[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Riot*

AN: There are times I forget that Chinese novels are soap operas where the most brazenly evil people do bat-shit insane schemes just to get a leg up. I wonder if I should try to do the same in my stories but it's hard~


Chen Guiren drags himself out of his car, listless as he enters the world of light.

He'd spent hours with his dads, who had demanded his presence for some fucking reason. If not for their superior authority over him as his parents, he'd have told them to fuck off and die.

He had to leave his mate because of them!

He loved his fathers as much as a child could but seriously, was some meeting with some random person so important that he had to leave Li Suren by himself? Sure, the omega didn't need him for a while since he was surrounded by the combined scent of both his mates but still!

He couldn't even be bothered to remember that guy's face though he was sure his assistant would tell him later.

Right now, however, he was not in the mood for business. He'd left his dad's house as soon as the sun peeked over the horizon, timing it so he could be there when Li Suren woke up.

That fox was an early riser usually but his heat would give him a few hours to spare.

By the time he arrived at the apartment building, the sun was cresting over the highrises. Yet for some reason, his driver couldn't get into the parking lot.

When he demanded to know why, his assistant glanced back at the sour-faced alpha with apprehension.

"S-sir, there's a crowd blocking the way."

"Then move them!" He snapped, feeling a headache forming behind his eyes. It was too early for this bullshit.

"There are journalists around, sir." He warned, pointing out the window. "It'd be best not to start a scandal by forcing them out. The internet is harder to suppress than traditional media."

Chen Guiren let out a long-suffering sigh. He could suppress scandals but they were a lot more of a hassle than just telling a newspaper to recall their story. It was too early in the morning for him to do all that work.

He just wanted to see Li Suren and cuddle him for however long that stubborn fox would let him.

As such, he stepped out of the car, covering his eyes as he tried to adjust to the change in lighting. Spots of white made him squint as the heavy atmosphere hit him like a wet towel to the face.

He frowned, scenting a large crowd of people outside his building.

Almost all of them were alphas.

He felt a growl rumble in his chest.

While he hadn't fallen into a rut, his mate was in heat so the presence of so many competitors near his fox was making him want to warn them off. To let out a roar that would make these unworthy males scatter like the bugs they were.

Yet he pressed it down, not wanting to cause a scandal after being warned by his dads.

He couldn't ruin his reputation like that.

Suppressing his rage, Chen Guiren stomped through the crowd. Even without looking, those around him knew better than to block his way. A path cleared with each step, the alphas sensing a stranger male amongst them and steering clear.

As he walked, he picked up a few key details.

"You smelled it too, right?"

"I caught the scent from a few blocks over. It had to be an invitation right?"

"Why else would an omega broadcast their scent so blatantly?"

"So why hold up inside? An unmarked omega doing this must mean they want to choose, right?"

"This damn tease, though!"

Chen Guiren could take a guess what was happening from just that but he couldn't catch the omega's scent. The air was heavy with horny alphas and tension. If not for the intimidating guards at the entrance, he was sure they'd have rushed the doors.

Chen Guiren scowled, wondering why the police hadn't arrived. While no one had dared push past the guards, the air was heavy with anticipation. They were all waiting for that one guy to make a move.

Chen Guiren walked until he was stopped by the guards.

"Sir, please refrain from causing any trouble." One of the guards ordered, his tone steely and firm.

A quick sniff told him these guys were beta's. Made sense, since a crowd of this many alphas was bound to make things tense. If an alpha stood there, a riot would occur in minutes.

Still, they wouldn't be a match for a stampede.

"I live here."

They remained resolute. "I apologize sir but we can't allow anyone entry at the moment. Resident or not."

They both knew that was bullshit. They didn't trust him, which was fair but his instincts didn't care about fairness at the moment.

No, he was just angry that some randoms were blocking his path.

Chen Guiren really wanted to stay calm but he couldn't help but release his pheromones. It was unconscious, like letting out a breath after holding it in for so long. He vaguely heard the alphas behind him hiss and growl spitefully.

It was unpleasant to be suppressed by another alpha and while they wanted to assert their dominance, the ingrained hierarchy forced them to step back from the taller man.

The guards, however, didn't flinch.

Yet another reason that it was smart to place them as guards just then.

A sober Chen Guiren would respect them for standing guard fearlessly.

The current Chen Guiren wanted to tear their throats out for blocking his way.

Before things could go awry, a smaller male, a beta passing by behind the entrance spotted him.

"Y-young Master Chen!?" He cried out, looking like his salvation had come. "I've been trying to call you but you never answered."

At this, Chen Guiren frowned.

