[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Consequences

AN: Thank you for your patience~ This chapter was a doozy to write.


Lights flashed and the chatter felt overwhelming. It was suffocating and made Li Suren want to scream.

It was frustrating that all these people wanted to question him about something so boring.

He sipped his wine, wishing he could just leave.

"You look pissy." His partner and now official fiancee whispered to him, smiling for the cameras. His eyes were burning with the same level of uninterest. "Things ain't going your way?"

"Obviously! This is terrible."

"Which part? Your heat cycle coming up, our engagement being announced, or how much we haven't seen Master in a while?"

"All of it, obviously!"

Li Suren had wanted to spend more time with his Sweetie but couldn't with his grandfather looming over him. He'd managed to keep the old man off his trail for a few years by pairing up with Chen Guiren but now he was seeing the consequence of his decision.

He had hoped their engagement would be kept under wraps a little longer. Just long enough to get their beta to consider him and Chen Guiren as mates. It's uncommon, sure, but not too out of the ordinary.

Yet the old man had surprised him by insisting that he stay at the main house and announcing his engagement in this way. Hell, he'd only learned of the man's plans a few hours ago.

"Cunning old bastard." He cursed under his breath, letting the sharp taste of wine soothe his anger.

"Agreed," Chen Guiren muttered back, glancing at his fathers. They were talking to reporters about their recent business deals.

While they were 'upstanding' citizens now, his father the lawyer was well versed in doublespeak. Whenever a journalist asked anything that could be spun negatively, he expertly navigated the pitfalls and made sure that person knew to be careful of his words. Slander was a crime after all.

While it was usually fun to watch, Chen Guiren was equally annoyed with the situation.

He liked Li Suren. Not as much as he liked Jun Yibai but definitely enough to be willing to share the beta.

As such, he didn't mind their engagement or it being announced to the public. Sure, he'd only learned about the plans a few minutes before they'd walked out, which was a dick move but he could understand why his dads hadn't told him. Really, his issue was how they were supposed to talk to Master after this.

Master was already leery of their attempts at being intimate. It was only by wearing him down that they'd gotten as far as they did.

If he found out they were engaged like this then...

He shuddered at the thought.

He'd have to get one of his people to suppress the news of their engagement for a day or so. It'd be expensive but better than his beta learning about this via trending pages.

"Have you talked to Young Master Gu yet?" Li Suren asked, sighing. While the party was a hassle, they still needed to use the opportunity to get their business on its feet.

The initial investments were the easy part. Chen Guiren had some cousins interested in their ideas and willing to support him for a set amount of time. He'd owe a lot of money afterward but that was only fair. After that, the few smaller investments made it easy to get a small building for their company.

Young master Gu, however, was harder to deal with. He was a veteran in the business field and while willing to invest, his conditions were not very favorable. Just convincing him to invest was an ordeal.

Now if they could just get that fucker to sign the contract, they'd be set.

"He agreed to the new conditions but keeps avoiding the actual signing." He reported grumpily. They all knew the contract was only barely above a robbery but their proposal was sound and sure to make a profit. Heck, if things went as smoothly as they thought, they'd make back all their investments within a few years.

"He's here now but can't even corner him." Li Suren snorted, smiling when he saw the alpha some distance away. The older man had the nerve to smile back, raising a glass to greet him.

"The fucker." Chen Guiren growled, clenching his fist on the omega's waist. It didn't hurt but he could feel his annoyance.

They had chosen not to attach their names to the business officially, wanting to build something for themselves. At this point, only their investors knew who was really running things.

Young Master Gu knew this and knew that the pair couldn't ask him about it here. If Li Suren's grandfather knew, he'd try to impede them.

'Helpful assistance' he'd call it.

They'd get a lot more investment but at the risk of letting his grandfather sneak a lackey in.

He reached down, stroking the alpha's hand comfortingly.

"I've got an idea." He reassured his partner, seeing his frustration. While this was just a small revenge against them for the new contract, Chen Guiren was impatient. This deal was why they'd been so busy and why they couldn't spend time with their partner.

That annoying man got to get home to his mate while the pair of them had to scramble about with lawyers to create a more 'fair' contract.

Chen Guiren grumbled, intertwining their fingers for a moment before grunting his approval. While he didn't need it, Li Suren felt happy when his partner trusted his words.

He hadn't chosen the wrong man after all.

Giving the alpha hand one last squeeze, he walked away.

A few people tried to talk to him but he skillfully evaded their attempts at conversation. A short pause was all he needed to slip away.

