[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

H: Calm Night


The trip to the hotel was uneventful though they definitely got looks from the clerk. While Jun Yibai and Chen Guiren were in casual clothes, Li Suren still had on his uniform.

Had it not been for the illustrious name on Chen Guiren's debit card, they might have not gotten in at all.

"I'm shocked we were not stopped by security."

Chen Guiren was quick to reassure him. "Most hotels know my face so it's fine."

"True but I'm pretty sure there are some legal issues..."

Whenever Jun Yibai tried to book a room himself, it was a hassle since it required ID and most people were wary of teens on their own. As someone who worked as well, he knew it was a valid concern but it was annoying at times.

This time, with nothing but a name on a card, they were let in with a complimentary bottle of wine. The fact they were underage was apparently not an issue.

"Do you usually get wine when you come in?" Jun Yibai couldn't help but ask as they rode the elevator up.

Chen Guiren froze, unsure if he should respond honestly. While wine wasn't his preference, he had drunk alcohol before. Most teens had at some point! If it wasn't a sip from their parent's stash, it was smuggled out of stores when no one was looking.

Li Suren had too, often being left to his lonesome at parties. He was expected to be able to hold his own but still show a convincing front if need be.

They waited, wanting to get a feel for their partner's thoughts on it. Jun Yibai, not paying the two any mind, checked out the bottle. It was a fancy one but Jun Yibai knew nothing beyond that.

"I've never had wine before." He continued as they exited the elevator. "Mind sharing with me?"

Li Suren and Chen Guiren beamed, happy to hear his words.

"Wine isn't as satisfying as whisky but it's light so it'll be a good start."

"This brand is famous for its sweet scent so it's pleasant to share with a partner."

Jun Yibai had expected a little more pushback but considering how stressed he was before, he couldn't help but grin at their casual words.

"So we're getting drunk on a school night?"

"We're already getting a bit wild, breaking rules, so why stop now?"

At that, Jun Yibai recalled why they were here at all.

He couldn't go home.

His father's meetings were sometimes very... rough. He'd gotten many bruises from the time he was young and attended with his dad. It wasn't something on purpose but a small body among a bunch of drunk adults. It was bound to occur.

As such, as he grew older, he felt less and less willing to attend. That and his father's friends were toxic when drunk. It was uncomfortable to be around them.

"You don't mind spending money like this?" Jun Yibai asked as he looked around. The place was definitely high-class. It was fine since the bill was split three ways but it felt wrong to ask people whom he'd only met up with again a few hours ago for a favor like this.

The anticipation of drinking made his guilt feel a little better.

"As I said, our parents want us to get freaky tonight so no one expects us home." Li Suren reassured him, leading the trio to their room. "If we didn't make a charge, they would probably try something."

Try something? Jun Yibai wondered briefly what that could be. Yet the two continued on, as if he was not even there.

"Hey, my dads wouldn't." Chen Guiren was quick to argue, defending the men's honor. "They are not that underhanded."

"Says the one who called me in a rage after being tricked into signing a contract by said fathers?"

"A contract, proposed by you, you sneaky fuck!"

Ever the sassy type, Li Suren showed no shame as he replied. "How else could I get you to work with me?"

"Working with you never works out in my favor."

Again, Jun Yibai had a lot of questions but first things first.

"Who gets the shower first?" He asked, pointing to the lone bathroom. It was big with a huge bath and showerhead.

Seeing its size, Chen Guiren gave Jun Yibai a deep look.

"We could shower together." He suggested, pinching the collar of the betas shirt. With a slight tug, his throat was revealed, making the alpha swallow unconsciously. "It'd save time, right?"

Li Suren, having been surrounded by alphas for a long time, could sense the seduction play this oaf was trying to do. He was releasing pheromones again!

Yet Jun Yibai, as a beta, sensed none of the seduction, just grimacing at the proximity.

"I'm not gonna battle for the body wash while standing between a pair of testicles." He grumbled, pushing the alpha away. "Today has been long enough and we haven't even had a sip of wine yet."

