Beyond The Outline

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Thirty-fifth

Building 1989: You are in the final examination room and I am in the first examination room. The distance between you and me is too far. Since you can’t approach me, let me walk towards you. ()

1990 floor: Upstairs, right answer, this must be our aspirations for learning God!

Building 1991: There is a saying I have already said that I am tired…

Building 1992: Cham all Sheng szd.

Fortunately, Xu Sheng had embarrassing sequelae to Tieba after that time. He did not log in to his Tieba account again, otherwise he would be surprised to find that he used his own strength to carry the CP flag, and the rainbow fart was blowing by himself. He also took the monthly test himself.

In addition to these people, all the candidates in the final examination room also felt magical: Shouldn’t the mid-term exam be the same examination room as Xue Shen?

They imagined the lineup of the midterm exams, and they were all scared by appointment. This is really a miracle in their undergraduate career.

As a front-line spectator of eating melons, the classmates of Class 7 couldn’t resist the doubts in their hearts. After the physical education class, Hou Jun clutched the collar of the school uniform and fanned: “Brother Zhan, there were two people in the next class in the last class betting that if you can He went to eat **** in the penultimate test, and he is being pushed to the toilet by his classmates. What’s the matter?”

Shao Zhan: “…”

Xu Sheng: “…”

Shao Zhan not only has to deal with teachers in various subjects, but also with the classmates of the whole grade or even the whole school. He glanced at Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng very consciously “coughed”, and then took a seat with a non-self-interested attitude. , Leaning against the wall of the window, lowered his head and fiddled with the phone.

Shao Zhan opened a page of the book and briefly recounted what he had said in the office: “I am unwell, and my performance is abnormal.”

When Hou Jun left, Xu Sheng put down the phone, thought for a while, and then took the initiative to reach out.

Shao Zhan was planning to write the thought questions left by the teacher before. He opened the textbook and found that it was all written by Xu Sheng, which was crazy and scribbled. This person lost patience in taking half of his notes, and he even drew a lot of graffiti. What crashed into Shao Zhan’s eyes was a Q version of Zhou Yuan’s portrait in his notes. Zhou Yuan was estimated to be angry in class at the time, and stopped to talk about disciplinary issues. With a few strokes, Zhou Yuan’s angry expression was very accurate. , But he only saw the graffiti suddenly covered by a hand.

Xu Sheng’s wrist was facing up and pressed against his textbook. It is estimated that the sunshine on the playground was too strong just now, and his fingers were red from the sun.

Shao Zhan didn’t know what he wanted to do: “Remove.”

Xu Sheng’s face is getting thicker and thicker, and he doesn’t care about these details anymore. He put his chin on his other hand and said, “Don’t you like to use your hands and feet, so if you move it, it will be over.”

“Who likes to use hands and feet.”

“The one who pressed me on the wall knows in his heart.”

At the front table, I didn’t even look or listen. I moved the seat forward calmly, and I sighed in my heart: The relationship between the two big guys in their class is really getting more and more incomprehensible.

Today’s course is basically an explanation of test papers.

It is rare that the students in the class still feel unaccustomed to the fact that they have not issued the Xueshen routine after the exam. Meng Guowei published a summary of the monthly test on stage: “Our class is not particularly ideal this time, but it does not matter. The monthly test has passed. Let us look to the future and learn every day in the present. One failure does not mean anything!”

The first and second grades are in Class 7. It’s weird if you can get up evenly.

I was thinking that putting Shao Zhan in the 7th class would equalize Xu Sheng’s score, but I didn’t expect both to overturn.

Meng Guowei is not discouraged either. As he said, the monthly test results do not mean anything. Everyone usually performs well in handing in homework, and the overall level is still acceptable.

“Well-written writer, send down the test papers, let’s briefly talk about the monthly test papers this time—”

Xu Sheng spread out the test papers. Before he got the test papers, he thought that Shao Zhan was just helping him control the points. Most of the questions were just empty. He didn’t expect that the questions Shao Zhan answered for him perfectly fit the thinking process of a scumbag. , It is simply a perfect answer sheet.

