Big brother, I want to be the strongest in the world in Pirates

Chapter 593. Outbreak of Jihad

When Kazan came back again, Chi Yue and Shi had disappeared from the backyard.

"Did Chi Yue and Shi leave here?"

"Go back to my god, no one has come out."

Kazan asked the guards around him, and they all gave the same answer.

Then use the domineering color of knowledge to perceive it carefully, and it is true that the breath of Chiyue and Shi can no longer be felt.

"Leave obediently..."

Kazan heaved a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, and then went to the combat meeting room alone a little lonely.

At the end of 1817 in the Haiyuan calendar.

At the moment when the sky-moon time began to span time 800 years ago, the light-moon time on this side also just woke up.

"Master Time!" x8

The Red Sheath Eight Heroes surrounded him worriedly, while the surrounding monster family members watched Guangyue Shi indifferently.

"Just now... Where's Nissan?"

Guangyue looked around, it was still Kuangshilang's family, and looking at the situation of the people present, it seemed that he had just passed out for a while.

"Are you referring to His Excellency Chitong? While you fainted, His Excellency Chitong disappeared suddenly."

Kankuro responded to Dao Guangyue's question from the side.

Judging from what happened just now, Kazan's disappearance seems to have an inseparable relationship with Kozuki Toki, so now the Red Sheath Eight Heroes are a little worried about the attitude of the monster family.

Maybe the other party held back for the sake of Guangyue Rihe and Can Xueyizang for the time being.

"Just now, my fruit-time ability was affected, and the memory I have...may have changed. If there is no accident, Nissan may have returned to the fish-man island 800 years ago."

Kozuki lowered his head.

She recalled that when Kazan who came back suddenly 800 years ago saw her first face and called herself "Guangyue", she wondered whether her memory had been changed.

And according to the memory of 800 years ago, Kazan said that he came from 800 years later, so Kozuki deduced that Kazan in this period went to Fishman Island 800 years later.


"800 years ago, are you kidding me!"

"Why is it on Fishman Island?"

"Will O'Neill meet Sister Chiyue?"

"Can you bring him back? Or, are you capable of bringing us back?"

Feng Kelei's last question made everyone in the monster family quiet down, and this is the most critical right now.

"Take you all back, I'm afraid it won't work, 800 years is too long, even if I am alone, it will take a long time to travel several times to get there, and the consumption of going back to the past is greater than that of going to the future .”

Kozuki shook his head, it is not realistic to go back to the past, "However, I can probably bring Nissan back from 800 years ago, but there is one premise, I need Nissan's blood."

"It's in Carloso's medical room, I'll get it."

At this moment, Reiju stood up and went to Carloso's place in the backyard of Kuangshilang's family.

When there is nothing to do, everyone will draw some blood and store it in case of sudden ischemia after serious injury.

"One more thing, is the mermaid princess of this era the ancient weapon Poseidon?"

Kozuki nodded, and then asked another question with some concern.

"Yes, what's the matter? She is also a member of our monster family, Nissan's adopted sister."

Looking at Kozuki's appearance, Monet frowned.

"Great...I urgently need the blood of a contemporary mermaid princess."

Guangyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then murmured a little nervously, "I hope Chiyue won't mess around, he will really be sealed by Nissan."

"Shirahoshi's blood? I see, I'll tell Jinbe, it will take about three days to get here at that guy's speed."

Aaron nodded, it would be perfect for him to handle the matter of Murloc Island.

Three minutes later, Reiju fetched Kazan's blood.

"I need to locate the specific time point of Nissan and then drag it. This time will last about three days. Please make sure that the Beast Pirates and BigMom Pirates do not come to harass within three days."

Kozuki said solemnly to everyone present that crossing time and space is a very dangerous thing, and Kotsuki may lose Kazan's position if he is a little careless, so he is absolutely not allowed to be disturbed.

"Don't worry, we will attack Onijima, so that they have no time to care about Wano Country."