Where was his phone? He wondered. The last he saw it was in the car, right? Had he left it?

Chen Guiren looked back, only then realizing his assistant wasn't behind him like he'd assumed. Instead, the man was buried in the crowd that had closed in as soon as he passed through. He could vaguely see his assistant holding up his phone above the crowd.

While the man was an alpha himself, not many could push through a crowd this dense easily.

"Ah." He nodded, realizing what had happened.

The beta, the building manager he assumed, ordered the guards to let him in. Ever the professionals, they showed no outward reaction to the order.

"What the hell is going on?" The alpha demanded as soon as they got through the door. The manager flinched.

"A-about that, I can't reveal personal matters of the residents, sir." He stammered as someone came up to him to show him a tablet. "We called because the matter is related to the equipment supplied by your company and-"

"I live here and want to know why the fuck there's a damn riot forming out front!"

The manager blinked with surprise. "Y-you do!? I mean, I didn't realize-"

"Answer my question!"

"I-it would see that someone failed to use the filtered fan system but we can't pinpoint which room it's coming from."

At that, Chen Guiren let out an annoyed growl.

The company he and Li Suren had set up had a lot of products but the specialized ventilation system was one of their main ones. A system they had provided to this apartment at a low price as a test site.

The apartment that Li Suren had chosen was made with Omega's in mind. Since their scent can be quite strong, specialized ventilation systems that keep the scent from escaping to the street are standard. After all, a heat can be like a fever so who doesn't want a fan?

The problem is that the switch to use that specialized fan is a separate system that needs to be flipped manually. It'd be a legal disaster to store the pheromones of tenants after all.

He could now see why the man had been so urgently calling him. If the system failed, it would be bad for any future investors. What was supposed to be an affordable alternative to expensive systems was about to become their first major fuck up.

He did not need more stress!

He just wanted to go home and cuddle with Li Suren in Master's room

But he also knew if he left this matter to fester, Li Suren would never let him live it down. So he had to figure out where it was coming from.

Since every omega living there knew how the system worked, the only reason to use the regular fan was either that the omega was too far in their heat to do it manually or the person who flipped the switch didn't know how to.

With that in mind, he tried to piece together a way to locate the source and-

"Ah, he's awake!" He heard someone shout, the crowd outside getting excited.

He could feel the wave of tension flow through the crowd as they moved just a bit closer. Even his assistant, who had finally reached the entrance, looked a bit dazed as he scented the air. An unmated omega was bound to tempt most alphas.

Even Chen Guiren was mildly tempted to take a sniff but scolded himself. He already had mates. Some dumbass too out of it to flip a simple switch was not even close to worthy of his time.

Just as he was going to follow the manager of the building into his office, the front doors slid open. Perhaps it was due to the brief surge toward the doors or just the wind. Either way, something made the heavy air drift into the lobby where a plethora of beta employees and the lone alpha stood.

Chen Guiren's body went rigid as the scent he'd been yearning for drifted over, sending waves of arousal through his veins. Inexplicable thoughts surged to the forefront as his alpha instincts told him that his mate needed him.

Without a word, Chen Guiren stormed over to the entrance, ignoring his assistant who looked to have realized whose scent it was that was causing the gathering. Whatever expression was on his face, it made the alpha shudder and take a step back.

As he got close to the crowd, those around him quieted down. Their gazes drifted downward, though it was clear they wanted to act just then. Despite this, their survival instincts told them that if they even breathed too loudly, they might not make it.

"All of you!" Chen Guiren called out, his shout echoing with authority and near-suppressed rage. Every eye drifted toward him, even though he was out of sight. "Fuck off, all of you! He's mine."

Li Suren was his fucking omega. The only reason he wasn't bonded was because they needed Master with them. So to see some worthless ants swarm and fester around his omega was sending Chen Guiren into a fit.

If they didn't leave soon, a fight was going to break out and Chen Guiren would be in jail before the sun went down.

His assistant, already calling the alpha's parents since he knew he couldn't dream of stopping a dominant alpha, could only watch as the order went out.

Ah, this was a shitty day!


Meanwhile, Jun Yibai clicked the window fan on, unaware of the chaos he was causing on the ground floor.

Instead, he was wondering how to proceed with the haggard-looking omega staring at him from across the room.

After observing Li Suren, he didn't seem to be sick. There were none of the telltale signs but he was definitely down with something.

Jun Yibai, the beta who had never interacted with an omega in heat, could only conclude that Li Suren had been sick for a while and he'd just caught him at the end stages.

It was as reasonable an explanation that he could come up with.

