Bi The Way

Vol 2, Chapter 11: Try

Jordan read over the final draft of their essay, annoyed that their Saturday night had turned into a full-blown catch-up session instead of a night out with Steven. As they mentally checked off their to-do list in their head, they remembered their partner for their careers assignment hadn't gotten back to them about meeting up. They pulled out their phone and decided to attempt a Facetime chat.

"Hey," came a hesitant voice from the other side of the screen. Samantha sat there, Jordan could only make out a few dark shadows in the background.

"Hi, Samantha, right?" Jordan replied trying to be casual, they never expected her actually to pick up. "Is this a bad time?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I was taking a walk to clear my head," she admitted, shifting on the bench. "I know I have been a little quiet during class."

"It's fine, I just wanted to sort out who is doing what for the project," Jordan said, slightly concerned by the fact she was alone on a Saturday night. They wondered why she needed to clear her head. "But if now isn't a good time we can do this later. Maybe when you get back home."

"Ah, yeah I guess," Samantha said, she seemed to gaze off into the distance before speaking again. "How did you know you were... you know... nonbinary? Sorry if that is too personal to tell a stranger."

"Oh, no it's cool," Jordan acknowledged, trying to find the right words to explain it. "I guess I kind of always knew, I felt like I didn't fit with any gender identity and the expectations that came along with them. My parents didn't really seem to care, they have always been pretty open about being who you are."

"Ah," Samantha sighed, seeming almost disappointed by their answer, "I've been feeling not myself recently, told my parents about it and they exploded, hence the walk. I didn't even say I wanted to change my name or anything, I just said I have had feelings for other girls."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Jordan said, finally understanding Samantha's evasive behaviour. "Hey, why don't we put this project on hold for the night? Let me know where you are and I'll come get you."

"It's ok, I don't want to put you out."

"You're not putting me out," Jordan said just wanting to help her feel better. "We can walk and talk."

"Ok," Samantha agreed hesitantly. within the hour the pair were walking in silence, both unsure how to break the ice. As they turned the corner Jordan saw Derek's car parked in front of Rodney's house, they breathed a sigh of relief hoping a larger group hang may get the conversation flowing.

"Hey I have a great idea," Jordan said, breaking the silence, "This is my friend's place, we can hang out here. We don't have to talk about anything you know... but it could help take your mind off things." Jordan knew they were grasping at straws but they really had no idea how to get Samantha to feel comfortable. Samantha looked confused by their idea for a moment before nodded in agreement.

"That could be fun," Samantha said, following Jordan up the driveway.

Jordan knocked on the door, only to be greeted by a clearly frantic and upset Rodney. "Jordan? why are you here?"

"Oh we were just in the neighborhood, "Is this a bad time? Is everything alright?"

"Derek's stuck in the bathroom," Rodney explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "We are renovating the basement but some of the ventilation fell in front of the bathroom door and it is really wedged in there. It's a mess."

"Well this definitely takes my mind off my shitty night," Samantha said, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Rodney asked, finally noticing Samantha tucked behind Jordan.

"Oh, this is my partner for a project, Samantha. Do you mind if I have a look at the situation?" Jordan offered, Rodney stepped aside granting him entry.

"The fire department is on their way but you can give it a go," Rodney said as he led Jordan and Samantha to the basement bathroom.

Jordan assessed the piping, running their hand along it and trying to view it from every angle possible. They had done several renovations with their dad before which had resulted in a variety of disasters. "Alright, move back, Derek," Jordan instructed as they settled on their plan of attack. Pressing against the piping his all their might they could feel it shift, then they pushed up releasing it from the door frame.

"Freedom!" Derek exclaimed as the bathroom door finally swung open.

"Nice one, Jordan," Rodney said even as he stared daggers at Derek. Madison and Matt also seemed mad, no one racing to Derek's side to check on him, which Jordan found confusing.

"Am I missing something here?" Jordan asked naively, sensing something was amiss.

"Just a total suckfest of a movie night," Rodney said causing Derek's face to turn beet red. "But it's over now. Sorry Jordan but everyone is about to head home."

Jordan didn't fully understand what had taken place before they arrived, deciding it was none of their business they turned and headed back up the stairs with everyone else, one by one everyone made their silent exit from the home. Jordan and Samantha returned to their walk, both even more unsure about the night's events, the sounds of the fire engine sirens echoing in the night as they drew closer.