Such tactics worked against most people. All except for one person.

"Suren!" Li Suzhen called him over. "Why are you leaving your alpha's side?"

"Am I supposed to drag him along with me when I socialize?" He said, mentally rolling his eyes at the old man's outdated expectations.


This man...

"Grandfather, I am going to talk to the omega spouses over there." He explained, gesturing over to the small gathering some distance away. "Would it be appropriate to bring my dominant alpha with me? Wouldn't their mates think he's being rude?"

While no one would dare cause too much of a ruckus at such an event, having a man like Chen Guiren around their spouses was bound to ruffle a few feathers. Despite being a horny dog and a hooligan, Chen Guiren was everything an omega would want in a man.

Tall, handsome, and strong enough to make any omega feel like nothing could touch them. He'd been held in those arms and knew just how safe it was.

If not for his omega nature, he might have been content with just Jun Yibai's thick arms but it wasn't to be.

He let out a sigh, which his grandfather mistook for wistfulness.

"True, it's not every day one gets such an accomplished mate." He nodded, glancing over at Chen Guiren behind his grandson. "I initially wondered whether such a man was a good choice but he's grown into something admirable. Perhaps he is worthy to be my grandson-in-law."

As if you were the one who chose him. Li Suren silently complained.

Still, all he wanted was to slip away so he could talk to the spouses. If not for how it might look for the newly engaged heir to talk privately with unmated alphas, he'd have tried his luck. But he'd leave that to Chen Guiren.

With his heat right around the corner, he couldn't afford to risk it.

Just as he was wondering how to get away from Li Suzhen, he saw a familiar face strolling over toward them, an easy smile with no awareness on her face.

Oh, now the show can begin.


On the other side of the room, Chen Guiren was talking to guests. While he wasn't officially part of the Li clan, Li Suzhen's announcement had all but confirmed his marriage.

This left him juggling conversations with businessmen and celebrities. Something he wasn't really looking forward to.

It was Li Suren who was the talker. He was fine with being silent since all these guys kept trying to get information out of him. It was polite and soft enough to be dismissed as mere curiosity but his time with Li Suren had taught him better.

If not for that sly fox, he'd probably fall for their subtle coaxing.

"My plans for the future? For now, I'm just focussing on my education." He answered coolly, smiling despite getting annoyed at the question. "I can't even begin to think past that right now."

The person who asked, a CEO of some company, had wanted to offer him a position at his company. A temporary one, of course, as he was the sole heir to the Chen Group. Even so, it was clear by his constant mention of fostering a 'close relationship with his subordinates' and 'enjoying the progress of those who leave and bring back good news', that he wanted more than just good news.

The exulting of his company's expertise made it clear he wanted a project from his dad's company.

Personally, Chen Guiren didn't really care. He'd do his filial duty and take over when his dad retired but before then, it had nothing to do with him.

Still, his father was a lawyer and he'd been taught that one should always have an exit strategy in a conversation. Plausible deniability, he called it.

"CEO Kang is very impressive indeed." He complimented, grinning slyly. "If I got a chance to work with such capable superiors, I'd be so grateful. Yet, I still have a lot of preparation before I'm worthy of such an opportunity. So be patient with me."

If Li Suren could see him, even he'd be impressed by the weapons-grade bullshit he was spouting so smoothly.

CEO Kang, the arrogant man he was, felt he'd gotten a satisfactory answer. It was a nicely dressed maybe but the compliment made it sound a lot more like a yes.

With that, there was a lull in the conversation, leaving Chen Guiren a chance to spot his assistant. He'd sent him to the snack table a while ago yet he'd taken so long. He was starving.

Like an angel, he came bearing a plate of his favorite snacks.

"Sir, I-"

"Hand me your phone." Chen Guiren interrupted, taking the plate from him. If not for the fact they were in public, he'd be scarfing the food down. But the glaring gaze of his father nearby made him eat slowly, walking over to the table to eat in peace.

Fu Chen followed after him.


"No, bet yet, I need you to get my phone from the dressing room." He reasoned, realizing his initial idea was dumb. Why would Master respond to a text from an unknown number? "I've got to call Master."

It was better for him to break the news before the announcement started trending online. He could probably soften the blow a little by telling him himself.

"Right," Fu Chen replied but didn't move. The questioning look he received from Chen Guiren spurred him on. "Um, sir if you were planning on calling Mr. Jun, that won't be necessary."

Chen Guiren flinched, feeling a sense of foreboding creep up his spine. "Why?"

