Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 415 Challenge

"All freshmen, please stand in the middle. The last person standing among you will be the first-year prefect. He will enjoy the privileges of a prefect." Snape's opening remarks had not changed since Solim entered the school.

"Hurry up! My time is precious!"

The freshmen walked into the circle cautiously. Solim usually went back to the dormitory at this time, but today he chose to stay. He felt that something might happen tonight, otherwise so many senior students wouldn't be able to gather here. Having so many students watching the freshmen's confrontation was obviously different from the Slytherins in previous years, which made Solim cautious.

The confrontation between the freshmen was lackluster. There was nothing eye-catching, just some simple prank spells. In the end, a little boy named Goodriff stood at the end. "One Nine Seven" "Very good." Snape waved his wand and cleared the scene. "You all know the rules. Don't make trouble too late. If anyone is late for my class tomorrow, I will put him in solitary confinement."

After saying that, Snape strode away. As soon as Snape left, someone jumped out.

"Draco. Malfoy, I want to challenge you!"

Solim tried hard to identify the student's face, trying to find the corresponding name in his memory. Although the face looked familiar, Solim couldn't remember his name for a while.

Draco was obviously better than Solim in this regard, there was no one in Slytherin he didn't know.

"Mars? What do you want to do?" Draco looked surprised. He really didn't understand the situation.

Mars, whose surname is Higgs, has an older brother who is also in Slytherin, his older brother is Terence. Higgs, the last Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team, voluntarily quit the team to make room for Malfoy because of the seven nimbuses donated by Malfoy.

"My words have been made clear: I am going to challenge you. If you lose, all your special powers within the Academy will be taken away. Of course - you can keep the oxygen Dumbledore gave you."

Many senior students began to pretend to laugh behind Mars.

Draco was recognized by Slytherin's hidden prefects when he was in first grade. Although Solim occupied the single dormitory belonging to the prefects, Draco could still give orders to students in the same grade. Hogwarts originally had prefects for each grade, but due to various reasons, only the prefect configuration after the fifth grade was retained. However, Slytherin has completely retained this rule since the founding of Hogwarts. came down - including challenging the prefect.

Since Draco is in fifth grade this year, and happens to be the male prefect of the fifth grade of Slytherin officially recognized by Hogwarts, this title cannot be taken away by students through challenges, but the powers and benefits of the prefect can be taken away through challenges. .

Solim squinted at the faces of those people. He was not surprised at all. Look at who they are - both senior and junior students. Look at their last names: Flynn Hollington, Thicknesse, Avery, Burst, and even Goyle and Crabbe stood on the periphery of the group.

"Is this your own intention? Or was it instructed by your parents?" Draco's face turned a little rosy, not knowing whether it was because of anger or nervousness.

"It doesn't matter..." Solim stood next to Draco and patted him on the shoulder. Then Solim looked at Mars opposite him with an inexplicable look.

"You mean - if you win, you want to take away the prefect's single dormitory, is that what you mean?"

Everyone in Slytherin knew that Solim and his sister lived together in the prefects' single dormitory. There had been a lot of rumors within the college about this, but they never dared to discuss these topics in front of Solim and his sister. There is no way, the surname Selwyn is there.

Mars knew that he couldn't offend Solim, but he had no choice. He was in the same grade as Malfoy, and his strength was pretty good in their circle. The most important thing was that Higgs had already chosen a side. He, as Higgs, A series of actions must be taken to release this signal.

Mars looked at Flint for help, this was the backbone of their circle.

"Of course, for prefects to challenge the system is..."

Flint was interrupted by Solim before he could speak.

"Marcus Flint..." Solim looked at him with a sneer: "It's really strange that you are still staying at Hogwarts... You should have graduated the year before last, but you stayed one level last year." , I retained another level this year. Why? Are you so reluctant to leave Hogwarts?"

Solim's words directly touched Flint's sore spot. This crooked-looking guy should have graduated a long time ago, but his grades were too poor and he failed many subjects. Hogwarts did not give him a diploma. This incident is very famous among senior students at Hogwarts.

Flint was known for two reasons: one was because of his dirty playing Quidditch, and the other was that he never graduated.

Hogwarts provides two types of certificates: one is the ordinary wizard level certification, and the other is the ultimate wizard level certification, which is the O.W.L. certificate and the N.E.W.T. certificate. Regardless of whether students can eventually obtain the N.E.W.T. certificate, as long as they obtain the O.W.L. certificate, they are actually eligible for graduation. In other words, this guy Flint has not passed the ordinary wizard level exam yet. You know, he is already an adult. This is like an 18-year-old adult who has not graduated from junior high school. It is extremely embarrassing to be told in person.

"You bastard!" Flint drew his wand without thinking, and before he could point it at Solim, he twitched and fell.

This situation scared the people around Flint and quickly pulled away, and they all drew their wands and pointed them at Solim, but they made no further moves.

"Be careful next time you speak." Solim's left hand holding the wand hung by his side and walked towards Flint on the ground.

"If you want to find trouble, you'd better book a bed at Madam Pomfrey's place first." Solim raised his eyelids and glanced at the people around him.

Then Solim turned his attention to Mars, who was standing stupidly aside.

"You want to challenge him, right?" After speaking, he pointed at Draco, "Then you challenge him, just follow the rules."

Then Solim looked at Draco again, "I'm very used to living in that dormitory, and I don't want to change places. So you'd better win."

The surrounding students quickly dispersed, leaving only two important people standing in the circle.

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