."

He casually said to the members of the second team around him that he doesn't care about money when he is not in charge of the family. There are so many people in the second team, and they don't get much for one point.

Tiqi restrained his smile and strode towards the murlocs.




Without mercy, he knocked down all the murlocs with one punch.


The last punch was given to Aaron, smashing him into several broken walls.

"What do you want to do?"

"Isn't it okay to do such a little thing?"

Tiqi grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up, and asked coldly.

From the very beginning, his knowledgeable attitude was to monitor the audience, knowing that the murlocs were out of control, he ignored his words, and took advantage of the chaos to attack all the slave exchanges.

Although under the stop of Whitebee, some changes have been made, but it is inevitable that there are still murlocs who are irrational and arbitrarily abusing humans.

He brought them here to avenge and show force, not to bring them here to pretend to be superior and look down on humans.

"Do you think the murloc is better than me? Do you think the murloc is superior to others?"

The future Aaron is a racist outright, and even with his influence now, he still has this tendency to some extent.

This phenomenon is not good, and it must be suppressed thoroughly. Tiqi is a human being, how can he tolerate his younger brother looking down on human beings.

"No, absolutely not!" Aaron looked sluggish, but his tone was firm, and he directly denied it.

"Tichi, Aaron didn't mean that. He probably just watched his compatriots suffer and lost control for a while. After that, he was also desperately trying to stop those crazy murlocs."

Noticing that Wadibe here hurried over to dissuade her, she was really worried that Tiki would kill Aaron in a moment of anger.

That will undoubtedly affect the future plans, after all, it is said that the responsibility will be taken over within 10 years.

During the time in the fish-man island, she watched Tiqi try hard to punch the murlocs one by one, and if she killed Aaron now, most of the previous efforts would be wasted.

"Ticky, forget it." Wei Dibei took his arm, trying to get him to put Aaron down.

He didn't want to kill Aaron at first, but just wanted to teach him a lesson, so he happened to go down the donkey along the slope.

"Don't let me down again!"

Tiqi turned around and looked at the murlocs lying on the ground, and said loudly: "Humans and murlocs are equal, don't think about being superior."

Below him, all beings are equal!
And he, sitting alone on the cloud!
The fighting ceased, and except for a few slightly damaged buildings around, everything else was flattened and turned into ruins.

Tiki leaned on a recliner, and on a small table at hand, there were some fresh melons and fruits, barbecue wine and drinks.

These were provided by those few surviving slave traders.


Oden took an unknown melon, bit it into pieces, the juice flowed out from the corner of his mouth, he wiped it off with his sleeve carelessly.

"Hahaha, Tiki, you still enjoy it." He said, picking up another piece of barbecue.

"Oden, you are too rude." Ah Shi reminded in a low voice.

She noticed that Becky looked at her husband dangerously, and the reason was, as expected, the melon and barbecue.

Becky was sitting on Tiki's lap lying down, seriously dealing with the food on the small table.

No accident, Kaffi Whitman was beaten to death by Becky. Facing an attack that was heavier than a punch, Kafei Whitman couldn't bear it at all.

His pitiful armor was exhausted in a short while, and his physical body resisted a punch, and he looked like he was about to die.

With the second and third punches, he breathed his last cleanly.

The clouds and mists surrounding here have dissipated, Tiqi looked at the sky wearing a pair of sunglasses, waiting for his subordinates to report the situation to him.

In the slave exchange they destroyed, many people were rescued.

Ordinary humans let them leave the island on their own, these tamed humans are useless.

Although obedient, but has no blood.

Except for the murlocs, there are basically no other species. Who made this place the closest to the murloc island, not focusing on the murlocs and mermaids, but who?
"Brother, what do you think we found?" Jerry shouted happily.

He was not happy because he found anything, but purely because Tiki beat Aaron hard before.

Jerry and a few others carried a large fish tank with a bruised mermaid inside.

Although the spirit of the mermaid was sluggish due to serious injuries, there was a look of determination in her eyes.

Being carried away, she lay quietly in the fish tank, silently looking at the people around her.

The mermaid had also sensed it before, but she didn't expect to be injured so badly.

Looking at this mermaid, the eyes of the surrounding murlocs were full of anger, and the eyes of Ah Shi and Whitey Bei were also full of pity.


If you have done something, you must do it well. The murlocs are here to save their compatriots and take revenge. Now that the mermaid is rescued, this operation can be regarded as a perfect success.

The previous beating was a prestige, but now saving this mermaid is considered a kindness.

"Tichi, is the battle over?" Marco descended from the sky, with two wings transformed into blue flames behind him.

He's still holding a ringing phone bug in his hand, and Teach was calling him just now.

"It just so happens that you are here, hurry up and heal this mermaid's injuries."

Marco vibrated his wings and flew over the fish tank, observing the seriously injured mermaid.

"The injury is serious, the wound is complicated, and troublesome!" Marco said solemnly.

There were criss-cross whip wounds, injuries from sharp objects, and a brand mark on the shoulder.

I don't know if that Kaffi Whitman is out of his mind. After getting such a treasure that can be sold for a lot of money, he would waste it like this if he didn't cherish it.

If these injuries were the rough guys on the boat, it would be easy to deal with. The fruit ability will speed up the recovery, and the injuries will be stabilized soon.

But this is a beautiful mermaid, if he recklessly forcibly restores the injury, the mermaid will hate him afterwards.

If you don't debride the wound, you will definitely leave a bunch of hideous scars. At that time, your life will be saved and people will be useless.

"I need to take her back to the boat. Her wound needs to be carefully cleaned." Marco leaned down and stretched out his arm to the mermaid in the fish tank.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a doctor, I won't hurt you, your injury needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, so please let me help you."

Marco's voice was very soft, his expression was gentle, and his movements were gentle and slow, so as not to scare the mermaid in front of him.

At this moment, the pineapple-headed boy had initially shown a gentle, reliable, and stable appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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