"I ran into him an hour ago at the catering table," Fu Chen reported, pointing toward the guests below them. "I gave him a business card for our group since you showed interest in him. I don't think he knew who I was but-"

"W-wait a minute!" He snapped, snapped, drawing the eyes of those nearby. He cursed under his breath and dragged Fu Chen aside until they were alone in a nearby hallway. The walls echoed their footsteps, making him feel just a bit less worried.

"W-what are you talking about?! Why the fuck would Master be here?!"

This was Li Suzhen's birthday celebration. This wasn't something just anyone could come to. Master might be smart and impressive but anyone else would fail to notice that because he was just a beta in their eyes. There was no way he could get into a place like this without someone that old fuck recognized had invited him.

"It would seem he'd come with the younger son of the Song family. The beta."

"Song Yang is here too?" He echoed, only half caring. Really, who the fuck cared about that annoying guy?! "D-did he hear the announcement?"

This didn't need to be asked. Obviously, he did. Fu Chen had spoken to him and saw him while walking over.

It's just that he had hoped he wasn't as fucked as he felt he was.

"He's in the dining hall now?" He asked, his mind circling as he tried to think of how to talk to the man. There was no way he wouldn't be mad, right? He'd definitely be mad.

When they met for the first time in years, didn't he punch Chen Guiren? He later admitted to doing it because he was mad about him lying to him before about being a beta.

This was a much bigger lie so he feared he'd really get an ass-kicking this time.

"Yes, sir." Fu Chen replied, feeling bad for his boss just then. "I believe young master Li will run into him soon enough."

"Suren will?" The alpha echoed. "Then let him explain things!"

He'd be damned if he got beat up for this lie. Master's punches hurt and while he deserved it this time, he definitely didn't want to do it again. Moreover, Li Suren was a smart guy who knew how to turn black into white.

Chen Guiren sent a silent prayer for Li Suren, wishing him luck.

If there was anyone who could smooth things over, it'd be him.


Meanwhile, Li Suren watched as Li Min strolled over, her eyes fixated on his grandfather.

"Master Li! Happy birthday, sir," she said, greeting him courteously. "I hope to have the honor of attending more celebrations for the next few decades."

Li Suren snorted under his breath. Flattering him and trying to get more invitations? This shameless woman.

Li Suzhen nodded, acknowledging her words but not giving a response. Many people tried this kind of tactic to feign familiarity. It was just a bit more blatant than usual.

Despite the clear disinterest, Li Min continued to speak since she hadn't been sent away.

"Good sir, I'm honored that I get to finally attend a gathering of the Li clan. My family has sought to be acknowledged by the main branch for quite some time now and-"

"Acknowledged?" Li Suzhen frowned, giving her a suspicious look. "Are you claiming to be part of our lineage?"

"Yes, sir." She affirmed, feeling happy that this was going so well. Was it really this easy?

"If you are a child from outside, don't bother me." The elder sighed, waving her away. "Illegitimate children are dealt with by your parents. Don't bother me with such nonsense."

Li Suzhen waved her away, no longer wanting to talk to her. He'd been mildly curious before but if she was just another illegitimate child wanting something from their family, that was not his business. He'd leave it to some secretary to handle.

It was not something he wished to talk about at such a joyous celebration.

Li Suren, having been ignored this whole time, could barely hold in his laughter. Especially seeing Li Min flustered expression.

"Can't you just be upfront about it, Li Min?" He mocked, snickering to himself. "You were so adamant about being a Li last time we met yet you are so obtuse about it now?"

"You?! What are you doing here?" She seethed, remembering the humiliation she faced before. He and Jun Yibai had insulted her and worse, left her with a bill of almost 100k. Despite her boasting, she was still a seedling entrepreneur. She didn't have the funds to go spending that kind of money on just dinner.

She couldn't let this bastard get in the way of her plan to ingratiate herself with the Li clan. As long as she proved she could talk to them, investors would be begging to associate with her.

Just standing here, she was already showing off her perceived relationship to the people around them. Once she was dismissed, she could feign humility when asked how she knew the elder of the Li clan.

She just had to get rid of this guy first.

"Me? Should I not be here?" Li Suren shot back, crossing his arms. "If someone like you, who is barely a Li by marriage, why can't I be here?"

"By marriage?" Li Suzhen asked, curious as to why his grandson was acting this way. He wasn't usually so catty in front of him. Li Suzhen knew his grandson had a mouth on him but this was the first time he saw it in person.