Ever the optimist, Chen Guiren didn't give up. "So with wine, it's a possibility?"

Li Suren, however, was getting a headache and stepped between them, glaring at the alpha.

"How about the oaf who is releasing pheromones like crazy goes first." He argued, pushing the larger teen to the doors. "Take a cold shower and give it a rest. It's giving me a headache!"

At that, Chen Guiren stopped, feeling a bit embarrassed. While it was unconscious, to do that twice in one night was rude. And dangerous for the omega nearby. Had Li Suren not had his heat prior, Chen Guiren might have set it off again.

And there is nothing more troublesome than an omega in heat.

Nodding with understanding, Chen Guiren conceded, taking the first turn.

This left Li Suren and Jun Yibai alone to explore the room. It was fairly big, with a humble fridge and stove. It was the kind of place one could live in if they had the money to burn. For a single night, it felt like too much.

"Was this really the cheapest option?" Jun Yibai asked, his grimace deepening.

"This area is near the financial district, so a lot of well-off office workers come by to relax and rest. The price range is mixed but for a place to take teens and ask no questions, we had to go a bit above board."

"Your families don't have hotels?

"The mutt's family does but there are way too many eyes there." He explained. "Last thing we want is a candid picture of us making it on the news."

Meaning a picture of me. Jun Yibai thought, recalling the incident from before. He remembered that night very well.

While there were many things he wanted to ask, Li Suren put it off, saying it'd be better for the three of them to talk. Something about a contract between him and Chen Guiren.

Jun Yibai didn't understand but let it be, exploring the room. As expected, there was a single king-size bed rather than a pair of queens.

The beta absolutely knew it had been on purpose but it was hard to say which of his roommates did it.

Yet he was too tired to question it, falling back and staring up at the ceiling.

Moments later, he felt the bed depress beside him.

"Come to keep me company?"

"Ah, now master is trying to seduce me?"

Jun Yibai jumped, the sudden scent of steam brushing his nose as he turned to the alpha lying beside him. Chen Guiren was grinning, his cheek resting casually on his palm.

Unconsciously, Jun Yibai's eyes drifted downward, noticing that Chen Guiren was only wearing boxers, letting the rest of his body be on display.

And boy was it a display.

Chen Guiren was an alpha and it showed. His body was fit and muscular, skinny with youth but strong. As a person who was active, it was a bit strange to see such a body when he was sure it came naturally as opposed to being worked on.

"Enjoying the view?"

"A bit envious, actually." He grumbled. Surely getting into fights didn't result in abs like that, right?

The alpha was quick to respond. "You can touch it too."

"A guy's chest is outside my interest."

Though the nipples that slightly pebbled due to the air conditioner were a bit interesting. This, however, was pushed aside as he felt it was inappropriate.

Chen Guiren didn't give up, however, rolling close so they were side by side. He grabbed Jun Yibai's chin, turning it to face him.

"How about mine?"

"Are you not male?"

"I'm just any male." He shot back, his tone taking on a mild growl. "I'm an alpha."

"Oh?" The beta's tone was light, mainly because he was tired but was misunderstood by his bed partner.

Chen Guiren grimaced, feeling that he wasn't being taken seriously. With an elegance that proclaimed the existence of perfection in this world, Chen Guiren rolled over, trapping the beta beneath him. While no part of them was touching, Jun Yibai could feel the alpha's body heat radiate and warm his skin.

He unconsciously swallowed as Chen Guiren leaned down toward him.

"Master." He growled, his elbows the only means of keeping his lips from touching Jun Yibai's ear.


"Do you know why I call you that?"

Out of everything he was expecting, this was not one of the options. Why?

Noting the mild confusion, Chen Guiren chuckled and nuzzled Jun Yibai's neck. The shiver that followed filled him with a perverse sense of joy.