It was closing time at Muggs as Ally waved goodnight to Luke and Steven. She turned preparing for the walk back to her place, her breath misting in the air as she wrapped her arms around herself. As she started her walk, she couldn't help but think of Erica's weird behaviour and how quickly she left. Ally convinced herself it was the fact Erica was stood up that made her act that way, but it still didn't sit right with her. As she stopped to wait for the light to change, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps racing toward her.

"Ally! Wait up!" Alex, the server with sun-kissed skin and a smile warm as the sandwiches he served, called out to her.

"Hey," she said, turning with a curious tilt of her head. "Sorry, did we forget to pay or something?"

"No, I just— Do you have a minute?" He asked, he seemed almost nervous about something.

"Sure," Ally replied, still unsure about what was going on. She could feel the grip on her bag tightening as she wondered what this was all about.

"Look, this might be forward, but would want to go out sometime maybe?" His words tumbled out, earnest and hopeful.

"Like, on a date?" Ally couldn't hide the surprise in her voice, she wondered if she was really ready for a date after Rodney and Matt.

"Could be a date, or just like a hangout," Alex said, pulling on the strings of his hoodie. "I don't want to pressure you or anything."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind hanging out sometime," she answered, a warm flush creeping into her cheeks. She couldn't deny that Alex was nice to look at and she wouldn't mind seeing him again.

"Great!" Alex's grin widened, and he handed her a coffee cup with his number on it. Ally looked at the cup, clearly confused as to why it already had his number on it "I was going to make you a coffee on the house, I wrote my number on it but then I thought that would be way too corny so I just kind of kept it." He blushed

"Oh." Ally couldn't help but let a small laugh escape. "This sweet, really. I'll text you as soon as I get home." Alex smiled before turning back to the cafe, Ally walked home feeling warmer than before with the cup in her hand.


A rather uneventful school week passed, Rodney was still mad at Derek for the way he acted during the party and this time it was Derek who had been sending the apology texts. As he opened Instagram to check out a new story from Matt, he paused at a photo that jabbed at his heart, Ally looked stunning next to a guy who had his arm draped around her. ' T-Swift trivia champs,' the caption read, punctuated with a heart emoji.

"Who is this guy?" Rodney murmured, thumb hovering over the screen.

"Yo, Matt, you seen Ally's latest Insta post?" Rodney texted Matt wondering if he might know the guy in the photo.

"Dude, who is that with her?" Matt's reply came quickly, making Rodney even more nervous about this new guy in Ally's life.

"I was hoping you would know," Rodney said to no one, tapping on the tagged mystery guy.

Within seconds Rodney had gone down the rabbit hole, finding out everything he could about Alex Meyers. He scrutinized every post and photo as he tried to figure out who this guy really was: Alex, Muggs' server, soccer player, but no real dirt.

"hey Rodney, you want to grab a coffee together?" Matt texted, clearly having followed Rodney down the rabbit hole.

"Maybe," Rodney replied, though the thought didn't sit right. Why did he care so much about this guy all of a sudden, was he jealous of him? What exactly was he expecting to happen at Muggs, was he trying to ruin Ally's relationship again?

It was this last thought that changed his mind "Actually Matt, I think we should just let this play out," Rodney knew he had to stop meddling in Ally's life.

"Guess you're right," Matt conceded, though his tone was a mystery through text.

"Let's call it a night, man. We can meet up tomorrow and shoot some hoops." Rodney ended the chat, lying back against his pillows. But his dreams about Alex walking Ally down the aisle left him tossing and turning all night.

Then next day Rodney grabbed an old basketball from the garage, he hoped that a morning playing ball with Matt would take his mind off Alex and Ally. Matt's messages vibrated in his pocket, a silent litany of "You ready to get beat?"

"Nope," Rodney texted back, "But I am more than ready to crush you."

"Meet me on the court, we'll see who comes out on top," came Matt's response, almost immediately.

Rodney felt a little anxious as he reached the basketball courts, and when he noticed Alex was there too, his muscles flexing under the fabric of his jogging clothes. Matt jogged on the spot next to Rodney, giving him a can you believe this look. Rodney couldn't believe though since it was the dead of winter and these were the only indoor courts in the town.