"You know Auntie Wu's husband?" Li Suren supplied before Li Min could stop him. "She is his niece."

Li Suzhen grimaced, feeling let down. When he heard she was a member of his family, he felt a bit excited at the notion of new blood. An illegitimate child was nothing to celebrate but Li Suzhen valued blood above all else.

But this girl, she claimed to be a Li merely due to his adopted daughter's husband? While he adored the girl and her husband, she was not a Li. Worse, he recalled all the mishaps and drama he had to deal with when the two got together.

A lot of that misery was due to her husband's family.

The only reason he never pursued anything was because his adopted daughter had begged him not to make trouble for them. He'd agreed on the condition they'd not make any more trouble for her or her husband.

"You gloated about being a member of our illustrious clan due to my Xiao Wu?" He grumbled, about to dismiss her from his presence. But Li Suren stopped him.

"She didn't do that." He assured the elder, his smile so welcoming that it made his words feel ten times worse. "She was using our family name to get business deals. Who knew just naming their child 'Li' meant they were a member of the Li clan? I didn't know it was that easy."

"This is none of your business!" She snapped, furious at this man. Why was he always messing with her? Because of Jun Yibai?

That damned guy had made things so much more difficult for her recently. She had hoped getting her cousin to harass him would result in something but nothing came of it. Even when she spread rumors about him, the bastard didn't care.

But this person was completely uninvolved!

She turned to Li Suzhen, wanting to repair the situation. "E-elder Li, this person is-"

Li Suzhen cut her off. "This person is my grandson."

Her words ceased, shock evident on her face. She looked at Li Suren once more, realizing that he reminded her of someone. When they first met, she was more focused on winning over her investor so she didn't pay him too much mind. Even if she realized he looked familiar, there were many who shared features with famous people. The chances that they were actually that person were small.

Moreover, why would someone of high status be so intimate with a random college student?

A beta, at that!

Someone like him, rich, handsome, and having the ability to have anyone he wanted yet he cuddled up to some broke beta?!

Yet hadn't she seen Jun Yibai here as well?


A while ago, she had returned from her bathroom break a bit disappointed. She had missed the arrival of the guest of honor. Now the elder and his in-laws were surrounded by guests.

She'd have to talk to him later.

While she was waiting for a chance, she spotted Jun Yibai with a pretty young omega girl. She looked concerned and leaned in close to speak to him.

Yet another omega hanging off his arm.

She strolled over, speaking up to get his and the surrounding people's attention. It was a crowd of spouses, chatting amicably when she stopped to stare at her.

"How did you get in?" She demanded, cocking her hip. "Did you sneak in here?"

"I have an invite." Jun Yibai glared at her, though his expression relaxed when he realized it was her. "I'm assuming you are the same?"

"Of course. I am a Li after all. How could I not be invited?" She proclaimed just a bit louder, gaining the attention of those around them.

"You are a Li?" The omega woman asked, smiling softly. "How strange. I've never seen you here before."

Li Min hadn't expected anyone to question her. Surely, someone associated with Jun Yibai didn't personally know the Li clan, right?

"T-today is a special occasion so of course I came to celebrate my grandfather's birthday."

"Then let's go greet him!" The woman insisted, looking relieved. "My mate was just calling me over so we could greet him together~"

"O-oh? Of course!" Li Min declared, righting herself. She had received an invite from the main branch of the Li clan. There was nothing to be worried about.

She turned to Jun Yibai. "I suppose this is where we part ways, dear classmate~"

After all, Jun Yibai was a mundane college student with no backing. While this woman was probably just a paid escort, he was even lower than that.

The woman opened her mouth to protest but Jun Yibai shook his head at her.

"How about you let her go first?" He offered, holding the omega woman's shoulder. "Elder Li is old and shouldn't be crowded by people."

Li Min felt his excuse was weak but ignored it. Of course he'd avoid Elder Li. Someone of his status was lucky enough to attend this event at all. Showing his face to the guest of honor would just be shameful.

So she walked over, ignoring the young man beside the elder.


Now that she realized her mistake, Li Min felt furious. Not only toward Jun Yibai but Li Suren as well.

If he was the elder's grandson, that meant he was part of the main branch. Hell, considering the smirk on his face, he was probably the one who invited her to begin with.

Had he invited her just so he could humiliate her?!

But why? She had no conflict with him. Her only enemy was that damn beta that-

...W-was it because of him?

Li Min quickly realized that something more was going on here.

