(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 22 – …mine!

[System warning! Prepare tissues!]


After a long deep kiss, Vincent finally released Klaye. He proudly smiled while watched the guy under him. His stupefied expression was too funny.

„Breathe!” he laughed.

Klaye took a deep breath and his eyes were unfocused. He felt that he was dreaming. Everything that happened with him was too unbelievable!

Vincent patted his face. „Hey!”

Klaye’s eyes finally focused on his face. „Can I take a shower?”

Vincent looked into his eyes and let him go. „You have 5 minutes!”

Klaye nodded and stood up. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. He tried his best to show that he was calm, but Vincent saw his uneasiness. His red ears and forced walking betrayed him.

Klaye took down his shirt and smelled it. He felt the animals’ odor on it and threw it into the corner. He didn’t know how serious Vincent was about him, but he didn’t want him to have a bad impression about him.

He took down all of his clothes and washed his body thoroughly. Klaye wasn’t sure if Vincent wanted to do it or not, but he didn’t want him to feel disgusted. He knew Vincent had some girlfriends before, but he never saw him touch any men. He was a straight man with a fian- EXfiance!

Klaye did everything he could think to prepare himself and stood in front of the mirror. He watched himself and felt that it would be perfect, if he was a woman. He laughed on this idea and shook his head. He was him, and couldn’t change it.

He left the bathroom and saw Vincent sitting on the bed while playing with his phone. He sat down next to him and waited patiently.

Vincent send out some messages and threw his phone away. He pulled Klaye into the bed and kissed him again.

Klaye hugged his neck and accepted him. The man in front of him was his biggest dream, he didn’t want to make any mistake again. He wanted their body and soul to connect and gave him everything.

Vincent’s hands were big and warm. Every place he touched made Klaye feel his body was on fire. The gentle kisses placed on his cheek, neck, and chest made him feel itchy. Sometimes Klaye felt that it was too much and wanted to push him away. But sometimes it wasn’t enough, he wanted more! He felt these feelings made him crazy.

Vincent did everything slowly and gently. He paid attention to Klaye’s every reaction. He knew the last time he was too overbearing and frightened him. He didn’t want to make any mistake. He caressed and kissed Klaye’s body again and again. When he was sure he didn’t reject him he removed their bathrobes.

He kissed Klaye again and found the bottle under his pillow. Ever since he was reborn and chose to be with Klaye he read a lot about these things and prepared everything that was necessary.

When he was young he accidentally saw a video where two men had sex and it made him feel nausea. But when he took care of Klaye he didn’t felt any disgust. When bathing him he even enjoyed touching his smooth skin. At that time he was confused and couldn’t understand himself. Even since he could remember he hated being touched by men. If it was just handshaking, he could tolerate, but hugging and other things made him sick. Yet he wished to touch Klaye more. He wanted to pamper him and let him be the happiest person in this world. He knew he felt this way because of their previous life. He felt guilty for abandoning him. That’s why he even helped Klaye with his hand when he became excited during one of his bathings. At least that was what he told himself until he looked down and realized his little brother became excited too!

After that incident, he spent days to understand himself. He watched videos and read books, but couldn’t accept it. He felt lost and sat on the edge of Klaye’s bed. He caressed his face and played with his hair. He enjoyed himself and thought about the things he saw and imagined he did it with Klaye... Then his body became hot and ran to take a shower... That day he finally understood, he didn’t like men, he only had feelings for Klaye!

Vincent wiped of Klaye’s tears and watched his lustful eyes. He happily kissed them. Then left kisses on his nose, chin, neck, and slowly went down and separated his legs.

Klaye felt Vincent’s big hands touched him down there and exhaled. He still felt that he was dreaming. This time the felt more real, but he couldn’t forget the fact in his previous dreams he felt this way too until he woke up. And the foreplay this time was too long! He was afraid, he would wake up before they reach the best part...

He saw Vincent opened a little bottle and was confused. He knew what it was, but they never used anything alike before. The cold liquid fell on his skin and his eyes widened. It was too realistic!

Klaye didn’t give out any kind of noise. Even if he was excited he held back his voice. But Vincent worked had down there to prepare him and his fingers finally found that special place.

„Ah!” Klaye’s whole body shivered and he couldn’t hold back his voice anymore.

Vincent smiled. „ Finally I can hear your voice.” He reached his limit a long time before, but he still held back. He didn’t want to hurt the person in his arms.

