Chapter 15: Chapter 14
As for him, he would just enjoy the show.
Suddenly, the door to their sister's room burst open and two nurses came out, wheeling her bed down the hall.
Sora and Hiro were alarmed.
"Hey, what is happening?" Sora asked. "That's our sister!"
"She had a heart attack. We're taking her to the ICU" a nurse answered. "Come with us. There's some paperwork you'll have to take care of."
They didn't need to be told twice. Hiro and Sora rushed after them.
"Is sister going to be alright?" Hiro asked, scared.
Sora shook his head. "I don't know, Hiro. Let's pray for the best."
Hiro followed the nurse and his sister to the ICU while Sora followed the other nurse to the reception. Hiro knew he wouldn't be allowed into the ICU so he stayed outside hoping his sister would be okay.
It wasn't the first time this had happened but it had been so long since it did so they thought she was getting better. How could this have happened? Did he not pay enough attention? He was sure he gave her all the right foods and he always made sure she took her medication.
Saika's heart disease was hereditary. It was the same thing that took away their grandfather at an early age. Sora and Hiro were lucky to be born without it but Saika wasn't. She had always been weak since birth but the disease wasn't serious in her case because their parents made sure she was well taken care of. After they were imprisoned, Saika's condition worsened gradually. At first, she would have chest pains then it later transformed to severe heart attacks which led her to be hospitalized. Her medications were expensive and Sora did all he could to pay. Apart from the properties the government seized, most of the rest went to her medical fees. As time went on, everything they had was exhausted on her health and Sora had to take loans so he could take care of them.
Hiro hoped things would be alright this time. Life had punished them enough.
20 minutes later, a doctor walked out of the ICU and Hiro rushed to him instantly. "Doctor Gu, please, how is my sister? Is she going to be okay?"
The doctor took off his face mask and sighed. "Hiro, there is something you and your brother should know. Is he here?"
A feeling of dread enveloped him and Hiro knew that he wouldn't like what he was about to hear. "My brother is at the reception. He should be here soon."
As if on cue, Sora arrived, panting. "Hiro, Doctor Gu, where is she? Is she okay?"
Doctor Gu sighed once again, looking as if he was about to give them the most terrible news they'd ever heard.
Hiro began to tremble as his eyes watered, unsure if he could handle whatever kind of news it was. His heart began to pound and he reached out to his big brother for support who wrapped an arm around his shoulder, keeping him close.
Please let it be good news. Please let it be good news.
"Your sister's condition is critical." Doctor Gu said and the tears Hiro had been trying so hard to keep at bay were let loose.
"We've managed to stabilize her for now but her health has been deteriorating recently. Our treatments have failed to stop the progression of her condition and she's going to need a heart transplant to survive."
Sora nodded. The news broke his heart but he was trying to stay strong for his little brother. "I understand. How much will a heart transplant cost? What do we need to do?"
Doctor Gu glanced at Hiro who was crying but at the same time trying to keep himself together. He felt bad for the kids because he had once worked in one of their parents' hospitals and had grown close to them over the years. After their parents were imprisoned, things became extremely hard for them and he was the only doctor who agreed to help them at half the fees one would usually pay.
"The pre to post-transplant cost is 5 million yen. Medications excluded" Doctor Gu said.
Hiro's heart sunk to his stomach. How could they pay 5 million yen?
"You know I would help you kids in any way I can but I have to tell you the truth." Doctor Gu continued. "I can't perform the surgery on your sister because I don't have the expertise and the doctor that can do it will not accept half the fees as I usually do. You'll have to pay for it in full. The best I can do is get her name at the top of the list since her condition is critical but that is it."
"But how long does she have until the surgery?" Hiro sobbed. "One month? Two?"
"1 week" Doctor Gu answered. It wasn't easy but he had to make them see the reality of their sister's condition. "A week and some days at most. If she gets another heart attack, I don't think she'll survive."
Hiro couldn't control himself anymore and burst into tears. Sora hugged him tight. He wanted to say something, anything that could make Hiro feel better but he was on the verge of tears himself.
"W-What do I need to do?" He asked Doctor Gu.
"Let's go to my office." Doctor Gu said. "It will be better to speak there."
"Will you be okay alone?" Sora asked Hiro, gently pulling him away. He wiped his tears with his thumbs and cupped his cheeks. "I need to speak with Doctor Gu okay. Our sister is going to be fine. Stop crying and watch over her okay?"
But Hiro didn't want to be alone. He hugged his brother tight. "I-I can't stay here. Can't I go with you?"
"Someone has to stay with Saika," Sora said, gently pulling away. "You can do that, right? She needs us more than ever right now and you being close to her will make her feel better. Remember what you always say. You're 23. You're an adult."
Hiro knew but he had always been pampered and treated like a baby by his siblings. Sometimes he just couldn't help it. He didn't want Sora to leave but he knew he also had to stay strong for Saika so he nodded, sniffling. "I'll be right here."
"Good boy," Sora said, ruffling his hair. "Take care of Saika till I get back."
Hiro waited until he couldn't see his brother again then he sat on the floor by the wall and hugged his knees to his chest, lowering his head as tears ran down his cheeks. He was afraid. He was terribly terribly scared.