Li Suren was a very sought-after man. Even outside of his looks, his intelligence and charm were a cut above regular omega's. As such, it was no surprise he'd be paired up with an alpha befitting his status.

Yet he bothered to invite a random woman just to humiliate her? For a broke beta?

She briefly wondered if that damn beta knew about Li Suren's engagement prior to this.

Thinking of his sour expression back then, she wondered if she had stumbled upon a weakness.

Before she could ruminate on this new discovery, she found herself being escorted out. Guards grabbed her arms and lifted her off her feet.

Shocked, she cried out in indignation. "W-what is this?!"

"Our Li clan doesn't dare associate with shameless bastards who try to leech off our name." Li Suzhen declared, making sure everyone around could hear him. He didn't give her any face. "Such people are not welcome here."

"E-elder Li, I-" she opened her mouth to speak but was silenced by a flash of light.

The reporters who had been milling about after the announcement had noticed their discussion and moved in close. Seeing the elder's expression, they realized something juicy was going on.

Their cameras flashed and blinded her as she tried to hide her shame. To be escorted out like a hooligan was one thing but for it to happen in front of so many potential investors was mortifying.

Was this his goal, that bastard Li Suren?!

She only caught a glimpse of the omega as she was dragged away. Much to her surprise, he was watching her demise with a soft smirk like she'd assumed he'd do.

No, he was rushing past her, a brief scent of distress passing her nose. The last thing she saw was the omega running out of a nearby doorway.


Li Suren felt like his heart had been dropped from an airplane.

While he'd started the night annoyed, he thought that humiliating Li Min would be a good closer. He'd get to ease the blow of his and Chen Guiren's engagement by telling his Sweetie all about Li Min being formally exposed.

But how was he supposed to know that his plan wouldn't have worked at all?

Why is Sweetie here?! He thought for the nth time since spotting the beta in the crowd behind Li Min.

He'd been pleased and wanted to see how the crowd was taking in everything. He despised her for harassing his beloved beta but her trying to use his family as stepping stones was just too much.

He knew his grandfather felt the same so he used the old man to make things clear.

Yet his mind emptied and filled with questions once he spotted Jun Yibai.

The beta stared back, his face unreadable. Yet Li Suren knew him well enough to know he was not pleased with the show.

No, he was pissed.

Jun Yibai turned away without a word, moving through the crowd who wanted a closer look at the spectacle.

Li Suren chased after him, just barely holding back the urge to call out for him. He couldn't let his grandfather know about Jun Yibai!

Luckily, Li Min being dragged away had captured everyone's attention enough that he could slip through the crowd unnoticed.

Once in the hall, he called out to Jun Yibai who was far ahead of him.

"Sweetie, please! Let's just talk." He pleaded, panting as he got closer. Yet despite his pleading, the beta didn't slow down at all.

Left with no other option, Li Suren grabbed his arm, pulling him to face him. Knowing how strong his beta was, Li Suren knew he'd be granted the privilege to moving him. Had Jun Yibai wanted to, he wouldn't have even bugded when tugged.

This made Li Suren feel a bit hopeful.

Seizing the chance, Li Suren pulled Jun Yibai into an empty room. The main house had dozens of them with various purposes. The one he'd pulled Jun Yibai into was a sitting room with long comfortable couches and a mini bar for relaxation.

Hopefully such an environment would ease the tension.

Jun Yibai pulled his arm away, storming over the bar and pouring himself a drink. The fact he was underage meant nothing at that moment.

"S-sweetie, I-"

"Is there anything to talk about?" He interrupted, pouring out a second glass. "I think everything has been made pretty clear, right?"

He poured the scalding liquid down his throat, shocking the omega.

"I..." Li Suren bit his lip, feeling his throat tighten with anxiety. "The matter of our engagement... It really isn't-"

"Is it or is it not true?" He demanded, slamming the glass down with a heavy thud. "Don't sugarcoat it. Tell me the truth."

"We... we are engaged."

His eyes narrowed. "For how long?"

"..." Li Suren didn't want to say.

"Li Suren!"

"S-since the night at the hotel! After Chen Guiren and I set off each others heat's!" He forced out, feeling his face flush at the memory. "The elders demanded I find an alpha to help me through it. I needed an unrelated alpha's pheromones to settle my first heat and I didn't want to get paired up with someone my grandfather chose!"

He knew Li Suzhen well enough to know how that old man worked. He'd use his vulnerability to pair him up with someone he knew. Someone 'proper'. He'd be left in a dilemma trying to distance himself from that person afterward. While he'd despise that person, his omega instinct would never forget them.

