Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

55. Two Magic Weapons?

Omen: 2, 14

“Will you begin today?” Sonarot asked as Adam awoke.

“I should,” Adam said, noting his Omen. Once again, he aimed for a minimum number for the enchanting, as it was the most important weapon he had to make to date.

“I will prepare the items,” Sonarot said.

Adam went about his daily routine, this time joining Jurot and the others during training, watching as Kitool and Jaygak sparred with one another. Kitool used both fist and staff, whereas Jaygak used her sword and shield.

During breakfast, Turot raised his bread to Adam. He was allowed some cheese, but he wanted his bread to be flavoured.

Spell: Tricks

‘That was easy,’ Adam thought, thinking about how he had been accepted into the family, and how easily Turot was trusting the half elf to not poison him.

“Here,” Sonarot said, revealing an axe made of a red and silver metal, with a handle made of a dark wood. She also handed Adam a number of gems, similar to those he had used previously, but also a single amethyst. “I wish you the best of luck.”

“I won’t let you down,” Adam said, nodding his head. With that, he left to enchant.

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 18 (12)
Omen: 2, 14 -> 2
14 + 6 = 20 (14)

Adam plucked one of the Threads of Fate in order to empower the weapon.

The beastly jaws barely missed the woman’s neck, clamping against her shoulder instead. The dwarf beside her slammed his warhammer against the savage blue wolf’s head, causing it to drop beside them, as they continued to strike into it.

He sighed, feeling the drain of magic. He had concentrated on trying to instil the weapon with a healing enchantment. Once he was done with enchanting, he returned to the Rot family estate.

“Jurot and the others are assisting the Iyr,” Sonarot said. “They will be busy for the next three days.”

“What are they doing?” Adam asked.

“They are helping to cut down and plant trees.”

“Oh, okay,” Adam said. “Is that normal?”


Adam remained at her side, eating the slab of meat. “Iyrmen eat well,” he said, noting how much meat he had managed to eat.

“Next week is fish,” she said. “Jurot and the others will need to hunt if we want to eat more meat.”

“Fish isn’t so bad,” Adam said, wondering if he should introduce one of his favourite foods.

Adam wrote down more recipes in his book, before going to sleep.

Omen: 4, 16

This morning he played with the children. Katool would stare at him suspiciously, but Adam decided to go easy on them. There was no need to bully children, no matter how fun it was.

This time a child had brought a ball which had been stitched together out of eight pieces of leather.

“Do you know how to play kickwall?” Turot asked Adam.

“No? What is it?”

“You kick the ball at the wall,” he said, grabbing some chalk and drawing on the wall. “You get more points if you hit this part,” he said, motioning to a circle the size of his head, and then he drew a large oblong around it, “less points if you hit this, and if you hit the wall outside the chalk, you lose points.”

“Huh,” Adam said, nodding his head.

Athletics Check (Dexterity)
D20 + 2 = 11 (9)

Adam managed to score a few points, but lost most of them from kicking the ball outside the chalk. “It seems I’m no good.” He helped the children count their points, managing to come in second place.

Katool was the best at the game, managing to strike the inner circle several times, and only missing the chalk once.

“You’re very good,” Adam said.

Katool nodded her head slowly, before stepping behind Turot.

‘Is she really that scared of me?’ Adam rubbed the back of his neck. ‘What should I do?’ As the children redrew the lines to be bigger, Adam thought about the ball. He recalled what the Elder had called it and shuddered. “Let’s play some football.”


Adam scrunched up his face in disgust. “Sockball.”

“Oh, sockball!” Turot nodded and then put together the two markers, before he kicked the ball at the wall, only for another child to kick it after. “You have to wait until after Katool. If you miss the wall, you’re out.”

Adam thanked Elaveil within his heart. ‘I’m okay if this is called sockball.’

Once he had missed the first shot, quite purposefully, he said his goodbyes and went to enchant.

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 18 (12)
Omen: 4, 16 -> 4
16 + 6 = 22 (16)

Adam pulled on the Thread of Fate.

Jurot grabbed the rope, which chafed against his arm, tearing into his skin, and pulled it hard. The tree shook violently, threatening to fall upon Jaygak, who managed to pull back just in time with Jurot’s assistance.

Adam sighed, feeling the numbness within his mind. Enchanting for so much did take a toll on his body. ‘I should be careful,’ he thought, only to think about how amazing the weapon would be once he was done.

“Was football a game you played often?” Sonarot asked over dinner that day. As she had said, they had swapped over to fish, which had been roasted over some fire. The smell of it had filled the air, but the spices were more fragrant, thankfully.

