Bengtie: I become a star god and create a chat group!

Chapter 41

San Yueqi was shocked.

What did he just hear?

Wei Ming said he was going to join the Starry Sky Train!

“Wait, Weiming, aren’t you Estelle’s bodyguard?”

“Well, but this does not affect my joining the Star Train. I have already said goodbye to Ester.”Weiming said

“Besides, it’s not like we can’t come back once we get on the Star Train, right?”

The inequality was resolved in seconds.

“”Okay, it seems so.” Sanyueqi smiled awkwardly.

He was too surprised just now to think too much.

The quiet Danheng couldn’t help but cast a surprised look at him.

“I had some guesses when you asked me about it, but I didn’t expect you to really make such a plan.” Ji Zi sighed.

There was still a question she wanted to ask:”What made you want to leave the space station and join the Starry Sky Train?”

Wei Ming spread his hands helplessly:”You should be able to see that my identity is not simple. Everyone has a past that cannot be erased.”


Dan Heng’s eyes fluctuated.

He was deeply touched by this.

Even if he wanted to forget the past and be a real Dan Heng, he knew that his past would catch up with him.

It was useless to escape.

“I am not going to avoid the past. Even if it costs me my whole life, I have things I must accomplish.”

He turned his head and looked at the Starry Sky Train.

His sight seemed to travel through time and see the past.

This was one of the rare times he expressed his true feelings.

But then he changed the subject:”Of course, there is one more very important point.” While

Xing was stunned, he took her hand and smiled,”I am still worried about this child Xing.”


Xing blushed.

But the other meaning behind this sentence is that he is reluctant to part with this power bank.

For example, now.

Holding hands is just an appearance.

Inside, he is absorbing the energy of the star core.

Well, the concern is also true.

No matter what, he is one of the people who watched this guy wake up.

Not to mention his father, he must be a guardian.

Ji Zi can taste the truth of this emotion

“I understand. The Starry Sky Train welcomes you to join. I hope it can lead you to find what you want.”

Everyone on the train has a secret.

So she has no reason to refuse.

“Come with me.”


The lights of the Star Train came on.

“Let’s go, let’s go~”

Sanyueqi stretched lazily, feeling happy.

There were two more companions on the train who could chat with him, which was a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

“”Let’s go.”

Wei Ming smiled and pulled Xing to follow.


As soon as they stepped on the train, the Starry Sky Train started and slowly drove out from the platform.

Not far from the train, two figures watched the departure of the Starry Sky Train.

They were Heita and Ester.

Heita put his hands on his waist:”Ester, are you really not going to keep him? From a normal human emotion, you like him, right?”


Esta has realized her feelings.

Her beautiful eyes stared at the train, as if she saw Weiming in it.

She was reluctant but still shook her head and said,”I shouldn’t restrict him. He has things to do.”

She raised her hand and looked at the colorful halo flashing on the back of her hand.

This is the mark left by Weiming for her.

Although she didn’t know the power of this fate mark,

Esta still believed that Weiming would definitely come back.

“”Tsk, whatever you want.”

Heita smacked his lips.

Human emotions are really troublesome.

Fortunately, he only likes to study.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to pry open her heart.

Yes, absolutely!


The Star Train finally left the space station and headed into space.

Jizi had already explained the situation of Weiming and Xing to Walter and the real conductor of the Star Train [Pam].

They all welcomed the two to join.

Pam is a cute creature that looks like a little rabbit.

Although she is very cute, she always wants to maintain the dignity of the conductor.

After introducing the rules of the Star Train to the two.

Pam didn’t know why she kept staring at Weiming.

This also attracted Jizi’s attention.

“Pam, what’s wrong? Why are you staring at Weiming?”


Pam shook her head with a complicated expression:”I don’t know…”

“Wei Ming… Such a familiar name, such a familiar Pa.”

It’s like there is a familiar feeling in the memory, but something is missing

“Um… Passenger Weiming, have we seen Pa somewhere before?”

Pam hoped that Weiming could give her an answer.


Unknown eye movement

“I have indeed met Pam, the conductor.”

March 7 was surprised:”I wonder when did you know the conductor?”

Pam also became excited:”When was the last time we met?! It must have been a long time ago? Pam!”


However, Wei Ming denied it.

“The last time the Star Train came to the space station, I saw Pam, the train conductor, when I went to greet her with Estelle.”


Pam was stunned.

March 7 also reacted:”Oh, that day, I remember it.”

“At that time, Wei Ming touched the train, and the entire Starry Sky Train was glowing. The train conductor Pam even came out to check.”

“So we met at that time.” Sanyueqi suddenly realized.

But Pam looked distressed.

It shouldn’t be like this.

I always feel that I should have known Weiming for a long time, but I just can’t remember it.


【PS: The picture shows conductor Pam!】

【20 chapters were updated on the first day of the release. I kept my promise! I beg for monthly votes, evaluation votes, and flowers! The more I add, the more I will update! 】

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