Either way, he had a clingy, sweaty man from whom he was still waiting for a proper apology.

Had it been Chen Guiren, they could have a short sparring match to clear the air but Li Suren was not that type. He was thin and looked like a small breeze would push him over.

"Sweetie!" Li Suren called out, sounding weirdly... coaxing?

Why did he feel like prey being lulled into a trap all of a sudden?

"What do you need?" He replied, ready to take care of his 'friend'.

"I'm hot." He whined, curling up on the bed. He pouted, looking like a pet begging for their owner's attention. "Can you help me?"

A bare leg, which had been encased in pants before he'd left, stretched out to poke him in the stomach. The whining tone and obedient expression made Jun Yibai wonder if this is just how sick omegas act or just Li Suren.

Either way, he decided then and there to make sure Li Suren was never sick around anyone else. He'd be damned if he let someone else see his omega like this.

He lifted the omega from his nest of sweaters and blankets into his arms. Li Suren wrapped his arms around the beta's neck, getting in close.

He even let out a pleased chuckle as he kicked his feet. In fact, he wouldn't stop fidgeting in his arms as they walked out of the bedroom.

Worse, he kept making a bunch of sounds that were making Jun Yibai feel hot.

"Behave yourself." He scolded, gripping the fidgeting omega's thigh. "If you keep kicking, I'll drop you and let you crawl over."

While the warning was firm, they both knew he wouldn't do it.

Still, Li Suren stopped his jerking around, his face flushed as he pressed his cheek to the beta's chest. His steady heartbeat echoed throughout his body, sending mini shockwaves through the omega in his arms.

Despite the heat trying to drive him into the arms of his alpha, Li Suren felt so content just then.

Jun Yibai didn't have pheromones, as he was just a beta. Instead, he smelled of all the common items he used throughout the day.

The mint body wash with just a hint of whatever scented dishwashing liquid they happened to have that week. The faint musk of a man who'd just come home from a long day. He could even smell the slight smell of coffee that this hulking figure always managed to spill on himself every morning.

They were mundane smells. Completely unremarkable on their own.

But that mixture was what made up his beloved sweetie~

He could feel his ass clench as he openly took in his beloved beta's scent.

While his inner omega was yowling in dismay, Li Suren the man was happy as can be.

However, this did leave him in an... awkward position.

He was still in heat and should be yowling for an alpha to satisfy him just then. It was scratching at his skull for days but a simple solution had solved his dilemma.

He just hadn't planned around his sweetie showing up all of a sudden.

Li Suren felt it wouldn't be good to mention the modest knotted Dildo he had inside his ass just then since it would just sound weird. How was he supposed to explain that it helped him stay sober when in heat? Wouldn't he just sound like a pervert?

Worse, his proximity to Jun Yibai made it hard for him to focus.

He squirmed in his arms, feeling the toy shift and press against his sensitive spots. He wanted to behave and stay still but how could he when he was being bombarded by all his favorite things?

If that dumb alpha of his was here too, it'd be perfect~

For now, he could only dare give his Sweetie heated stares as he was taken to the bathroom.

His Sweetie might not have a knot but he'd felt that monster that time they were in the elevator. It'd satisfy him much more than even the most well-made dildo.

Still, he wished he could see it himself. Covering it up when they were both here felt unfair. They were both men so why couldn't he see it?

God, he wanted that dick.

Jun Yibai, on the other hand, just felt bothered.

He had thought being away from Li Suren would quell his attraction but that turned out to be untrue. The omega was still as cute as he recalled. Even his disobedience makes him hot.

If only he wasn't sick, he might be willing to give in a little to his less-than-platonic thoughts.

For now, he had be be mindful and not attack the hot guy looking at him like a five-star meal after years of subpar food.

Even as the omega dared to give him a lustful look, Jun Yibai kept to his convictions, dutifully filling the bath with warm water.

"Don't play around." He warned, grabbing the naughty bare leg that had been sliding up his thigh just moments before.

"Am I?" The omega cooed, blinking innocently at him. "What am I doing?"

This guy! He was trying to be a good friend and not a scumbag pushing down sick people yet he was testing his limits!

Damn it, he couldn't do this!

Jun Yibai sprang to his feet. "You don't need my help."

"But..." Li Suren started to plead but a wave of arousal hit him just then, making his stomach clench and his shaft harden. He'd been half hard this whole time, with the dildo keeping the full force of his heat at bay but it clearly wasn't enough.

Li Suren's face went red, covering his lap. He only had his underwear to cover up and it was pretty obvious he was aroused.

He might be brazen but such a thing happening so suddenly was very embarrassing!

