Beneath the Surface: Secrets of an Obsessed Heart

Chapter 18: Chapter 17

Saika gazed at Hiro whose eyes were red and swollen and her features softened for she felt guilty. "Oh peanut, come here." She opened her arms and Hiro gently hugged her, not wanting to cause her any discomfort.

"I'm so sorry," she said, patting him gently. She hadn't realised that she had been scaring him. "It's just that 5 million is a lot and I don't know how you guys are going to get that money."

"That's for us to worry about" Sora interjected. "Not you."

Hiro pulled away, wiping his tears with his shirt. "Yeah, all you have to do is stay here and look pretty because you're going to look like shit after the surgery."

Sora and Saika burst out laughing.

"Oh, come here you two" Saika cooed, spreading her arms wide. Sora and Hiro hugged her gently. "God, I love you guys so much."

She couldn't help but cry. Although they managed to raise her hopes, the thought that this may be their last group hug remained at the back of her mind.

"We love you too" Sora and Hiro chorused. Although they said they would save her, both of them couldn't help thinking, what if they couldn't? Would this be their last hug?

The thought scared Hiro so much. He prayed in his heart to whatever deity there was up there to help his sister. He didn't want to lose her.

It further solidified his decision to ask Raiden for help. No matter how much Raiden ignored him, he would not give up.

He would get that transplant done for his sister.


"Why are you here?" Raiden asked, staring out the window of his large office. He took a sip of his wine which he held in a glass in his right hand.

"I-I came to ask you for a favour" Hiro stuttered. He lowered his head, fiddling with the edge of his white shirt as he bit his lower lip. Something he did whenever he was nervous.

Hiro thought he had his speech all planned out. He had rehearsed it many times with Michi but now that he was before Raiden, all the words he had memorised were flushed right out of his ears.

They were in Raiden's office. The place was like an apartment. There was his work area which consisted of his desk, chair, shelves, computers and other gadgets. The middle area was designed like a living room with three black sofas and a glass coffee table which had a bowl of assorted fruits on top. Behind them, located by the window was a sofa bed which was more like a Western futon which one could take a nap on any time of the day. Beside it was a rack of clothes which he could change into any time he wanted.

There was a small kitchen where one could make hot beverages, microwave food or cook instant noodles on an electric stove. He also had a dishwasher and a wine cabinet filled with different kinds of expensive wines. Then some feet away from his work area, was the bathroom.

Raiden turned around, taking a sip of his wine as he looked at the beautiful boy before him. He looked good. He always looked good no matter what he was dressed in.

Hiro was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. From the looks of it, the clothes weren't his own. They must be his big brothers because none were his size. Raiden chuckled lowly. So his big brother owned clothes that had no holes. They weren't faded either. Why did he let Hiro wear torn and faded clothes then?

Well, it wasn't his problem to worry about anymore. Hiro had made it clear that he didn't want to have anything to do with him. "What kind of favour would bring the great Watanabe Hiro all the way to my office?" He asked as he walked to a couch and sat down.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I can recall the words you said to me the day I offered you my help. Hmmm, something along the lines of; even if I were the last man standing on earth and you were dying, you would never accept help from me. Am I correct, Hiro?"

Hiro winced for he could vividly remember saying something like that. He and his stupid mouth. He let his emotions get the best of him and spouted whatever came to his head. Now look at them, 4 years later, the roles were reversed.

He stared at Raiden, who was sitting down on the couch, legs apart, oozing of masculinity. He was wearing a white dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up, revealing his toned hard veiny biceps. The top two buttons were open, giving a glimpse of his smooth hairless chest. His strong calves were encased in tight black suit pants and his feet were covered in the latest black leather shoes.

Raiden leaned back, staring at him with those smoky grey eyes that seemed to stare right into his soul.

"Speak, Hiro." He commanded. "I haven't got all day."

Hiro blinked, once, twice, trying to compose himself but he couldn't. All he could think about were the times Raiden kept pestering him non-stop. That night when Raiden raised his leg and groped his ass. He was painfully aware that they were the only ones in the office. And now, surrounded by his domineering aura, he was too afraid to speak.

Raiden was getting impatient. "Are you going to talk or not?" he snapped.

Hiro flinched, frightened. He started to sweat and his heartbeat accelerated. This Raiden was completely different. The Raiden he knew never looked at him so coldly. Nor did he shout at him. This side of Raiden was unfamiliar. Although Raiden normally scared him, it was never to this extent.

He could feel it. It was like Raiden didn't care about him any longer and his presence annoyed him. Deep down, he was bothered by it. He was so used to Raiden staring at him like he was the sun that now being treated like a stranger hurt. It was strange. He didn't like Raiden at all so why did it bother him?

"I-I need some money" he finally stuttered out. "M-My sister is sick a-and she's going to need a heart transplant and it costs a lot. I was wondering if you could help me."

Raiden chuckled lowly, pinning Hiro with a cold glare. "Do I look like I run a charity here, Hiro?"

Hiro went silent. The atmosphere seemed to freeze and he wished he was anywhere but in front of Raiden.

"Answer me, Hiro" Raiden demanded.

Hiro shook his head meekly.

"Then I guess we're done talking. See yourself out."

Hiro turned around, wanting to flee immediately but paused when he recalled his dying sister. They only had four days left. He had to try. He couldn't just give up and leave. His sister's life was at stake.

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