Question: (), the showers first ceased.

Answer: (The sky is dim and the ground is dark).

Although there is no Hamlet-style famous sentence, it can be regarded as unsuspecting.

Xu Sheng: “I can’t tell, you are quite good at answering questions.”

⊠The latest chapter of Papaya Huang’s work “This Topic is Super Outline” was first published and updated on the whole network from https:”>a>, domain name ⊠

Shao Zhan did not have the good mood of his. He turned the answer sheet over and saw the “off-topic composition” that Meng Guowei said in the office: Dear teachers, I am writing this composition with a solemn heart.

…I have written too many reviews.

Shao Zhan really had a headache. He turned the answer sheet back, and finally folded it up and stuffed it directly into the belly of the table: “You know how, are you writing a review or writing an essay.”

Xu Sheng: “…”

Xu Sheng reluctantly listened to the class for a while, and then began to wonder whether to lie down to sleep or play games with his mobile phone.

Finally chose the latter.

After not playing games for a whole month, Xu Sheng’s game ranking dropped a lot, falling to just over three hundred. However, he had a name on the “Sudoku” game rankings. Xu Sheng once went in by mistake and found many of them. The man knelt and called his father.

Of course, Shao Zhan never answered a word.

As soon as it went online, Zhang Feng’s private chat message came immediately: Boss?


Kuangfeng Langdie: Didn’t you say you stopped playing games?

Only then did Xu Sheng remember the nonsense of studying well before.

S: People will inevitably go wrong.

Kuangfeng Langdie: Huh?

S: I was ignorant before. Now I figured it out. Learning is meaningless. I should pursue freedom and happiness and put my limited life into infinite games.

S: Come to a game, I will group you.

Crazy Peak Wave Butterfly: Oh

Zhang Feng hid the phone in the belly of the table and operated it with one hand. He raised his eyes to look at the podium, and lowered his head for fear of being found out. He was confused by Xu Sheng’s words.

The change of the attitude of this master is also fast, whether this is learning or not learning at all.

Every Monday is the most stringent day of the code of conduct. Gu Yanwang occasionally inspects the class of his classmates through the second grade corridor.

Xu Sheng looked at the game casually, as if passing the time. He lowered his head and leaned against the corner. Because he was thin and a bone in the back of his neck was slightly raised, he hit halfway and the phone screen was covered by a shadow. .

He raised his eyes and saw that it was Shao Zhan’s hand.

Xu Sheng: “What are you doing?”

Xu Shenggang wanted to tut and said, a certain discipline inspection committee would not want to care whether he played with his mobile phone in class.

Shao Zhan didn’t speak, he was holding a pen with one hand on the clipboard, and the other hand stretched out sideways with one hand, the juvenile’s well-knotted fingers

Pressing on Xu Sheng’s phone, leading him to throw the phone back into the table, Xu Sheng didn’t react for a moment, and Shao Zhanli was not too heavy but with a posture that could not be resisted.

Xu Sheng said “Fuck”

Turning to his lips, there were a few clear footsteps in the corridor coming from the back door.

On the window next to Xu Sheng was Gu Yanwang’s big face–

Gu Yanwang was here to carry out a sneak attack. He didn’t catch the current situation. He looked at Xu Sheng’s eyes. Gu Yanwang stretched out his hand and pointed at him with some embarrassment. Before leaving, he signaled: “You kid, be honest with me, don’t let me get caught.” .

Xu Sheng retracted his eyes and realized that Shao Zhan was covering him just now.

Shao Zhan still didn’t look at him. After finishing writing on the blackboard, he raised his eyes to look at Meng Guowei, but he said a few words in a cold voice: “Is the phone no longer wanted.”

“…So after contacting this passage, we will go back and look at the problem again to know where the problem is. You have found the wrong central paragraph. Now answer me again. What is the main point of this article?”