"C-can I be alone?" The omega squirmed with discomfort, feeling wetness ooze from his hole. Even the dildo couldn't stem the flow.

Soon, he'd crave a hard alpha cock. One that was nowhere to be seen.


"I can... I can take care of myself." He pleaded, closing his eyes. The scent from his slick was starting to overwhelm his senses.

He could feel the beta's eyes drift down toward his covered lap.

"...I see."

Li Suren had no idea what he saw but thankfully, the beta left the bathroom, leaving Li Suren sitting on the sink with a throbbing shaft.

Face flushed, Li Suren stripped down, whimpering when his loose clothes brushed against his sensitive skin. His heat was only made worse by the proximity of his favorite person.

Reaching down between his legs, he used his fingers to press against the dildo in his ass. It shifted inside him, eliciting a desperate cry from his throat.

He'd have to remove it to take a proper shower but he knew if he did, he'd make a mess. He was so wet, it drenched his fingers but his hole refused to let the shaft slip out.

He'd have to pull it out himself!

He spread his legs out on the sink, trying not to look at the mirror facing him lest he die of shame. Chen Guiren had been the one to put it in before so it was his first time actually looking at it.

He briefly wondered if Sweetie's cock would be as filling as this.


Jun Yibai regretted staying nearby to ensure Li Suren didn't accidentally drown himself.

He really had done it out of concern! He was legitimately worried about the omega and wasn't at all anticipating anything after seeing him get hard out of nowhere.

He'd stick to that story to his grave.

To his surprise, it didn't take long for the sounds to emerge from behind that cracked door. As a man himself, he knew how eager one can be to get off when aroused. It was annoying otherwise.

Yet listening in was not how Jun Yibai expected his day to go.

Li Suren was surprisingly self-conscious, seemingly trying to keep his voice down as he masturbated. It was cute since the man was usually so brazen.

Jun Yibai closed his eyes, imagining that the omega had finally stopped being so disobedient, and put on a show in front of him. He could see the omega's pale skin flushed with embarrassment, his glistening eyes half closed as his fingers grazed his sensitive skin.

Every once in a while, he'd glance at Jun Yibai, as if seeking his approval. Jun Yibai, ever the observant one, would gladly give him an encouraging smile. A jut of his chin telling the omega to continue as the show was not over.

"Sweetie!" The moan was loud, as if he'd touched something unexpectedly. Was he fingering himself in there?

The thought left Jun Yibai suppressing a moan of his own

"Don't rush." He advised, not sure if his words reached the man on the other side of the door. "This is for you so enjoy yourself."

Li Suren gasped, apparently not expecting him to be there. Jun Yibai waited for an admonishment but after a moment of silence, the faint sounds of wetness leaked from behind him, showing his approval.

A thought occurred to Jun Yibai for a minute, flashing through his mind and settling somewhere.

There was something he wanted to try.

"Can you be a good boy and show me your nipples?" He said, remaining where he was. His eyes were closed but he could visualize the shocked expression from the soft gasp that came after his request. "They must be stiff, right? Are they?"

Silence followed, making Jun Yibai feel a bit self-conscious. Had he pushed too far?

"...T-they are." Li Suren replied, his voice hitching as he followed the beta's lead. "They are hard. It hurts~"

"Then touch them and make them feel better."

Li Suren followed the order, crying out as the wet sounds continued.


The bath that followed was silent, save for the soft sounds of breathing and the splashes of the water. Neither spoke of what had occurred before, each having their own thoughts about it.

Li Suren wished they could go further, preferably with Chen Guiren as well.

Jun Yibai felt self-conscious for, once again, succumbing to his poorly suppressed kink.

While he'd kept cool by remaining outside the entire time, the fact he was lusting after a sick man was below him. Was he a beast?!

Li Suren showed no concern about this, relaxing as the taller man wrapped him in a soft towel. His limbs were so relaxed that they flopped down by his side. He had even laid his head on the beta's shoulder, leaving him feeling fuzzy in the head.

"Can you walk?" Jun Yibai asked, patting the omega's cheek. His face was flushed pink from the water in the air, giving him a delicately soft look. Perhaps if he pinched his cheeks, something sweet would seep out.

Li Suren, with his eyes lightly closed, shook his head and wrapped his arms around his partner.

"Carry me."

Somehow, those two words came out as an order and a plea. It was soft and coaxing, making Jun Yibai feel his chest throb.

He sighed.

Jun Yibai had wanted to carry Li Suren in his arms but the omega refused to cooperate. Rather than a princess style, he wrapped his legs around the beta's hips and clung to his neck.