Feng Kelei raised his chin, folded his arms and said to the Eight Heroes in the Red Sheath: "You can stay here to protect her."

"But Chitong-sama is not here, you will not be opponents of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates."

Although what Lei Zang said was rude, it was indeed the truth.

"We don't plan to fight directly with them. It's easy to delay the time."

Feng Kelei turned his head and looked at the cutting-edge combat power on his side except Kazan.

Former Shichibukai, Sand Crocodile, Moonlight Moriah, Boya Hancock.

The three main forces of the monster family, Feng Clay, Bellamy, and Monet.

In addition, people such as Ajin, Tezolo, Robin, Reiju, Granose, Togu, etc. are not inferior in strength to Fei Liubao.

Even without Kazan, it is absolutely impossible for the Hundred Beasts Pirates and BigMom Pirates to completely destroy the monster family in the short term.

What's more, there is only one Charlotte Smoothie among the three generals of the BigMom Pirates, and the other Katakuri and Cracker are guarding their base camp, Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

"Then, it's almost time to set off for Ghost Island."

Tezolo twirled the golden cane in his hand, turned around and walked outside first.

With the departure of the members of the monster family and the Eight Heroes of the Red Sheath hiding around Kuangshiro's family, Kozuki also knelt quietly on the tatami, and his whole body began to emit pure white light.

. . .

At the beginning of 719 in the lunar calendar of the sea, the former site of the Perus Empire.

The war came earlier than Kazan expected.

Of course, for the destruction faction, this may be a good thing instead.

Now all the races of the destruction faction have gathered here, and Kazan is sitting on the bow of Pluto, the king of the underworld.

Pluto, the king of the underworld, is a man-made ship built by the Perus Empire. It has the power to easily destroy a large island with one shot.

Kazan and Ozma each hold half of Pluto's control.

The other Uranus and Neptune represent the pinnacles of the natural and biological realms, respectively.

"My God, the Chaos faction has appeared in the open sea. Apart from those ignorant Chaos believers, there are 25 indigenous clans that have appeared. The [-] Chaos magicians under Ozma have all arrived, but they haven't seen it yet. The figure of Ozma."

Gilder Albus was standing beside Kazan holding a golden scepter and reporting the situation.

The Great Chaos Magician unit under Ozma is a special combat force trained by Ozma himself since they re-founded the country.

Consisting of a group of magicians who seem to have been dehumanized, they only obey Ozma's orders.

In nearly a hundred years, only a quarter of the 100-member Great Magician troop remained.

This is also the result of destroying countless races at the price of blood.

After leaving the continent of Arad, Ozma could no longer allow ordinary people to master chaos magic, so as long as the remaining 25 great chaos magicians died, Ozma's subordinates would no longer have high-end combat power.

"Inform the entire army that the final jihad has begun."


Among the dark clouds over the sea outside the former site of the Perus Empire.

"My god, do you want to send troops immediately when the other party has no reaction?"

The head of the great magician of chaos, Ke Linjie, the enlightener of chaos, looked at the figure sitting on the empty chair beside him exuding the breath of black and purple chaos, and asked respectfully.

"Do not."

Ozma cherishes words like gold, and doesn't even bother to tell his most loyal subordinates the reason for his refusal.

It's just that Ke Linjie has followed Ozma for thousands of years. Even if Ozma doesn't say anything, she can still see some meaning in the other's eyes.

Just like now, Ke Linjie saw the "pleasure" in Ozma's eyes that he had not seen for 27 years.

Since the ghosts of destruction returned to the destruction faction a year ago, and the chaos faction began to suffer large-scale casualties, Ozma would occasionally feel "joyful" in the game with the ghosts of destruction.

Ke Linjie understood that her Chaos God was enjoying the feeling of 'playing' with the Destruction God.

They are brothers and comrades-in-arms who have been together since before they became gods. Even if they became gods, the memories they experienced together in the past still have not dissipated.

Similarly, only a god is worthy to be the opponent and friend of another god.