“Not that often,” Adam admitted. “I played it a little as a child and sometimes during my lunch break in school.”

Sonarot nodded her head slowly, trying to paint a picture about Adam’s previous life.

“Did you play kickball often?” Adam asked.

“Yes, when I was a child. I was best at sockball.”

“Will you play with us tomorrow?” Turot asked.

“Sure,” Adam said, forming a wrap using the fish and some vegetables.

Turot stared up at him and then tried to make his own wrap.

“Make sure you hold it tight at the bottom,” Adam said. The other Iyrmen stared at him, wondering what he was doing, but he ate his wrap in peace.

Omen: 16, 20

“Hah!” Adam grinned wide. “Today is a great day!”

“Are you feeling lucky?” Sonarot asked.

“Yes, the best,” Adam said. “I should be done with the weapon, though I’m not sure if it will be finished since I’m trying for a different kind of enchantment.”

“Let’s play sockball,” Katool said, crossing her arms as she stared at Adam, a smug smile on her face. Last night she had spoken with her parents, and had received some encouragement on how to declare her superiority over the half elf.

Athletics Check
D20 + 4 = 11 (7)
Omen: 16, 20 -> 20
16 + 4 = 20 (16)

In order to put Katool in her place, Adam bent Fate to his whims.

An arrow narrowly missed the dwarf, who charged forward towards the bandit, crushing his shield against their knee. There were shouts between him and three others as they were caught by the bandits unaware.

“Do you think he’s cheating?” Katool asked Turot, panting heavily for air..

Turot was panting beside her too. “Adam would not cheat.”

“I think he would,” Katool said.

The pair of them were laying down on the ground, beside the other children, who were unable to keep up with Adam that day. Adam had been kicking the ball in the worst ways for the children, so they had to bolt to try and kick it, only to miss their kicks awkwardly, or to blast the wall far away from the markings.

“Well, I should be off!” Adam waved at them, whistling as he walked off to enchant, in the best of moods.

Sonarot noted the gaze of the other Iyrmen parents, trying to ignore them. “Will the others play with the little ones?”

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 8 (2)
Omen: 16, 20 -> 16
16 + 6 = 26 (20)

[Would you like to spend XP to empower the weapon?]

‘Yes, the maximum amount I can.’

XP: 2050 -> 1550

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 1D6 slashing + 1D6 fire damage.
When you are below half Health you regain 1D3 Health on every hit with this weapon.

XP: 1550 -> 2150

“I dub thee…” Adam thought long and hard. “Flaming Sanguine.”

Flaming Sanguine
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 1D6 slashing + 1D6 fire damage.
When you are below half Health you regain 1D3 Health on every hit with this weapon.

Adam smiled. It wasn’t the best weapon in the world, but it was a weapon he had created to keep Jurot alive. He only hoped that it would assist the Iyrman.

When he finally returned back to the Rot family, he saw Jurot there, being mothered by Sonarot, who was rubbing lotion against his arm.

“What happened?” Adam asked, returning with the axe.

“Rope tore into my arm,” he said.

His mother kissed his cheek and said something in their tongue, causing Jurot to smile like a proud little boy.

Adam held up the axe. “It’s done.”

Jurot stared at the axe, nodding his head slowly. He took it and went to practise with it.

“What does it do?” Sonarot asked, annoyed that Jurot wasn’t resting with his torn arms, but she understood how excited he had been waiting for the axe.

“It’s similar to the last axe, but it heals him when he is wounded and manages to land a blow against his foe.”

Sonarot turned to face Adam, smiling at him. “Thank you.”

Adam nodded, smiling like a proud little boy.

“This weapon is great,” Jurot said. “The Iyr will Identify it to see its full effects.”

Adam just nodded, since that was what happened to his previous axe. “What do you think?”

“It’s a weapon too great for me. It is easily worth thousands of gold.”

“I did a great job, didn’t I?” Adam smirked.

“Are you sure you don’t wish to charge.”

Adam raised his brow. “I may be no Iyrman, but my word is important to me, Jurot.”

“I don’t deserve this weapon.”

“Then become strong enough to deserve it.”

Sonarot brushed Adam’s hair. “Jurot?”

“Thank you,” he said.

“Let’s eat,” Sonarot said, pulling the pair to eat.

The other Iyrmen also swung the magical axe around, getting a feel for it.

“What happened to your arm?” Adam asked.

“I had to pull a tree,” Jurot said. “It nearly fell.”

“It almost crushed my leg,” Jaygak added. “Jurot pulled it, giving me a chance to step aside.”

'How manly.'