For someone so tired, he chose the most troublesome position. He thought, catching the smaller male before he slipped from his grasp.

The fact his hand might have grabbed his ass was purely a coincidence.

"Hold tight." He said, letting go to get the door.

"Mn." Li Suren tightened his grip, hooking his ankles together to make sure they didn't separate.

If not for the discomfort of the wetness seeping into his clothes, he'd have found the action cute.

The omega nuzzled his neck, sending shivers through him as the heat from the bath radiated like a siren call in the air-conditioned room. Unconsciously, Jun Yibai's own arms gripped his wet skin tighter.

Shit, it was cute!

How often could he see Li Suren act all obedient and soft?! The man was so arrogant and coquettish that it made it hard not to want to discipline him.

Now? He was fucking adorable!

"Be good." He ordered, patting his butt warningly. Li Suren was a naughty little thing so he was sure he'd try something, sick or no.

After what happened in the bathroom, he'd told himself he couldn't push the omega any further.

As hot as it was, he didn't want to aggravate his illness, whatever it was.

He was terrible for wanting to eat up the vulnerable omega.

The vulnerable omega, perhaps sensing his mate's thoughts, looked up at him and smiled languidly.

Li Suren called out. "Sweetie?"



"What is it?


Jun Yibai used his free hand to grab the omega's cheeks, forcing him to purse his lips.

"Stop it." He chided. "What do you want?"

Li Suren chuckled. "Just this is fine for now."

'This' being their current position? The betta wondered.

"For now? Are you getting greedy?" He hadn't even apologized for lying yet and he wanted more?

"I am but I'm fine with holding you like this for now." He answered, nuzzling his neck affectionately. "I'll be content being the only one in this world to dare call you Sweetie."

The soft kisses traveled up and down his neck, sending short sparks through his skin.

This guy!

Jun Yibai stumbled over to the living room table, letting the omega rest on the edge. Even then, he refused to release his leg lock.

He even gave the beta a cocky little smirk.

Jun Yibai clenched his fist, ignoring the soft skin that yielded to his touch. "Didn't I say to behave?"

"When have I ever?"

As if you'd want that. Was left unspoken but they both knew what was hanging between them as their breaths mingled.

Jun Yibai would like to say he was the one who was kissed but he couldn't lie to himself just then. Li Suren, that damned arrogant bastard, looked so cute just then. How could he not!?

Worse, he melted in Jun Yibai's arms, wrapping those moist arms around his neck, tempting him to keep them both warm.

Li Suren moaned pulling on the betas shirt. Had it been a buttondown, he was sure it would have torn easily. He'd love to be skin-to-skin but he didn't want to pull away for a second.

It had been so long and he'd missed kissing Li Suren.

All of a sudden, the door slams open, pulling the two from their moment. Jun Yibai flinched though Li Suren refused to let him go, leaving them awkwardly suspended over the table.

A low mutter of curses makes it clear who has burst into the apartment, his stomping tirade interjected with soft thuds and a faint click.

Above them, Jun Yibai hears a set of fans go off. Before he can question what those are, the alpha storms into the living room, looking livid.

"How could you forget to turn on the filters?! Are you trying to have me arrested toda-" Chen Guiren stopped, spotting the pair of men in an intimate embrace. If the posture wasn't enough of a clue, Li Suren's state of undress was a neon sign screaming its head off.

The alpha's eyes twitched with rage.

He let out a self-deprecating laugh. "So while I'm outside, trying to prevent a riot and not get arrested, you guys are here having fun without me!?"

"If you want, you can join in." Li Suren offered, completely ignoring Jun Yibai's look of shock.

When had he agreed to this?

"I'm not having sex with someone who's sick." He declared, trying to look stern despite his current position. Sure, he'd just had his tongue down the omega's throat but Jun Yibai had gotten some of Chen Guiren's shamelessness. He could be thick-skinned when need be.

Yet Chen Guiren didn't argue the point. No, instead he stomped over to them and grabbed Li Suren by the hair to kiss him. The omega let out a cry of annoyance, hitting the alpha once before melting into his kiss.

Jun Yibai watched wide-eyed, not expecting such a display. He wasn't sure what he thought the three of them would be like but the reality of it was leaving him flustered.


AN: Part of the reason this chapter took so long is that I couldn't come up with an endpoint. It just got longer and longer as time went on so I had to split it up a bit. Even the * was up in the air for a while. Other plot lines came to mind and fought for supremacy.

After a long deliberation, I came to the conclusion to say, fuck it, Imma do it all! I'll find a way to fit it all in!!!

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