Black beard, the filial son of the pirate

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Page Island, this island, is very inconspicuous in the New World.

It is a small island with a population of no more than [-], and it belongs to the government-affiliated country.

The Moby Dick is moored at the port of Page Island.

"The pirates are here!"

"Run! It's the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"The great pirate Whitebeard is here!"

Whitebeard led the team, most of the people got off the boat, and the rest stayed on board.

As soon as the ship approached, all the people on the shore ran away, and the prestige of the Whitebeard Pirates was evident.

"I will go directly to the palace of this country, and you all form a team to find a doctor who can deliver the baby!"

With an order, Whitebeard took a group of sons to the very center of the island, the tallest and most magnificent building in his knowledge and perception.

"This country is very polarized!" Saatchi sighed, looking at the people around him.

The road they are walking now is beautifully built, surrounded by flowers, extending from the port to the center of the island.

Around this road, you can see some civilians in shabby clothes, with gray eyes and numbness to life.

Even when they saw this group of people, who were extremely powerful and terrifying, they didn't respond.

He just stared blankly at the ground, obviously wandering not far away, but dared not approach this road.

The appearance of these people was in stark contrast to this clean and tidy road, which was neatly paved with floor tiles.

"Where is this not the case? The strong control everything, and the weak can only wait for the pity of others." Tiqi said ruthlessly, looking at those walking corpses with disdain.

The island is not big, and everyone walked along this road, all the way to a city wall.

It can be imagined that this city wall represents the line that divides the island into two levels.

The people inside the wall live a worry-free life and are well-clothed and well-fed.

People outside the wall can only live one day at a time, struggling painfully in despair.

There is a world of difference between the inside and the outside of the walls.

"What do you want?"

"We are a member of the world government and are protected by the navy. We have notified the navy. It is too late for you to leave now."

On the city wall, someone shouted, but the shouter didn't even dare to show his head.


Without any nonsense, Whitebeard punched out, opening a big hole in the city wall.

"You form a team and act separately. Whoever finds a doctor who can deliver the baby first will return directly to the Moby Dick."

After the white beard finished speaking, he strode towards the palace of this country, and everyone separated in twos and threes.

As for whether these people are really looking for a doctor wholeheartedly, or taking advantage of this opportunity to grab a fortune, no one cares.

There are hundreds of people in the team, each with different personalities, not to mention thousands of strange, hundreds of strange people are definitely enough, it can be said that there are all kinds of people.

In the face of temptation, there will always be people who cannot control their desires.

The Whitebeard Pirates, this is a pirate group, even if their behavior is not cruel, they are still pirates, and robbery is normal.

In this small town, those who consider themselves civilized have directly entered the jungle world because of the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The weak eat the strong!

The people inside the wall oppress those outside the wall, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates rob those inside the wall.

"Tichi, where are we going to find it?" Sage asked.

Before he could answer, an excited voice came.

"Brother Tiqi, Brother Saatchi, we found a manor that occupies a huge area. It seems to be a great nobleman in this country. Come with us to find a doctor there!"

This man was also a member of the ship, the son of Whitebeard, who was older than Titch and joined earlier than Titch.

But he still called Tiqi the eldest brother. Although everyone is a family, it is not really based on age. The status of the strong is high!
This principle is common everywhere, even the Whitebeard Pirates, who claim to be a family.

True equality cannot exist, even among blood relatives, there are older brothers and younger brothers, elders and younger generations.

"Come and help us, without the leadership of the big brothers, we are not sure to win that manor."

This person belongs to the kind of person who can't resist the temptation and wants to take advantage of the chaos to grab a fortune.

Titch despises this kind of person, not because he rejects looting, but because he thinks this kind of behavior is very low-end.

In the era of the Four Emperors in the future, the big pirates will be the kings, and the pirates are actually warlords.

These warlords are the reduced world government. The four emperors collected protection fees and gave a banner, which is similar to the model of the world government.

But one is regular and the other is wild.

"Saqi, you go, the noble's family should find a doctor, and there can't be any delay at Ah Shi, you can't just rely on the old man."

"They are not armed yet. Once they are fired by guns, there will definitely be casualties. Take them with you." Tiqi was too lazy to participate in this kind of thing and said perfunctorily.

"Then you alone be careful!" Saqi exhorted.

As long as Tiqi doesn't kill himself and doesn't let the army on the island surround him, he will be fine.

Watching Sage lead a few people away, he was alone, wandering aimlessly in this chaotic city.

People in well-dressed clothes kept running past him, but he didn't care.

Occasionally, someone would run into him in a panic, and he would punch him mercilessly and knock him away.

From time to time, it can be seen that when the people on the ship are fighting with the army of this country, Tiqi will take action to help them solve their opponents.

After more and more companions gathered behind him, he directly drove these people away. He didn't want to take these people to find some doctors, and he didn't want to rob them in the name of finding a doctor.

Tiqi didn't bother to find any doctor. In his opinion, Ah Shi could give birth without a doctor who delivered the baby, but the process might be more painful.

Certainly not dead, after all, Marco is there.

Anyway, it's not his wife, so he's not in a hurry, just put on a show.

Strolling along the way, Tiqi noticed a winery on the side of the street and smashed the closed gate casually.

After entering, you can see that on the wine rack, bottles of high-end wine are neatly arranged.

The labels on them are worth hundreds of thousands of Baileys at every turn, which proves that these drinks are worth a lot.

"Who are you?" a cowering voice asked.

This is the owner of the winery. In this country, he can be regarded as a master. Everyone inside the wall is a master to those outside the wall.

But facing Tiqi, he only dared to hide behind the counter and ask.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Tiqi asked instead of answering him.

He casually picked up a bottle of wine and uncorked it, and drank the bottle in one gulp. It tasted more mellow than the rum he used to drink on the ship, but unfortunately it was not strong enough.

The limp wine that these civilized scum drank was not for him.

"My lord, I don't have anything to eat. You can drink whatever I want, as long as you don't kill me."

"If you want to eat, there is a restaurant on the street next to me. It is the best restaurant in this country, and even the king frequents it."

The boss shrank behind the counter, chose to harm others without hesitation, and said in a respectful tone.

I chose a bottle of spirits again and walked to the next street.

He was really a little hungry. He and Vista were the ones who controlled the ship while sailing in the storm. It was difficult for ordinary members of the ship to move about on the deck in that kind of storm.

As the owner of the winery said, the best restaurant on the island is easy to find, and the door is decorated gorgeously, which can be seen at a glance.


"You untouchable, how dare you!"

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw a hole in the door of the restaurant.

Gunshots could be heard from inside the door, and a man's screams could be heard.

A punch smashed the half-remaining door, and when I walked in, I saw a man lying on the ground clutching his chest, his chest collapsed, and blood was spitting out of his mouth.

Beside this man, there were a few people dressed as waiters, each looking at a child opposite them in horror.

The child was dressed in rags and was covered in filth, with long messy and knotted hair. He was obviously not from the wall.

At this time, the child was turning his back to Tiqi, and after he smashed half of the door to make a noise, he immediately turned around, his eyes flickering fiercely, staring at Tiqi viciously like a wild beast.

A look that rushed up at any time and bit him.

 Thank you for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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