Big Fox Furry and Cute

Chapter 24:

Lin Su took the nail clippers back to the room and put them in front of William: “Well, nail clippers.”

When the words fell, Lin Su turned around and quickly took a change of clothes and got into the bathroom.

William watched the little female leave and waved his tail. Why was Lin Su’s face so red?

After having breakfast early in the morning, Lin Su helped William out and wanted him to get more sunshine.

The online store module has been established, and when the business license is issued, the store is officially opened, and there is no need for William to keep an eye on it.

Lin Su went to dig out the chicken coop to see if the pheasant who had just changed into a new house had “repaid” him for laying a few more eggs.

Facts have proved that these pheasants are unripe white-eyed chickens, not only did not lay an egg for him, but the previous ones also did not hatch.

Just a bunch of trash, nothing!

“Xiao Su, the staff of the Law Enforcement Department are here.”

Hearing Su Jin’s greeting, Lin Su responded, washed his hands and walked over, and saw Luo Manman, who had been with Mu En last time, and another unfamiliar colleague beside him, Lin Su smiled and said, “Why so early The vegetables are not cooked yet.”

Luo Manman took a deep breath when he got out of the car and was caught by the four fruit trees in Lin Su’s yard: “Are these fruit trees also from your family?”

The lush fruit trees in front of him are covered with delightful fruits. The big red apples and the big yellow oranges are big and beautiful from the outside. I don’t know if it is his illusion, the surrounding air seems to be filled with a A fresh and delicious fruity fragrance, which makes people feel at ease.

Thinking of Mu En’s exhortation when he came out in the morning, asking him to test whether Lin Su has the will to become the exclusive purifier of North Star.

Now looking at the four trees in the yard full of fruit, he felt a little embarrassed to speak. With such a capability, North Star, a barren galaxy, why should he keep people? Is the capital star’s treatment bad or the capital? Isn’t the star scenery beautiful?

Think about it from another perspective, if he has such ability, he will definitely go to Capital Star to develop, even if he is crying in the Capital Star thatched cottage, not laughing in the North Star Villa, of course he can only think about it. .

Hearing Luo Manman asking about the fruit trees, Lin Su smiled sincerely: “Yes, these are my newly cultivated apple and orange trees, but the price should be higher than before, after all, cultivating fruits is better than cultivating vegetables. It’s a little more difficult, but I hope you understand.”

“Understand, understand, in fact, when I came here this time, Minister Moon specially told me to tell you that the purified fruits and vegetables purchased from you last time have been tested by professional institutions and found that all fruits and vegetables contain more than 60% of Natural elements, although 60% of the natural elements have just had a soothing effect according to the imperial standard, but the nutritional supplements made are lucky to have such abilities. This matter has been reported to the head of the star field, and the head of the star field also attaches great importance… ”

“Tell us not to let you have any losses. If you are willing, North Star wants to hire you as an exclusive purifier, what do you think?”

Lin Su was not surprised by Luo Manman’s words. As early as when he completed the first transaction, he knew that such a day would come. As for hiring him as an exclusive purifier, it was just a disguised retention. With the label of North Star, there will be restrictions wherever you go.

According to the importance that the empire attaches to the owner of the purification ability, and the strong willingness of major galaxies to have their own purifiers, it is not surprising that the North Star Field Master invited him.

It’s just that Lin Su has no plans to go to Capital Star for the time being, but she doesn’t think she will stay in North Star forever.

“I appreciate the kindness of the head of the star field, but I don’t have the will for the time being, sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize, Minister Moon had already told you when you came, it’s all up to you, as long as we can buy purified fruits and vegetables from you in the future, and we will give you purified fruits and vegetables in the future. Re-pricing will definitely not make you lose money.”

“Don’t worry about this, I will open a shop and do business, and I will not make money without making money.”

After hearing what Lin Su said, Luo Manman felt at ease. Even if he didn’t complete the important task that Muen gave him, at least the transaction could continue.

Turning to look at Zhao An who came with him, Luo Manman said nervously: “That’s right, this is the partner of a good friend of mine, and my friend is a D-class psychopath. Recently The symptoms are relatively serious, so I want to bring him here, buy some fruits and vegetables from your place, and go back to my friends to eat and see, I hope you don’t think that I am presumptuous.”

Lin Su noticed that the female beside Luo Manman, Zhao An wearing a light gray trench coat, was still young, but thin and frail, with a sad face on her face, and her condition was not very good.

Looking at Lin Su’s black eyes, Zhao An said nervously: “Hello, my name is Zhao An, I told me in private, I hope you don’t mind.”

The little female in front of her is not very old, but she has an ability that cannot be underestimated.

When Luo Manman told him about this in private, he still didn’t believe it. After all, the empire’s treatment plan for mentally disordered patients so far has only been a soothing agent.

He had eaten purified fruits and vegetables, but it was the first time he had heard of purified fruits and vegetables that had a soothing effect, and he was skeptical on the way.

Until he saw these four lush and fruity trees in the yard, even if the Zhao family had a certain status in the capital star, he had seen people with purification ability in the past, and he had never seen anyone with such an arrogant and arrogant person. ability!

Unlike these people on the 13th farm, Zhao An has seen the market before. When he lived in the capital star, he also ate a lot of purified fruits and vegetables. Naturally, he knew that the cultivation period of this kind of fruit was much longer than that of green vegetables. How expensive, and because of scarcity, it is not easy to buy.

Generally, you have to make an appointment in advance and buy one by one.

But now in a third-level galaxy like North Star, the young owner of the purification ability has cultivated four such invaluable fruit trees. If the news is released, it will shock everyone enough.

Not to mention that these fruits are also very likely to contain soothing powers.

Lin Su had a genial smile on her face: “This is a business introduction to me, how could I mind, you two don’t have to be so polite, just say your intentions.”

The white and pure little female smiled and showed two well-behaved pear nests, which made people feel good.

Zhao An breathed a sigh of relief, because he had come into contact with females who also had the ability to purify, and all of them had eyes higher than the top. This little female with a cute and beautiful smile in front of her spoke these words softly, which made him inexplicably feel a little closer. : “Is the fruit on this tree for sale? I want to buy some.”

“Sell, if you buy it for a fraction of a second, the price is on it.” Lin Su pointed to the sign hanging on the gate of the courtyard.

Zhao An took a half step back and looked at the prices on the brand: 400 coins/pc for apples, 450 coins/pc for oranges, and 1,000 coins/pc for strawberries, all of which are standard market prices.

Fair enough, not to mention that if the inside really contains 60% of the natural elements as Luo Manman said, the price would be much lower.

“I want 2 apples, 2 oranges, and 1 strawberry.”

Seeing that Zhao An was not intimidated by the price, and that he knew the goods, Lin Su said with satisfaction, “Wait a minute.”

Zhao An’s eyes moved with the little female who picked up the high pole to pick the fruit, and noticed a half-human, half-fox male sitting on the reclining chair next to her.

Zhao Anxin was tense. Since his partner suffered from mental disorder, he has learned a lot about this.

Knowing that in the later stage of mental disorder, the contracted beast will compete with the owner for the right to use the body.

A state like this half-beastization shows that the mental disorder is already quite serious.

But now this male is not only fine, but also seems to be very comfortable. Just when Zhao An was surprised, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have seen this person somewhere…

The author has something to say:

Lin Su: Here comes the money!

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