Chapter 2: Chapter 01
"Why can't you do a single thing right you fucking loser!" the chubby store manager yelled at Hiro, roughly pushing him out of the store. "You're bringing me more loss than gain! Why did I even hire you in the first place? I should have known that you're useless!"
"Sir please" Hiro begged, trying to get back inside. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful from now on. I promise."
The angry store manager scoffed and pushed him back, making Hiro stagger and fall to the floor. "You've been saying that for the past two weeks. You're the clumsiest person in the entire world! If I keep you here, you'll ruin my business!"
"B-B-But it was only one vase. I-"
"That one vase cost millions!" the store owner shouted. "Even if you work for me your entire life, you can never pay for it!"
Knowing it was true, Hiro bit his lip and remained silent. Tears welled in his eyes and he lowered his head so people won't see.
Seeing the boy's dejected look, the store owner sighed. He took out his handkerchief and wiped away the sweat that gathered on his forehead. "Look Hiro, I understand what you and your family are going through and I sympathise with your situation but I can't have you ruining my business. You should leave. You're fired."
With that, the store manager turned and walked back into his store, leaving Hiro on the floor, jobless.
Finally, Hiro let his tears fall. He was sad and angry. He wanted to tell the manager that he didn't drop the vase. It was the customer but the manager won't believe him.
No one would believe him.
They pretended to tag him as a clumsy person but he knew the truth. They didn't want him there so they were looking for an opportunity to make him leave.
And his unlucky fate, as usual, gave one to them.
He stood up, dusted his clothes, and slowly walked away, wiping the tears on his face. He didn't know why his life was a mess. Nothing good ever happened to him. Ever since that unfortunate day, everything just went down at a rapid speed till he became the beggar he is now.
Hiro's family used to be extremely wealthy. So wealthy that he could do whatever he wanted. If he decided to spend his weekend in the Maldives, he could use his private jet. Leave and come back whenever he wants. He used to own the most expensive cars, mansions, clothes, jewellery, shoes, everything. He could decide to not work for life and still have enough money left to cover the entire lives of his children.
There was not a single thing he lacked. His parents made sure he had everything.
Not to forget that he was very handsome. Girls always flocked around him like bees and he had so many friends. He used to be very happy.
But now, a street rat was in a better state than him. He envied them whenever he saw them feasting on food from waste bins, wishing he could have some but he couldn't. He hadn't stooped that low and he hoped he never would.
Hiro only had the clothes on his back. One pair of shoes and very little to eat. He had to do manual labour to feed himself and his sister who was hospitalised.
Hiro, who had never had to worry about a single thing before was now worrying about how to feed himself and his sister, how to get the loan sharks off his brother's back, how to keep the landlord from kicking them out, how to go about every single day.
He was penniless. The complete opposite of what he used to be and now, he just lost his job.
Every time Hiro thought of the past, he would cry, wishing his parents had never made fake drugs which in turn, harmed millions of citizens in the entire world.
He always asked himself why they couldn't just be good law-abiding citizens. He didn't need them to be filthy rich. Middle class was way better than the way he was currently living. He had finished high school but he couldn't even go to college.
He was sure that all his friends were studying great courses, moving on in their lives. After all, it has been 4 years since his family got ruined but it seemed like an eternity.
He took a few turns down the street and came to his best friend's family restaurant.
His best friend, Aoyama Michi, was outside, wiping down the windows when he saw Hiro standing some feet away. He turned and waved, gesturing at him to come over.
Hiro wanted to turn away. To run back home and cry alone but he could smell the food wafting from the restaurant and his stomach grumbled. He decided to go and see if he could get any leftovers.
"Oh my God, Hiro, why do you look like this?" Michi asked, looking shocked at his best friend's appearance. "What happened to you?"
Hiro never dressed badly. Despite being poor, he loved to be neat no matter what.
But today, his worn-out jeans were stained with dirt and his faded blue sweater was crumpled. His sandy brown hair was shaggy and out of its usual style. He was sweating. His eyes and the tip of his nose were red. He looked like a lost pitiful cat.
"I lost my job." Hiro sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve."Again."
As usual, he couldn't keep it in. Fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he explained what happened to Michi.
"The customer asked to see a vase. I gave it to him and he dropped it and then blamed me for not handling it well. The manager dragged me out and fired me."
"That bastard!" Michi shouted, enraged. He threw his rag on the floor and rolled up his sleeves. "I'm going to have a word with that man. Aren't there CCTV cameras in that shop?" He grabbed Hiro by the wrist. "Come with me. We're going to get you your job back"
Hiro shook his head and pulled Michi back. "Don't go. I've already tried. They said the cameras weren't working."
"Bullshit!" Michi snapped angrily. "They just wanted to get rid of you."
"I know" Hiro sighed. It wasn't the first time such a thing had happened. He crouched low and hugged his knees to his chest. "People are still angry with my family for what they did even though it's been 4 years. Why can't they forget about it?"
Michi ran his fingers through his pink curls, grunting in frustration. "Even if they don't forget, they shouldn't blame you for it."
Hiro chuckled weakly. "Someone once told me that the child inherits everything the parents have. Even their sins. It wasn't until that stuff happened that I realized what he said was true. They'll never stop blaming or hating me even though it wasn't my fault."
"But you suffered a lot to get that job, Hiro," Michi said, feeling extremely sorry for his friend. "What are you going to do now?"
Hiro shrugged. "Look for another one like I always do."
Michi stared at his best friend, wishing there was something he could do to make his life better. Hiro wasn't the type that knew how to work. He was spoon-fed since birth. It took a lot for him to learn and Michi had been with him every step of the way. He didn't like seeing his best friend unhappy.