Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 34 Inquiry

The Forbidden Forest is located to the west of Hogwarts Castle and is a large, eerie forest. According to school regulations, students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest. The Forbidden Forest is full of dense and tall trees, covering the entire sky. There are all kinds of dangerous monsters and magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. It seems to be infinitely attractive to the students. No matter how many times the professors emphasize that they are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, there will always be students who want to go into the Forbidden Forest to find out.

The dangers of the Forbidden Forest are not something the younger students can handle. Here are the most dangerous plants in England: the dragon's claw vine and the hempthorn tree, of which the dragon's claw vine is the most dangerous, its long, tangled, slimy vines are always ready to seek victims, and the dragon's claw vine digests an animal Never leaving a trace, its highly acidic mucus is strong enough to melt even bones as part of its nutrition. As for the thorn tree, it is its roots that are used to kill people. Its roots are people's nightmares. It senses the vibrations of the ground, so it breaks open the soil and pulls creatures under the soil to digest slowly. It digests an animal in the same way. Leave no trace.

If a wizard without enough knowledge and vigilance walks into the Forbidden Forest alone, he probably won't come back. There are not only dangerous plants in the forbidden forest, but also dangerous monsters.

The acromantula is one of the most numerous. Originally, there was no such species in the Forbidden Forest, thanks to Hagrid, who released an acromantula he raised into the Forbidden Forest when he was a student, and later found a companion for the male acromantula Well, the result is that alien species such as acromantia are multiplying crazily in the Forbidden Forest. They occupy a fairly large area in the Forbidden Forest, except for stone and wood, the rest are on their recipes.

Ever since the acromant spiders multiplied in the Forbidden Forest, the conflict between the centaurs and them has never stopped—after all, the centaurs are also on their diet. The centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts can be said to be the largest tribe in the entire Kingdom of Ying, and these centaur people are quite hostile to wizards, but if you are a student, they are also called "little ponies" by the horse population. ", they will not harm you, but will send you out of the Forbidden Forest.

But having said that, fortunately there is no environmental protection law in the wizarding world, otherwise Hagrid, who single-handedly caused the invasion of alien species and caused serious consequences, would be in big trouble.

Acromantus is not a native species in the Forbidden Forest, and there is no agreement between them and Hogwarts not to interfere with each other. This means they can break out of the Forbidden Forest if they want to. They don't do this now, it's all because of the father of these acromantulas, Aragog, the one that Hagrid raised, and it is restraining its own offspring, but when Aragog What will happen after Ke dies is completely unknown.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, not far from Hagrid's hut, Solim saw Professor Kettleburn in the distance. Because he's so recognizable, just like Hagrid's tall stature, Kettleburn has features that are instantly recognizable.

Professor Kettleburn has only one arm and one leg, and he wears two prosthetics. So you can easily recognize him from a distance.

Kettleburn was a passionate and sometimes reckless man who loved the dangerous creatures he studied and cared for immensely, often causing harm to himself and sometimes to others. This fact resulted in no fewer than sixty-two detentions during his tenure. Like his successor Hagrid, he tended to underestimate the dangers in caring for creatures such as jays, grindyllos, and fire crabs, and he once enchanted the ash snake to make it appear in the "Fountain of Luck" play. Playing the role of the Worm, which ends up setting the Great Hall on fire, is such a famous accident that you even see it in Hogwarts - A History.

Although a bit eccentric, Kettleburn was a lovely man, and his stay on the faculty proved that he was well-liked by both teachers and students. The two sets of prosthetics on his body were sent by Dumbledore, but they looked very worn out, covered with scars and burn marks.

Solim saw Professor Kettleburn squatting on the ground and fiddling with something.

"Good afternoon, Professor." Solim greeted first.

Kettleburn heard movement behind him and glanced back.

"Oh, it's you, Solim, come on, let me test you, do you know what these cuties are?" Kettleburn straightened up and moved away.

Only then did Solim see several cages on the ground. After taking a look, Solim knew what these were. They should be the magical creatures that will be used in class in the afternoon.

"It's Mortla, Professor." Then Solim added, "I don't want to be bitten by that."

Motra rats are animals that look like mice but have anemone-like growths on their backs. This creature can be found in the coastal areas of the UK. People bitten by muttra rats will experience retching symptoms, but in more severe cases, the patient's chrysanthemum will also emit sparks, but this lasts for up to forty-eight hours.

The growths on the back of the muttla rat can be pickled and eaten to increase resistance to curses, but excessive consumption can also make people grow unsightly purple ear hair. Motla rat juice has healing properties for cuts and scrapes and can also relieve pain.

"Haha, you are right, if you are bitten by this little guy, if it is serious, you can only bare your butt." Kettleburn said with a smile.

"By the way, is there something for you to come to see me now?" Kettleburn just remembered that Solim probably has something to come to see him now.

"Professor, it's like this, my cousin - Neville, he has a toad, but that toad always disappears inexplicably, even in a closed environment like a train compartment, the toad can disappear .I just want to ask, is this toad possibly a hybrid?" Solim briefly explained the problem.

Kettleburn scratched his face with his good hand, "Toad? Disappeared? How did it disappear? Is it like a ball-flying bird? Or is it like an invisible beast?"

Fortunately, Solim has some understanding of magical creatures, otherwise he really wouldn't understand what Kettleburn's example meant.

The ball chases the bird, which is the name of the wizard. Muggles call it the dodo. It is a chocobo that can't fly but can move instantly, but because Muggles don't know the teleportation ability of the ball-stalking bird, they think they have made this bird extinct. Orbs disappear suddenly because they teleport, not invisibility. But invisible beasts are really invisible. The secret of invisible beasts' invisibility lies in their fur. It is for this reason that invisible beasts have been hunted and killed in large numbers, because their fur is the material for making invisibility cloaks.

"I don't know, because we don't know when the toad disappeared. Every time Neville tried to find it, he couldn't find it, but after a while, the toad would automatically appear in front of him." Solim added To: "And every time that toad appears after Neville returns to the common room, when he is about to rest, it is usually invisible."

"Oh? Could it be that Neville was too careless to find it? You know, that kid Neville..." Kettleburn shook his head as soon as he mentioned Neville.

"No, Professor, in the compartment on the train when term started, the door was closed and the windows were closed, but the toad disappeared from under my nose, Hermione's, Neville's, the entire compartment, I couldn't find it on the train, but before the sorting, the toad appeared beside Neville on its own initiative."

"A lot of people have seen this incident. Neville even interrupted Professor McGonagall's speech in order to pick up the toad." Solim said everything about the toad.

Kettleburn frowned. "This is very unusual, Solim, very unusual..."

"So I'm going to ask the professor, is it possible that the toad has some unusual abilities because of its special blood? For example, the offspring of hybrids with some magical creatures with invisibility?" Solim said.

"It is unlikely. If a new magical creature is bred through hybridization, it must be filed with the Ministry of Magic. If there is no record, then this behavior will be illegal. But this year, the Department of Magical Creature Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic has only There are two records of new species, but you say that this toad was given to him by Neville's uncle, which is even more unreasonable. It is really a kind of illegal breeding of a new species to give to one's younger generation as a pet. Extremely irresponsible." Kettleburn told Solim his opinion.

Indeed, as Kettleburn said, if it is really a toad of special blood, then it must be a hybrid, but Kettleburn has never heard of such a species. Even if it was bred illegally and Kettleburn didn't know about it, how likely is it that the elders gave the younger an illegal species that could bring danger and trouble?

After listening to Kettleburn's words, Solim felt that the matter about the toad was certain.

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