"Hey, could we get the other half of the court?" Rodney called out, catching Alex's attention.

Alex turned, surprised, then smiled. "Sure, no problem. I am just practicing my layups anyway" he said, motioning them over.

"Thanks. Actually, we could use some layup work ourselves," Matt said, Rodney shot him a what hell are you doing look.

"Well then why don't we just practice together then," Alex suggested, as he started to dribble.

Rodney rolled his eyes, following Matt over to Alex's side of the court. "So, do you normally practice alone?" he asked, trying to sound interested.

"Mostly, yeah. It's my time to think. But it's nice to have some company for a change," Alex replied, with a far too charming grin.

"Nice same here, keeps me in shape and helps get the girls, am I right?" Matt nudged Alex playfully, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I am a one-woman kind of guy actually," Alex grinned, looking ahead. "We're taking it slow, though. She's had some bad luck with guys before."

"Bad luck?" Rodney asked, clearly confused by Alex's statement.

"Her first boyfriend was a total control freak. The guy sold the birthday gift she bought him because it wasn't on his list of approved gifts, can you believe it? And the second one..." Alex hesitated, glancing over at them. "...he was completely in denial about their total lack of chemistry, the guy acted crazy."

Rodney felt the sting of those words like someone had poured ice down his back. He swallowed hard, he did act like an anxious nutball around her. He knew it was because he wanted to be what she wanted and was scared of failing.

"Sounds rough," Rodney managed to say, not wanting there to be an awkward pause in the conversation.

"Seriously," Matt added, though Rodney could tell Matt was hurting just from his expression. "She deserves better than that."

"Definitely," Alex agreed, racing down the court for another layup. When he got back his phone buzzed "Damn, looks like I'm going to have to call it here. They are short-staffed this morning and need me. But hey maybe we will meet up again sometime."

"Sounds good," Rodney said, giving a wave as Alex jogged off, none the wiser.

"See ya around," Matt called after him, waving.

"I don't really feel like playing ball after all that," Rodney muttered once Alex was out of earshot.

"Tell me about it," Matt sighed, sitting down on the bench.

The pair decided to call it quits and head back to Rodney's, lost in their own thoughts until they walked past Pets and Ponds.

"Hey, check this out," Matt said, breaking the silence as he pointed to a small kitten in the window.

"The kitten" Rodney asked, unsure why Matt was pointing it out.

"Yep, Ally always used to say she wanted a kitten. I should have taken the hint and got her one when we were together," Matt confessed, looking regretful.

"Matt, you can't change the past, you have to focus on the future," Rodney said, trying to sound wise as he repeated Mr. Rogo's words to him.

"Right, the future," Matt repeated, his gaze never leaving the small white ball of fluff.

"Alright, we should keep going," Rodney said, starting back toward his house. He quickly noticed that Matt was not following him and when he turned back Matt was nowhere to be found.

"Seriously?" Rodney huffed, he knew exactly what Matt was doing. Moments later Matt emerged from the small pet store with the kitten in hand, a triumpht grim on his face.

"She's going to love him," Matt said, letting the kitten paw at his finger.

"Sure but you and Ally haven't talked since you broke up," Rodney reminded him, "Won't it be weird for you to just show up at her door with a kitten?"

Matt paused looking down at the kitten's large brown eyes. "I have to do something man, I haven't even said sorry yet, and now all I am known as is the controlling ex."

"Matt, that was the old you," Rodney placed his hand on Matt's shoulder, trying to show him some support.

"Is it though?" Matt asked, his eyes beginning to fog. "I've hurt people Rod. Ally, Derek, Parker, and you. And sure we are good now but me just being at movie night caused you and Derek to fight."

"That wasn't entirely your fault, I was the one who forgot to mention other people were going to be there. And it isn't like Derek really gave you a chance." Rodney reassured him.

"I guess you're right," Matt admitted, though he seemed unconvinced.

"Look, can we both admit that we have done things we regret? And that really we both are letting our feelings for her cloud our judgment a bit?" Rodney said, feeling the truth of his own words. "I mean we cyberstalked a total stranger just because he was dating her."

"We did, didn't we," Matt conceded, petting the kitten.

"Yeah," Rodney laughed. "Why don't we just focus on us for now?"

"Deal," Matt agreed, the two exchanging a look of understanding.

"Deal," Rodney echoed.

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