Klaye felt that place was caressed and closed his eyes. He bit his lips and tried his best to hold back. As a man he felt it was shameful to make those kinds of voices.

The fingers suddenly left his body and he felt the emptiness. He confusedly looked into the man’s eyes.

„Don’t hurt yourself.” Vincent touched his lips and felt distressed. He didn’t want to see Klaye being injured again in this life. He placed gentle kisses on his face and suddenly invaded his body.

Klaye hugged him tightly and cried out from the pain.

„I’m sorry! Just endure it a little more and it’ll be okay.” he kissed him and waited for his body to relax.

Klaye slowly became used to the feeling. He placed his legs around Vincent’s waists and smiled at him. He hugged his neck and gently kissed Vincent’s face. He used this way to let him understood he was okay and they could continue.

Vincent didn’t need more and grabbed his hip. His thrusts slowly became faster and stronger.

Klaye didn’t hold back his voice anymore. He shouted until his voice became hoarse and after some hours he wasn’t able to give out any noise...

After the long exercise, Klaye felt satisfied and fell asleep.

He didn’t know why, but he dreamed about his previous life. Once he met with a businessman who visited his city because of a business trip. That man forgot his wallet in his hotel and couldn’t pay for the taxi. Klaye helped him out and the man promised to pay it back. In that life, he had enough money so he didn’t mind it. He told the man it was okay and forgot it. Yet he didn’t know why he gave him his calling card.

After that incident the man visited his city once every month and called him out to play. They slowly became familiar and spoke more often.

Klaye dreamed about their last meeting. They went into the cinema to watch a movie he was interested in, then the man dragged him into an expensive restaurant to have dinner together. That man always had a lot of stories to speak about, but that night he was surprisingly silent. Klaye was confused and asked him if he had any problems, but he just sighed and shook his head.

After the dinner they walked back to his house. When he wanted to say goodbye the man suddenly held his hand and looked into his eyes. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed. Klaye saw a lot of emotions in his eyes he couldn’t understand but didn’t have the time to think about it. At that time he had some problems with his work and all his attention was on it. That was why he forgot about the kidnapping incident...

In the end, the man told him he would say something to him next time and left. But they never met again. At least Klaye thought that...

Surprisingly the dream didn’t end here, but he followed the man. Klaye didn’t know the man never stayed but went home with his car. He drove for hours until he reached his house. He saw how tired he was, yet he smiled happily. In the next days he followed the man, but the more he saw the sadder he became. He found his pictures in the man’s house and workplace. When the man had free time he read their old messages and smiled.

Klaye felt sad and his heart was sour. He wanted to wake up. He didn’t want to see the man when he found out about his death. But he couldn’t, he was forced to watch everything until the end...

2 days before he was kidnapped he spoke with the man. He couldn’t solve some of his problems and asked for his help. The man was in the middle of a big project, yet promised to help him. Klaye watched him working hard for 4 days and only sleeping 2-3 hours. On the 5th day, he finally solved the problem and called him, but his phone was turned off. The man sighed and send him a message, then every 10 minutes watched his phone if he missed his reply.

Klaye couldn’t hold back anymore and his tears fell. He cried desperately. He wanted to tell him just forget about him, but no difference how loudly he shouted the man couldn’t hear him.

Another 2 days passed, but there wasn’t any reply. The man felt uneasy, but he couldn’t leave. He finally found Klaye’s workplace and called them. When he heard he disappeared days before he couldn’t sit still anymore and went to find him.

The man moved everything, but couldn’t find any clue. He didn’t sleep for days but didn’t stop. He visited the male lead and wanted to ask his help when he noticed something wasn’t right with the female lead. He grabbed her clothes. The woman was frightened and in the end, she told them everything she saw. The man lost his reasons and hit the woman until some bodyguards hold him down. The male lead threw him into the pool and it helped the man to calm down. Then he left without a word.

With the clues he got, he found the kidnappers, but at that time he was almost crazy. He lost his reasons and killed everyone he found in that hideout. But he was late, Klaye was already dead.

The man found the room where Klaye was shut in. He cut the rope around his wrists and gently hugged him. He didn’t care about the smells or the state of the dead body. He slowly caressed his head and back.

Klaye suddenly found that he was in that body. He panicked, but couldn’t move or open his eyes. He felt the warm hug and a gentle voice whispered in his ear.

„Don’t cry, @&=%! I’m here! From now on, no one can hurt you!”

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