Big Manga

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 : Invest in Phoenix

Shen Jie said, she actually asked Meng Huo to drink mineral water in a medium-sized bottle.

She also bought a bottle herself. The two of them were sitting on the benches on the street. Shen Jie didn’t seem to want to talk any more. She slurped and drank water like a drink, her petite face looked mysterious under the faint street lamp.

“Okay, I’m going back!”

Soon, Shen Jie stood up. She threw the empty water bottle out and dropped it accurately into the trash can ten meters away.

Meng Huo wants to applaud her, this guy is really good.

Shen Jie put on his hat, picked up the booklet of “Detective Conan”, waved and turned away.

Meng Huo looked at her back, hesitated for a moment, or shouted: “Hey, if you are homesick, you can tell me, I will ask you as much mineral water.

“Hey, hello, don’t just expose other people’s minds, OK!” Shen Jie paused, then turned around and smiled: “I don’t like too smart boys, but I will remember your words. I can’t find you in the future. Just let me fly.”

“If I’m not busy at work, I can come over.”

Meng Huo smiled slightly.

He watched Shen Jie go over the wall and return to school, turning around and leaving when there was no more movement.

In the next few days, Meng Huo was studying new abilities while paying attention to the follow-up developments in the booklet. “Detective Conan” pamphlets have gradually been sold across the country, and sales have continued to rise, and readers everywhere have snapped up.

‘The most popular original comics’,’Manga masterpieces with sales comparable to best-selling novels’,’The No. 1 Detective Comics in History’,’The Most Collectible Youth Comics’… Too many titles have been placed in “Detective Conan” “, and the most important thing is that it defeated “Detective Sherlock”.

The news media finally found such a topic, and naturally spared no effort to hype it. And the result of this hype is that everyone knows the comic book “Detective Conan”, which has gained much attention by stepping on the body of “Detective Sherlock”.

Phoenix took the opportunity to fall into trouble. Originally, “Detective Sherlock” had far more sales outlets in the mainland than “Detective Conan”, but now it appears where “Detective Conan” will appear.

When readers see these two comics, the bookstore owner will tell them that “Detective Conan” is more popular than “Detective Sherlock”, plus the contrast between the cover and the screen. Most readers have chosen “Detective Conan”, and the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Five days later, the total sales of “Detective Conan” in China exceeded 8 million copies, faster than experts predicted, while the total sales of “Detective Sherlock” in the same period was only 5 million copies.

The gap between the two cannot be made up.

“I want to honestly say that “Detective Conan” is more interesting than the adaptation of the novel, not only because we can’t predict its content, but more importantly, He Shi uses some comic techniques, his storytelling, characters, and environmental details are all done. Very good, the rhythm is very suitable for comics, but these are the most lacking skills in comics that focus on adapting the content of novels.”

“The appearance of such works in original comics is surprising, the adaptation of novels is not comparable, and those mystery writers are always writing boring things. Mach teacher and the reasoning association have lost, “Detective Conan” is indeed worth recommending .”

“It’s good to draw detective stories with a young mind. The pictures are excellent. Watching He Xi’s comics feels like watching a landscape, and he is still making progress. I think one day he will paint the story as beautiful as a movie. .”

Many senior people’s comments have also appeared on the Internet. These comments represent that “Detective Conan” has entered the eyes of the upper class.

It has gradually invaded all walks of life and its influence has increased. Phoenix has received copyright requests from many writers, film companies, animation companies, and even game companies. Of course, the final decision on these copyrights is still in the hands of Meng Huo.

Soon after “Detective Conan” was released, even if the copyright was sold, there was not enough content to support various adaptations and evolutions. Those companies and individuals just wanted to start in advance. But Meng Huo was not short of money, so he refused.

While he refused, he was worried about explaining the sales problem to Li Qin. Meng Huo told Li Qin that his sales amounted to one million, but now that it has doubled eight times, his royalties still exceed 10 million after tax deduction, and even more than 20 million Chinese coins in a while.

What do you say about so much money?

But when Meng Huo hesitated, Li Qin accidentally saw the news from the news, and when she saw it, the sales had exceeded 8.5 million copies. Li Qin vaguely remembered Meng Huo’s saying that one million instincts can get more than two million Chinese coins. Isn’t 8.5 million more than 17 million Chinese coins?

She couldn’t bear the stimulation and fainted.

Meng Huo was studying high school knowledge with Alice in the study. When he went out to see Li Qin fainted, both of them were shocked. They quickly helped Li Qin to the room, put a towel on her face and took medicine, and it took a long time for Li Qin to wake up.

This mother just woke up and said the first sentence: “Xiao Huo, even if you become the president of the country, I won’t faint.”

Li Qin has accepted his fate, her son must not be treated with common sense, and she will not be surprised how big things will happen in the future.

After Alice and Meng Huo asked why she fainted, they both couldn’t laugh. But this incident immediately brought more serious problems. Li Qin wanted to know what Meng Huo planned to do with the money.

Meng Huo told her that she had no plans for the time being, UU read and it would take several months to get the money.

But at this moment, Alice suddenly said something amazing.

“How about using that money to buy shares in Phoenix?” The blonde editor said with a smile, “Although 20 million can’t buy a lot, the company will definitely be happy to sell it to you.”

Her words are not groundless. In fact, this is the instruction given to her by the chairman of Phoenix Company. “Detective Conan” will soon be able to earn 20 million Chinese currency royalties to Meng. However, the biggest beneficiary of this comic book is not him, but the publisher, Phoenix.

Phoenix has obtained the previous year’s earnings in the past few days. While the company’s executives are ecstatic, they are also afraid that Menghuo will leave.

The priority contract signed by Ye Xiong and Meng Huo can no longer give them peace of mind. After discussion, Phoenix Company adopted a more effective countermeasure. They wanted to turn Meng Huo into a shareholder of the company and completely tie him together.

Undoubtedly, this is a very attractive condition.

Meng Huo thought about it for a few days, and finally he found that the money he earned was not difficult. For the time being, no matter if he plans to draw other comics, “Detective Conan” alone has a long life span. It’s not at all when issued dozens of pamphlets. problem.

So why are you giving up this opportunity?

He decided to take a stake in Phoenix Company.

(Thanks to SKT1Faker for rewarding 300 starting coins! Xiaoyao Mojun 15 rewards 100 starting coins! Those who have rewarded before will not list them, and they will all thank you before the shelves!)

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