Beneath the Surface: Secrets of an Obsessed Heart

Chapter 9: Chapter 08

"You have no idea" Hiro sighed. "His parents went crazy when they heard. They said it wasn't true and I was the one trying to seduce their son. Back then, we were rich and very influential so my dad pulled some strings and Raiden ended up in a juvenile center for teenagers. His parents begged me to withdraw the case. His mother even cried, saying he was her only son but I couldn't withdraw the case. Raiden scared me to death and I wanted him far away from me. Besides, even if I wanted to withdraw it, my parents would never have allowed me so I told them I was sorry and asked them to leave."

Michi sighed after hearing the whole story. "Dude when you said you were cruel, you made it sound like what you did was very wrong. I was scared that you hurt him or something."

"But I did." Hiro insisted. "His reputation was ruined because of me."

"If you ask me, he brought that upon himself" Michi shrugged. "Honestly, none of what happened is your fault. You weren't comfortable around Raiden and he forcefully tried to kiss you. Even worse, he stalked you. Did they want you to continue tolerating his harassment? What your brother did was right."

"Yeah, he did stalk me but he didn't do anything to me sexually," Hiro said. "I mean, he didn't go through with it. And it was just a kiss."

"But you didn't like it and he made you feel uncomfortable. He has no right to get revenge and I don't get why he'll want to." Michi said. "The guy sounds like a complete psycho. Despite you rejecting him so many times, he still continued to ask you out. I mean, one rejection is enough for anyone to tuck their tail and run away. How could he keep coming back?"

Hiro shrugged. "I don't know. He seemed obsessed with me. It got to a point that I actually wanted to be home-schooled. Trying to kiss me that night was my breaking point."

"You know what, you shouldn't go tonight," Michi said, shaking his head. "After what I've heard, who knows what he'll make you do? What if he tries to finish what he started?"

Hiro recalled the way Raiden looked at him today and he shivered. So cold and dark. Full of anger. If Raiden tries to kiss him again, he didn't know what he'd do. He couldn't report to anyone this time. His brother wouldn't be able to help him.

Hiro sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have told my brother anything. If I hadn't reported Raiden, he wouldn't have gone to a Juvenile centre. His family reputation wouldn't have been ruined and he wouldn't be here, trying to have revenge. Like you said earlier, running away isn't an option. It'll only put you guys in danger so the only thing I can do right now is comply."

Michi really didn't know what to say to Hiro anymore. He reached out, held Hiro's hand and squeezed. "No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. Okay?"

Hiro smiled and nodded. That was more than enough. Michi was his anchor.

He should just go to the party and own his shit. Apologise for putting Raiden through a tough time and accept whatever punishment he gives him but it was easier said than done. Just the thought of Raiden's domineering figure made his knees weak with fear.

How could Raiden grow into a giant scary hunk? The guy used to be tall and lanky.

Hiro already knew he was doomed and it wasn't because of the party. It was because of the things that had happened years ago. The things that Raiden had done to him.

He could only hope that Raiden had gotten over him and he wouldn't have to go through what he had years ago. It would suck to be stalked again.


Raiden sighed heavily for the fifteenth time, making Shoji angrily place his drink on the table in front of them then turned to his best friend.

"Okay, what the hell is going on with you? You've been sighing ever since we came here."

Raiden sighed once more, closing his eyes as he leaned back on the leather couch, swirling the red liquid in his glass. "Do you think he'll come? It's been 30 minutes since the party started."

They were in a private room while the staff of the Medical facility were downstairs, eating and dancing. Raiden and Shoji were not the types that liked such stuff. Solitude was their third best friend.

It then dawned on Shoji what Raiden was bothered about and he laughed, shaking his head. "I knew it. You're still interested in that Watanabe boy, aren't you?"

"It's not my fault that he's so attractive" Raiden replied. "Didn't you see him this morning? So cute, kneeling and shaking before me. It made me so hard you know."

Shoji shook his head. "What are you going to do if he doesn't come then?"

"I'll be really disappointed. I wanted to play a game with him." Raiden answered. He took a sip of his drink, licking his thin lips. "But it'll be better if he doesn't. He'll owe me more that way and I'll be able to make him do things. He'll be like my little puppet."

"He should be grateful to be your puppet because he nearly cost you your rights as the heir to your family's company," Shoji said.

Raiden opened his eyes and they had darkened due to the mention of his past. "I don't intend to let him go Shoji. The things he did to me...he will pay for and I will manipulate him in such a way that he'll believe he has no choice whatsoever and by the time I'm done with him, he won't ever want to leave my side. Ever."

Shoji smiled and then raised his drink. "A toast, to sweet revenge!"

Raiden chuckled as he clinked glasses with his best friend. "And, to acquiring the boy of my dreams."

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