His 'master' was aware of him~

"It's only proper I serve my master, even when he doesn't ask, right?" He continued, moving closer. Only his face was touching Jun Yibai but he yearned to do more.

He wanted to touch more of his skin. To make marks. To be marked.

He wanted to see his no-nonsense beta flushed and begging beneath him. To own his master fully and be owned back.

He was willing to submit to a Beta as long as it was Jun Yibai. As long as he would then belong to him and-

"Get off him, you oaf!"

Chen Guiren was kicked off of Jun Yibai, surprising both teens. While Li Suren was nowhere near as strong as Chen Guiren, it didn't take much to shove an off-balance and distracted male.

Horniness was the most distracting state a man can be in.

Chen Guiren glared at Li Suren but the Omega was used to his looks.

"Don't give me that look." He shot back. "We had a deal. Let Sweetie shower before you start harassing him."

Jun Yibai, dragged back to the present by the mention of his name, shot up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. It was clear that he was flustered but whether or not it was due to being caught in such a situation or his reaction to it was only known to him.

Left alone, Chen Guiren and Li Suren stared at the door until the telltale sound of water erupted from behind the door.

"So," Chen Guiren started, walking to get some clean clothes from his bag. "You wanna tell me what is going on?"

"Me? I'm not the one who looked to be seconds from mating Sweetie." Li Suren scolded, glaring at the alpha. "I thought we had a deal, Chen Guiren."

"We do and I'll keep my end of the bargain." He promised. "What I want to know is why we're here."


"At a hotel." He snapped, getting annoyed. He knew this wily fox wasn't dumb so why pretend not to know what he was getting at? "You took to this really casually, as if it wasn't a strange thing to ask. And it is, by the way. Most people our age don't stay away from home for no reason."

And the incident on the bus made Chen Guiren worry about Jun Yibai.

Li Suren, despite his general dislike for the male, had known Jun Yibai longer than him so he had to ask the Omega.

Li Suren, for his credit, was honest with him.

"I'm not completely sure why but I know Sweetie stays away from home sometimes." He admitted with a sigh. He patted the bed, offering a seat. Chen Guiren took the offer, letting the omega blow dry his hair. "It didn't happen often but sometimes he'd get a call from his parents and ask me to drop him by his neighbor's house."

It wouldn't have bothered him at the time, since Li Suren loved spending time with the beta. It's just that he came to notice that since the time Li Suren picked him up from the park, Jun Yibai seemed reluctant to walk by himself. For such a self-reliant child, it was strange.

"You think that's what happened today?" Chen Guiren asked, pulling the omega from his thoughts.

"Probably. It's best not to pry."

They both knew Jun Yibai wasn't the type to open up about himself or his problems. He just barely allowed them to be by his side.

Hell, if it wasn't for the fact he couldn't afford a hotel by himself, they'd have parted ways long before this.

This thought was clear and circling about in the heads of both teens.


Meanwhile, the subject of their thoughts was in the shower, trying to wash away his shame.

Jun Yibai stared at the tiled floor, watching the water flow down the drain, as he tried to come to terms with what had happened.

He'd gotten excited... with Chen Guiren of all people.

That arrogant and reckless fight junkie had made his heart actually beat faster!

Worse... he might have even gotten a bit aroused by the nuzzling!!

Jun Yibai wanted to die just thinking about it but the next best thing was blasting the temperature handle straight to blue. The stinging cold water erased all lewd thoughts from his mind, leaving behind only the embarrassment.

He shivered, waiting for his body to calm down enough to actually get clean. He'd be damned if he actually jerked off to his friend like a creep.

Still, he wasn't sure how he should act when he got out. Chen Guiren was probably interested in him. It was a total mystery why but he was.

Li Suren was... a bit unclear but it was possible he was the same. Really, who else but him was the omega clingy with?

So maybe they both liked him?

Jun Yibai, having never been the target of anyone's romantic interest, was left adrift in a sea of confusion. What was he supposed to do?

Should he... ask someone?

Just then, he heard his phone beep. An alert?