Chen Guiren was the one he needed then.

As he'd suspected, his grandfather had finalized their engagement before he'd even gotten through his heat.

Li Suren had no choice.

But even as he explained all this, Jun Yibai glared at him.

"You kept this from me." He said in a low voice, his eyes dark and unforgiving.

"As if you don't keep secrets from us?" Li Suren snapped back, feeling wronged. "There are so many things we want to know about you that you have never even hinted about? How is this any different?"

"The secrets I keep have nothing to do with our relationship." He shouted, stomping forward with each word. "It doesn't make you out to be some kind of idiot who didn't know anything!"

Even now, Jun Yibai felt like an idiot for not questioning why Chen Guiren and Li Suren were always together. Why he'd never asked about what happened after that night he ran away. Why he'd assumed they were unattached.

He should have known something was going on between them. They were way too comfortable with each other. That morning in the shower couldn't have been the first time they were intimate.

Just how much had happened between them while he was unaware?

"If we had told you, would you have ever given us a chance?!" Li Suren tried to reason, seeing that the beta was shutting him out. "Would you have even considered us as possible?"

Jun Yibai didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the omega's words.

"So that makes it okay? You get to lie to me for years just so you can get what you want?" He snapped, feeling like his head was swelling up from anger. "And what about me? When would you have told me the truth? On your fucking wedding day?"

"S-sweetie, I-"

"No!" Jun Yibai cut him off, holding a hand out. "I'm not going to listen to you spin more lies."

Jun Yibai covered his face, trying to keep himself calm. He let out a breath, feeling his head buzzing with frustration and barely contained anguish.

They lied to him.

For years, they had kept this from him. Pretending that there wasn't a relationship between them, making him the unintentional third party. A fucking homewrecker.

They chose to leave him in the dark like this just to get him.

It was... honestly, it was heartbreaking.

He turned away from Li Suren, not wanting to look at him. If he did, he'd say something he'd regret later.

Li Suren bit his lip, only now realizing how much this had hurt the beta.

Sure, it was a big thing not to tell him that he was engaged but he assumed Jun Yibai would understand after he explained things. While he hadn't planned on Jun Yibai learning about their engagement like this, he had thought that he could just talk it out.

Yet the look on Jun Yibai's face told him that this was not something he could talk his way out of.

"Sweetie, I-"

Someone knocked on the door.

They both glanced at the door, choosing to ignore it. Surely the person would get the hint and leave soon.

The person did not, continuing to knock.

"What is it!?" Li Suren snapped, letting his frustration out. His mate was mad at him and he was trying to soothe him yet some bastard was bothering him?!

"S-sir!" A young man stammered from outside the door, not daring to enter. "The eldest son of the Song family wished to talk to you about-"

"I'll talk to him later. I'm busy right now." He interrupted, half growling. "Send him away."


"Don't bother," Jun Yibai spoke up, no longer wanting to talk. "I'll leave first. You go talk 'business'."

"Sweetie, please!"

"Chen Guiren once kept the fact he was an alpha from me so I wouldn't cut ties with him. I forgave him. It took a few months but I did it." He said, his voice low and scratchy with emotion. "I forgave him because he was my friend and I liked him enough to risk it."

The risks he took to be friends with them both were much deeper than either could fathom.

He turned to Li Suren, watching the omega stare back at him with pleading eyes.

"I like you too. I want to take risks for you but I just...." He let out a breath, trying to find the words. "I like you both enough to forgive you but not tonight. I just... can't right now."


AN: It took me a while to decide how to end things. Initially, I thought Yibai wouldn't be mad so much as annoyed but as I kept writing, it occurred to me how much of a violation of his trust this whole matter was. Had their newly formed relationship been uncovered, Yibai would have been the one in the hot seat. It's one thing to accidentally drag someone into the limelight but to do so knowing that the other party would be the wronged party is another thing altogether.

I got a bit into it writing their argument.

Novel suggestion:

Oh, no! I Became the Sister of the Novel's Tragic Heroine! - Have you ever read one of those novels where the ML is a scumfuck who does everything BUT kill the female protagonist? The ones with super fluffy titles to lull you into reading only to later realize that everything is horrible for 80% of the book. Where the ML makes her life and the lives of those around her miserable but 'falls in love' later down the line? Where the happy ending just leaves you bitter after the 1000+ chapters of misery and idiocy? Well, do I have a story for you!

MC becomes the sister of said heroine and upends the entire story to save her family. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.