Big Manga

Chapter 93

Chapter 92 : Blessing

“You did the right thing.”

In the afternoon, after the crowd dispersed, Ye Xiong reported the results to Xu Jing. Xu Jing was silent for a long time and sighed: “If you don’t answer this way, the company will be in trouble.”

Ye Xiong’s answer to Huang Leshan was that “Five Centimeters Per Second” would be released soon. Under such circumstances, he had to answer this to make the readers feel relieved, even if this answer made Xu Jing unhappy.

But if you answer, you can’t go back. The Phoenix Company must take action. Xu Jing began to disagree with Meng Huo’s publication of the new comics, but this time he had to ask for publication. The changes in the world made him laugh wryly.

“Go down.”

Xu Jing waved to Ye Xiong. Today is a Saturday holiday, and the sudden disturbance disrupted many people’s rest: “Nothing will happen anymore. Take a good rest these two days.”


Ye Xiong nodded, but he stopped talking on his face, his footsteps lingering.

“Do you have any questions?”

Xu Jing raised his head and asked.

“There is one, chairman.” Ye Xiong bowed his head and asked cautiously: “Will this disturbance affect the sales of magazines and the single-volume “Detective Conan”?”

This month, both “Detective Conan” and “Inuyasha” will be released as separate books. Some readers gathered at the company’s door declared that they would not buy it without changing the ending of “Five Centimeters Per Second”, which made Ye Xiong very worried.

“You probably haven’t watched “Five Centimeters Per Second”, right?”

“How do you know?”

Ye Xiong looked surprised. He found out that Meng Huo had released a new comic last night. He wanted to get up and read it this morning, but he didn’t expect that Phoenix Company had an accident, so he has not seen the short comic that caused the riots so far.

“If you read it, you won’t raise this question.” Xu Jing replied faintly: “Don’t worry, if you observe the eyes of those protesting readers, you will find that they are not dissatisfied with “Five Centimeters Per Second” and protested. , On the contrary, they like that work very much.”

“Good works don’t worry about sales. The collection value of “Five Centimeters Per Second” is very high. This incident will not affect sales, but will increase… Of course, it’s better to ask Mr. He Xi to explain that he is not only writing tragedies. .”

Xu Jing didn’t say something. The online release of “Five Centimeters Per Second” will allow more people to see He Xi’s drawing skills, which will also help increase the sales of other comics.


Ye Xiong was still a little puzzled, but he believed Xu Jing’s judgment, and turned away in relief.

He just left, Xu Jing turned on the laptop on the desk, and it showed He Xi’s personal space.

“Recommended by many famous artists”, “The most beautiful comics”, “The sales champion of the whole network”

On the banner of the personal space, the space provider put a conspicuous slogan on “Five Centimeters Per Second”, and the number of followers of He Xi is refreshing every minute.

“This site should be laughing crazy…”

Xu Jing shook his head and said, his eyes turned to the number of purchasers of comics, which now exceeds 200,000. Two hundred thousand, 10 Huaxia coins per person, “Five Centimeters Per Second” created two million in revenue in less than a day, even surpassing professional serial sites.

But the main reason is that “Five Centimeters Per Second” is over, and you can buy the entire copy as soon as you buy it. It does not mean that other serial comics can also achieve such good results.

The space provider put “Five Centimeters Per Second” on the homepage of the website. In addition to @numerous celebrities and expert comments, he also opened up He Xi’s readers’ forum, posing a posture of wanting to be an online Phoenix company.

It’s no wonder they are so active. “The Legend of Wukong” once made readers flock to them, and several times overwhelmed the server to prove the attractiveness of He Shi, and this time “Five Centimeters Per Second” brought tangible benefits, replaced by Xu After being a space provider, he will also find ways to make more money.

Xu Jing clicked to enter the forum, and the top post that caught the eye was “The Most Touching Story, On He Xi’s View of Love” by the author Xing Boxiang.

Xingboxiang, isn’t this the female president of Yenching University? Xu Jing was surprised, why the female president of Yenching University would also read cartoons.

“The first time I heard about He Xi was a month ago. At that time, an error was displayed when logging in to the website. I asked the reason. The website replied that it was because He Xi published “The Story of Wukong”. The impact of traffic made the server unstable. I have never heard of it. What a pity this person, at that time, he was deemed to be a speculative writer, he had no affection for him, and he did not go to read novels.”

“Until a few days ago, I attended an academic exchange meeting in Ninghai, and found that I could see He Shi’s advertisements everywhere, and I could also see huge headlines discussing him when I picked up the newspaper. I clearly remember a report, and it praised it. What a pity, while criticizing his weakness, the contradictions are sharp and surprising.”

“I think everyone can guess that the so-called weakness is the description of love. During the exchange period in the past few days, I saw many similar newspapers, but apart from love, these newspapers seemed to find no other criticism. So this morning, when I heard that He Xi released the love comics, I couldn’t help but look curiously.”

“As a result, I admit, He Xi left everyone speechless…”

“His strength does not need to be hyped, and the exquisite and true description of his love is not inferior to the story on the screen of the Zhejiang-Hangzhou Film Festival This is the most romantic, moving, and most inspiring I have ever seen. Regret, and the most impressive love story.”

“Nowadays, young novelists love to use chaotic characters and intricate plots to tell love. Even the so-called romance princess, the story she wrote, I only feel tired after reading.”

“It’s very tiring and complicated. This is the status quo of today’s love stories. The appearance of “Five Centimeters Per Second” made me see an oasis in the desert. The story of this comic is very simple. It consists of three parts in total, without love or hate. There are not many entangled family struggles, and there are not many people on the stage. It is like a stream flowing with a touch of sadness. The delicate environment and emotions inside allow me, a woman who is over 50 years old, to recall the bitterness and romance of youth.”

“What is love? Love is not a struggle. It is a simple thing. At this point, “Five Centimeters Per Second” does a good job. I like this comic, and I will continue to support He Xi in the future as a reader.”


After reading this comment, Xu Jing smiled bitterly.

“It’s just a love comic…”

A love comic actually captured the female principal of Yenching University, he had to admit defeat and convinced him. Perhaps it was a mistake to think of blocking the spirited young man. He couldn’t stop Meng Huo’s footsteps, so he might as well greet him with an open heart.

Meng has been so good, it must be no worse than others in his career.

If this is the case, it would be a blessing for Xu Jing to give Phoenix to Meng Huo. At least half of his life’s results will not be wasted…

(Thanks to Leah-chan and Mr. Takeyun for the reward!)

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