Ah, he could ask Yang Ru! She was usually a good source of advice.


Hey, what do you do when a friend likes another friend?


Is this a confession? Cause I'm still trying for that cute bunny boy~


I'm not into people who gossip.


Don't worry, bro~

As long as you stay on my side, no secret of yours will pass my lips~

Jun Yibai wanted to ask what secrets she could possibly know but knew it was better not to. God only knew what she had dug up after years of hanging out. A man's internet history was something to take to their grave and he was sure she knew some of the things in his.


How about if, hypothetically, it was an alpha who was

Into a beta? So much so, that they pretended to be a Beta to hang out?


It's this late and you are bringing up fantasies? What's next, a billionaire in a private hotel room who pinned you down and said you belong to them? Do you think you're some protagonist with such golden luck!?

He briefly considered whether to tell her it wasn't one but two future billionaires in a private room with him but refrained. It was best if he just remained vague.


Seriously, what should be done?


Do you like them back?


Not really...

His answer was the truth. He liked Chen Guiren and Li Suren but only as friends. His life was too messy to let them be anything more.

If they confessed it would be troublesome.

He chose to ignore the slightly unsteady beat of his heart at the thought.


Then ignore it. If they confess, reject them but don't bring it up first.


How come?


It's awkward if you bring it up and it's actually a misunderstanding.

Best to let things flow naturally and respond accordingly.

That made sense. How bad would it be if his thoughts were wrong?


I see. Thanks

After bidding her goodnight, Jun Yibai felt a bit calmer. He felt flattered to be liked but didn't want to complicate his relationship any more than it was. A pair of rich heirs, the tops of society in both biology and economics.

They were not his equals but it was enough to be friends.

As such, Jun Yibai left the bathroom with a slightly lighter heart. He was prepared for whatever came next, awkwardness or confessions.

Yet, much to his surprise, there was neither.

The two in the room were dressed and lounging on the bed as they watched a commercial. They offered a spot between them and a paper cup of wine.

It was as if nothing had happened before.

Jun Yibai unconsciously let out a sigh of relief, relaxing as he took up the spot. The trio relaxed and watched some dumb show on a streaming network. As the drinks flowed, so did their commentary.

"I'm telling you!" Chen Guiren exclaimed, throwing a potato chip at the screen. He leaned back against the headboard with a grumbling. "If Scott just punched that asshole in the dick, he'd know better than to try and make moves on his girl!"

"That wouldn't help considering the issue isn't him but Scott's refusal to be honest." Li Suren interjected, sipping his wine clumsily.

"I'm still concerned why your solution to most problems is a punch in the dick specifically." Jun Yibai muttered, his head lazily resting on Chen Guiren's shoulder. They had watched at least 3 different shows and his response was always the same. "What would you do if it was a girl?"

The alpha considered this for a moment. "Punch them in the tit?"

Jun Yibai chuckled, his face mildly flushed from the wine. "That would get them to stop, I guess."

"And you arrested for assault and possibly sexual harassment." Li Suren reminded them both, staring up from his spot on Jun Yibai's lap. His pale hair was spread out casually as he rolled onto his back.

"Ah, but then the conflict would stop so all's good."

"Only you would think getting arrested is 'all good'." Li Suren mocked, swatting the alpha's leg playfully with his foot. Chen Guiren grabbed the naughty leg, holding it hostage as he turned to the sleepy-eyed beta between them.

"Would you visit me, Master?"

"Of course! How else can I laugh at you for being dumb?"

In spite of his shameless flirting, Jun Yibai felt strangely calm. Yes, his heart was a bit unsteady but he felt no desire to push him away.

In fact, he felt very relaxed just then, sitting back and watching teen dramas and adding commentary.

The trio fell asleep, one by one. While Li Suren and Chen Guiren kept a distance from one another, by the time the sun was peeking over the horizon, they had a leg over one's waist and an arm being used as a pillow.

It was a comforting and wholesome sight if there was anyone to see it.


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