Omen: 13, 17

Adam awoke in the morning, ready to improve his own sword. It was a fairly normal looking sword, but it was the blade which had been with him since the beginning.

“What will you enchant on the blade?” Jurot asked.

“I don’t know,” Adam admitted. “Something cool.”


Adam just smiled. “Yeah, something cool.”

Sonarot had brought some gems for him to enchant, another amethyst, which would allow him to enchant the blade with something more powerful.

‘Hey, Bell, how much is it for Frostbite?’


‘Sounds good.’

XP: 2150 -> 1950

Adam wasn’t sure if he wanted it to deal cold damage, but he did think it would be cool if it did, not because of the pun, but so he could cover the opposite base as Jurot.

He focused completely on his weapon for the next three days, going about the same routine he had thus far.

Omen: 13, 17

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 9 (3)
Omen: 13, 17 -> 13
17 + 6 = 23 (17)

The dwarf, who was still so far away, waded through the shallow stream. A large eel emerged, its snapping jaws clamping around his calf to drag him down, only to find dwarven steel. The dwarf slammed his warhammer against the beast, storming up to the river bank in a rage.

Omen: 3, 17

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 26 (20)

Omen: 18, 20

Mana: 3 -> 2
D20 + 6 = 7 (1)
Omen: 18, 20 -> 18
20 + 6 = 26 (20)

The Threads of Fate continued to be tugged by the half elf.
A young woman, horned, with rocky grey skin, reached back to catch her companion’s hand, only to slip, and the pair tumbled down into the abyss of the ravine.

Adam panted, his head throbbing. The exhaustion was beginning to pile up, heavy within his mind.

[Would you like to spend XP to empower the weapon?]

‘Another 500. There’s no need to skimp on my own weapon.’

XP: 1950 -> 1450

Adam stared at its statistics. He had to rub his eyes in order to make sure he wasn’t just seeing things.

XP: 1450 -> 2050
Great Enchantment Learnt!
XP +200
XP: 2050 -> 2250

“Twin Fangs.”

He was too shocked by the last effect of the weapon. His lips formed a wide grin and he rushed back to the Rot family, trying to not spring as he power walked.

“Jurot!” Adam called, seeing Jurot reading a book to Turot. “Come, quick!” Even though he had asked Jurot to come quick, he dashed beside the Iyrman. “You need to attune to the sword.”

Jurot stared at the sword, before looking up at Adam. “Okay,” he said, before he grabbed the sword and went off to the corner of the courtyard outside.

“Another weapon?” Jaygak said. “How have you not gotten bored?”

“I feel a little sick, but I’m fine,” Adam said.

“You should be careful. Even as a half elf, you still may be struck by a magical sickness.”

“I’ll be fine,” Adam waved his hand.

“So what does this sword do?”

Adam smirked, waiting for Jurot.

“Now, hold out your hand, and call forth its name!” Adam declared, dramatically

“What is its name?”

“Twin Fangs!” Adam crossed his arm, smirking wide.

Jurot did as Adam commanded. “Twin Fangs.” A second blade appeared within his free hand, and he quickly gripped around the handle. It was almost identical to the other sword, except the runes were more yellow than blue. “It summons another sword?”

“Yes!” Adam grinned wide. “Two swords for the price of one! BOGOF!” He threw his head back in laughter.

Twin Fangs
Requires Attunement
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Deals 1D6 slashing + 1D6 cold damage.
Upon stating the command word, creates a duplicate of the weapon. Only one duplicate can be made. The duplicate has the same statistics, but deals fire damage instead of cold damage. The duplicate lasts until dismissed or the one who stated the command word is knocked unconscious.

Jurot stared at Adam long and hard. It was such a powerful enchantment, something he hadn’t expected Adam to be able to enchant. “How did you enchant such a powerful enchantment?”

"I have no idea!" Adam laughed again. “Isn’t it cool?”

“No,” Jurot said, feeling the second blade in his hand. “It is warm.”

“Right, never mind.” Adam shook his head, still smiling.

"Let us show mother." Jurot now understood that was the genius of his mother, who had invited Adam to be a nephew.

Adam nodded, following Jurot to the small cabin. As they approached, they noted a Shaman step out, who stopped when they saw the pair approaching.

Jurot caught the Shaman’s eye and stopped, clutching both weapons tight in his hand.

Adam glanced at the Shaman, the cabin, to Jurot, and back to the Shaman. “What’s going on?”

“Sonarot is sick,” the Shaman said.

Adam swallowed, the throbbing in his head only growing more prominent. “Sick?”



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And so ends the slice of life arc?

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