Chapter 17: The history
"Why did you stab me?" Haruki asked calmly as he sat before the young man who brought the doctor to his room.
"You killed my brother," the younger man replied without hesitation as he met Haruki's gaze with so much hatred in his gaze.
"Who is your brother?" Haruki asked the young man feeling bored. He tried to keep his hands as clean as possible but with the family he came from, there were instances where staining his hands would be unavoidable as the head of the family.
"My brother's name is Shinya," the young man replied.
Haruki noticed the tears in the young man's eyes as he remembered who Shinya was to him. Shinya was the only person he had dated for more than ten months since he became the head of the family. Shinya was very pleasing to behold just like his younger brother whom Haruki had been with for about five months before the young man stabbed him.
Shinya was warm a complete contrast to the person Haruki had become. He met Shinya less than a year after he became chairman and Shinya was the first man he dated. He found the relationship comfortable as he got what he wanted while the young man's career in the entertainment industry grew. Shinya was respectful, respecting Haruki's boundaries.
Their relationship came to an end when Shinya told Haruki he had feelings for him. Haruki liked the young man for whom he had been while they were together but with the input of feelings, he ended the relationship and they parted ways.
He did not bother to tell the young man himself as he had his assistant handle it and the next time, he heard from the young man was on the news. Shinya was an actor who was quite famous as he was talented since he was a child actor and the news of his death shocked people, he had taken an overdose of sleeping pills alone in his room.
Even with the training Haruki received for years, Shinya's death still shocked him and he was slightly affected by it for a while. When he finally remembered who he was and the responsibility he had, he made up his mind never to remain in a relationship with anyone for more than half a year.
It continued that way and he had already been planning to break up with Shinya's brother, Kotaro before he got stabbed. He leaned backward against the backrest of the sofa feeling completely numb even with the young man's revelation and reminder of his longest relationship.
"You killed my brother!" Kotaro shouted frustrated to see that his brother's name did not cause a change in Haruki's expression. "You took my brother from me. I refuse to believe he committed suicide."
"Your brother killed himself," Haruki told him coldly as though the young man had lost his mind.
"No, he did not. He did not even leave a will."
"He left a will," Haruki replied. He had taken the will from the police before it was added to the list of evidence. Many might think he did to keep his name away from the case but he did it to let the dead rest as the young had confessed his love for Haruki as well as reminiscing on the past with Haruki in his will.
"I will not believe you."
"Then I guess you wish to remain here," Haruki said seriously looking at the young man who had gotten a lot thinner than the last time he saw him obviously from the treatment he had his guard give him while he was locked up.
The young man's eyes flashed with horror but he looked determined not to believe that his brother committed suicide perhaps it was okay for him to blame someone for his brother's death.
"It won't do you any good," Haruki reminded the young man. He did not feel the need to punish the young man any further as he was giving him a chance to avoid falling into the hands of his mentor, the man was waiting to punish the person who almost killed the chairman by the family's rule.
"You killed my brother, I am sure it will make no difference for you to kill me too," the young man laughed in self-pity.
Haruki glanced at his assistant to help him out. His assistant stepped forward and said, "You have a career ahead of you."
"The career I began to get close to you to avenge my brother's death. I would rather die than live with the fact that you are still alive and well," Kotaro continued glaring at Haruki.
Haruki could only pity Shinya for having a brother this foolish as he stood up and walked out of the room. His mentor met his gaze and he nodded before continuing forward.
When Ren joined Haruki in Haruki's study, the smell of blood, filled Haruki's nose as he glanced at the man who waited for Haruki to let him sit like an obedient dog.
"I did not kill him," Ren announced after Haruki gestured to him to sit down.
"Why?" Haruki asked coldly as he met the blank gaze of his mentor.
"I thought . . ."
Haruki's gaze only got colder as he stared into the man's black eyes. The man to trained him to be the leader he is now was even more cold-blooded than Haruki and this made Haruki even more cold-blooded when dealing with the man as though he was trying to match the man's energy without showing any flaw.
"He pleaded for mercy. He swore that he will accept his brother's disappearance and since his an actor under one of our agencies, I thought it won't be good for another good actor to die," Ren replied as respectfully as he could.
"You will take responsibility for whatever comes next with that decision you made," he told the man as he could not trust the Kotaro to keep his words to act appropriately. With a more relaxed tone, he added, "I wonder when you began having mercy."
"It's in my name to do so," Ren replied in a more relaxed tone. Since the discussion about business was done, they became a pair of good friends without age as a barrier.
"Your name which I strongly believe you should change," Haruki laughed slightly. "How about we have a drink? I will return to my apartment tomorrow?"
"Sure thing, sir," Ren agreed immediately.
"How is the mentoring of Yamamoto's son going?" Haruki remembered something and asked.
"He is a tough nut to crack but under my care, the training will be over in a week," Ren replied with a trace of enjoyment.
Haruki who was once mentored by Ren could only imagine what the young doctor was going through with Ren. With that thought, he added, "I want you to do a thorough job with him as he lacks respect."
"I guess I will need two weeks more for the training then."
That pleased Haruki so much that the corners of his lips, slightly curved upward.