And Kazan is Ozma's only opponent and only friend in these thousands of years.

"The destruction faction gathers very quickly."

Ke Linjie looked at the densely packed figures on the former site of the Perus Empire below.

If she hadn't lost most of her emotions as a human being, she should feel a little pressure now, after all, there are many powerful people there.

The number and strength of this scale can swallow her up within a quarter of an hour.

"He came from the future."

Ozma said what he wanted to say, and he didn't care what Ke Linjie thought when he heard these words, "When I was young, I was a girl born in the Tianyue clan hundreds of years ago, I remember Kazan asked me to call that girl Child, that is a genius who has mastered the magic of time."

"Originally I wanted to take that child as an apprentice, but she refused, saying that she would stay by Kazan's side forever, and then Kazan beat her up."

"However, Kazan allowed her waywardness after all, and didn't force her to learn anything. It's a pity."

"I think the future Kazan should have a lot to do with her now."

"And what I'm curious what happened in the 27 years that Kazan disappeared."

Ozma hadn't said so much for a long, long time.

Perhaps the number of words spoken in the past 100 years is not as many as the current paragraph, which shows how strong the curiosity about all this is in the heart of this Chaos God.

Ke Linjie was also shocked.

She was not shocked by what Ozma told her, but was shocked that Ozma had such strong emotions that belong to 'human beings'.

She had even forgotten that Ozma was originally a human being.

" can ask him?"

Ke Linjie frowned, and responded with her not very bright head.

Ozma shook her head, but said nothing.

Curious though he was, he didn't think it made any sense to know all this.

The end is doomed.

The will of the world will be maintained, and the Perus Empire will perish in the long river of history.

At this moment, Ozma may have thought of this, and became a little uninterested, raised his hand, and hooked his fingers.


Ke Linjie nodded, and immediately flew towards the gathering place of the chaotic faction below.

About 1 minute later, the Chaos faction began to march towards the former site of the Perus Empire, landed at an extremely fast speed, and ran towards the gathering place of the Destruction faction.

"Follow the order of Chaos and attack with the whole army!"

Ke Linjie and the other 24 great magicians of chaos led countless indigenous clans to charge.

Destroy a faction.

Seeing that the Chaos faction dispatched troops, the Destruction faction no longer waited and watched.

"Destroy them!"

Kazan, standing on the bow of Pluto's boat, raised the dark moon in his hand and pointed it at the Chaos faction.

The next moment, Sha Keluo, the general of the destruction faction, and the heads of the top ten legions led all the tribes to rush to the front of the battlefield without hesitation.

And Kazan himself raised his head to look at the black and purple mist in the sky, raised his ghostly hand and pointed at it.

Pluto under his feet raised his head and opened his mouth, and a shell made of unknown substances hit the fog in an instant.

For a time, there was no cloud in the sky.

The black-purple mist also suddenly dissipated, revealing Ozma's real body inside.

It was a humanoid creature with purple eyes, pink and purple magic lines all over its body, black and chaotic breath wrapped around its body, two wings on its back, and two horns on its head.

This appearance is closer to the common "ghost" appearance in human hearts than Kazan.

But the reason why Ozma became like this is that he was affected by the too powerful power of chaos and divinity in his body, and his body twisted uncontrollably into what he is today.

Pluto's attack failed to cause any damage to Ozma.

But Kazan himself does not place any hope on Pluto.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, it is just a weapon. Perhaps for humans, weapons are unrivaled.

But for Ozma and Kazan, these so-called weapons capable of destroying the world are just dangerous toys.

Kazan and Ozma seem to have some tacit understanding.

At the moment when the two sides met their eyes, they flashed out at the same time.

No one on the battlefield could see the figures of the two of them, only knowing that the moment the two disappeared, the world seemed to be shattered.

The blue sky was full of illusory cracks, as if a huge black hole would burst open at any moment and swallow everyone up.

and this...

It's only just getting started.

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