The sound of Meng Guowei’s lectures, the sound of turning pages of test papers, and the fan overhead blowing the hot summer wind, Xu Sheng seemed to feel the heat of his fingers and fingertips, as if it was the place where Shao Zhan’s fingertips had been rubbed just now.

Before school is over, all the test papers are explained.

Teachers in each subject did not leave them too much homework, mainly to correct the papers and preview new lessons.

Last Friday, the day the two had just switched back, they immediately switched back the dormitory.

Change everything back to its original place.

When Hou Jun sent the message, Xu Sheng was planning to go to bed, but he completely forgot about the appointment in the physical education class.

Hou Jun: When will you and Brother Zhan come? I sent a message to Brother Zhan. He probably didn’t see it. He reserved a place for you, and the game will start soon.

S: Wait, now.

Xu Sheng grabbed his hair, remembering that he still had this stubble, and stepped on slippers to knock on Shao Zhan’s bedroom door, thinking about something to say later, this tablemate who only knows how to brush questions would agree to participate in class activities.

There was no movement in the door, and the sound of turning the door lock came after a while.

Shao Zhan was taking a shower just now. He turned off the lights. He couldn’t see it from the light in the corridor. The boy was cold, with a few strands of wet hair covering his eyebrows, his nose was tall, he was not wearing school uniform, and he was wearing a simple dark T. T-shirt: “What’s the matter.”

Xu Sheng said directly: “The monkey asked me to ask you, there is a team building in our class at night, can you go or not. ╴╴”

“Say something exciting,”

After Xu Sheng said it sounded a bit dangerous, he said, “This is what a monkey said.”

Shao Zhan: “Don’t go.”


This answer is expected.

Shao Zhan was about to close the door. Xu Sheng quickly pressed his hand against the door with his eyesight. There was a kind of momentum that I would not let go if you didn’t agree. He just got up from the bed, his hair was a bit messy, and his collar was not properly organized after he got up. The neckline is crooked to the side.

Although they have never spoken to each other.

But both of them are too familiar with each other’s body. Just looking at the clavicle that was sunken in a ravine, Shao Zhan didn’t need to think about it. The thin waistline of a teenager and a few abdominal muscles that were usually covered under the cloth naturally appeared in front of him.

Don’t open your eyes when Shao Zhan thinks of this.

Xu Sheng usually belongs to the kind of “If you don’t go, then you will fall down” character.

But I don’t know why, this kind of hope that Shao Zhan can go, or the idea of ​​wanting him not to have a face in his boss, and not to stare at the test paper all day long in his mind, Xu Sheng subconsciously said: “Why don’t you want to go?”

Shao Zhan was actually not that resistant, he just found it troublesome, but Xu Sheng said this very interestingly.

Shao Zhan bent down to look at him, and approached: “You want me to go?”

The atmosphere is indescribable. It was obviously the monkey who asked him, but it was not that he wanted to ask him.

Xu Sheng thought about it for a long time, and finally he said whether he loves his mother or not, he doesn’t care.

“Let it go,” Shao Zhan stepped back a little, and said, “How do you get out against me from the outside.”

Hou Jun’s bedroom was upstairs, not far away. After the lights were turned off, the whole bedroom fell into darkness except for the flickering sensor lights in the corridor. Counting him and Shao Zhan, there were a total of six or seven boys in Hou Jun’s bedroom. .

When the people arrived, Hou Jun solemnly fished out the hidden tablet from under the bed and pressed the power button: “Only 45% of the electricity is available, brothers, cherish this rare night.”

The rhetoric of “something exciting” sounds mysterious, but it’s actually watching a movie.

But in the rigid and rigorous Linjiang Sixth Middle School, it is indeed a stimulus.

Xu Sheng sat on the empty bed opposite Hou Jun, with one leg bent, and didn’t take it seriously.

However, less than twenty seconds after the beginning of the movie, Xu Sheng’s eyes were hit by a **** scene, and he froze, and “fucked” in the bottom of his heart.

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