Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 37 - Everyone present is spicy chicken!

   The teaching of the mentors is only on the first day.

   The next day is a combination of singing and dancing, singing and dancing, practicing by yourself.

   99 trainees are practicing hard, constantly looking at the tutor’s teaching videos, and constantly looking for their peers to study their movements.

   Among the 100 people, only Lin Fan was paddling on the side, and he paddled with peace of mind. Because Lin Fan is always ready to leave Dachang after the recording of the theme song is over.

   However, Lin Fan wanted to paddle, but some people were unwilling to let Lin Fan go.

   Li Xiaodong came to the door: “Brother Fan, can you help me see how I practiced?”

   Lin Fan looked at the sparkling “VIP” buff on Li Xiaodong’s head and nodded: “Okay, then I’ll help you see it, but I’m not a professional, so I can only watch the video to help you correct your movements.”

   “And me and me!” Lin Fan 404’s roommate Chen Xianwu also came to join in the fun.

   “I’m coming too!”

   “Brother Pan also help me take a look!”

   The students in the same training room must come to join in the fun. Lin Fan adheres to the principle of letting one sheep be free, and a flock of sheep also catching up: “If you go well, then go together!”

   Music starts: “oh~~~~”

   The students all started to swing, let alone, this one was pretty good.

   But Lin Fan was too happy too early. After one eight beats, some people started to be unable to keep up.

   Not only can’t keep up with the dance moves, but also the singing, not only the rhythm can’t keep up, but the tune can’t keep up.

   to the chorus part: “…Sunshine, Sunshine, Sun…”

   Break the sound directly!

   Lin pan rubbed his ears, a little in disbelief.

“That’s it?”

   It is said that 100 students who are carefully selected from tens of thousands of trainees across the country will be able to sing and dance well in the future idols, at this level?

   It’s fine if you forget your movements and can’t keep up with the beats. After all, I have only studied for a long time after I’ve been full of calculations. Dancing requires more practice, which is understandable.

   But what about singing?

   This is too tragic!

   The whole theme song, most of the students are very good at the beginning, but when it comes to the chorus, it is full of ghosts crying and wolf crying, forgetting words, out of tune, and broken sound, which are comparable to the scene of a car accident.

   Coupled with dancing, I don’t know what others think, but Lin Fan himself feels terrible.

   If it weren’t for “Morning Star”, the original sound of the students’ practice songs would be blocked when the students were practicing. Lin Fan felt that the scene of the car accident in front of him would make “Morning Star” completely break into the world!

  Compulsory skills: Singing never goes out of tune, and Lin Fan, who is carrying a super plug-in such as the system, said that I am not targeting a certain person, I mean everyone present is hot chicken!


   Li Xiaodong heard the two words that Lin Fan blurted out, his body stiffened, and even the song in his mouth stopped.


   Lin pans regretfully wanting to slap his mouth, why is it so cheap and has to offend others?

   “Brother Pan, I’ll do it again!”

   Li Xiaodong took a deep breath and started all over again regardless of other students.

   “I’m coming too!”

   Not to be outdone, Chen Xianwu quickly set up the starting pose with Li Xiaodong.

   Lin moved his lips and didn’t say anything in the end. Looking at the hardworking students, he felt that the two words he had just now were really hurtful.





Li Xiaodong, Chen Xianwu…The students in the practice room no longer know how many times they have practiced, but none of them complained and tired. Everyone kept practicing, even if the movements were not in place and the singing was not in the tune, they were still practicing. .

Gradually, Lin Fan’s eyes became serious. He felt that even if he was going to be eliminated, at least he had to do a good job as a sparring partner. As a qualified sparring partner, he needed to point out the mistakes in time for everyone, so that everyone could be less. Take a detour.

  Although he is a dance layman, only a split-strike specialization, but if you want to pick a stab, it seems that even a layman can pick it.

   Li Xiaodong and Chen Xianwu heard Lin Fan’s correction, and gradually began to find the right direction.

   However, this kind of improvement is limited. After all, the time is too tight and the budget is full. Everyone is only practicing on the second day, and this time only three days!

   only three days!


   eight o’clock in the evening.

   Lin Fan had eaten dinner and was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep. However, the bustling dormitory building in the past is very quiet today.

   It is estimated that the students are deep in the dance moves in the training room at this time.

   Lin Fan thinks this is also good, no one disturbs him to sleep anymore.

   But as soon as he reached door 404, Lin Fan heard a depressed sob from the dormitory.

   Someone was crying in the dormitory.

   Lin Fan paused, then opened the door, and walked in pretending to be nonchalant. The person was still at the door, and the voice had entered the room: “Chen Xianwu, you are also here.”

   Chen Xianwu, lying on the bed, heard the sound, and quickly rubbed his face on the pillow, wiped away the tears on his face, and said dully, “Ah, Brother Fan, you are back.”

   “Well, come back to sleep.”

   Chen Xianwu got up, his eyes and nose were still red: “Then, you can rest, I’ll clean up and go out.”

   Lin Fan pretended to look for his pajamas, and didn’t look at his face, lest the child’s face was tender and embarrassed: “When will you come back at night, I will leave you a light.”

   Chen Xianwu smiled bitterly: “I don’t know about others, I shouldn’t be back to sleep tonight.”

What’s the meaning?

   Lin Fan couldn’t help but glanced at him: “You want…”

The bitterness on Chen Xianwu’s face is even more obvious: “I haven’t learned songs, let alone dance… I heard that Zhuo Yuanquan and Lu Bingyang of Class A will help everyone in the training room at night. After the class, I will practice more by myself and keep my position in Class C when I try to get the second grade… I don’t have enough time, so I won’t come back to sleep at night.”

   Chen Xianwu’s idea is actually the idea of ​​most students.

   Insufficient talent, try hard to get it together.

   Although the time may be too tight, it will not have much effect, UU reading, but it is impossible to give up like this. After all, everyone came to this show, everyone is to be popular.

   Except Lin Fan.

   can stay, no one wants to leave.

   Because the stage of “Morning Star” is probably the largest stage that many people can step on in their lifetime.

   Chen Xianwu took a shower, changed his sweat-soaked clothes, and left the dormitory.

   Lin Fan silently began to pack his bags.

   Chen Xianwu’s mentality is the mentality of most of the students, but Lin Fan is not included.

   The moment Lin Fancong stepped onto the initial stage, his only wish was to leave here quickly and find a tourist city to open a homestay of his own. Even if he didn’t have much money in his hands, it couldn’t stop him from wanting to realize this dream.

   A public stage Lin Fan can’t help it, because it’s not his stage alone, he can’t ignore his teammates’ desire for the stage and let himself drag them back.

  The theme song task is a personal task.

   Lin Fan can call the shots for himself.

   If you want to sing well, you can sing well, and if you want to sing badly, you can sing badly. The program group does not require it. I am also afraid that only Lin Fan can be so wonderful. Others only think about how to stay. Only he is the only one who leaves the star-making stage of Dachang with a single mind.

But when Lin Fan finished packing his luggage and was lying on the bed ready to go to bed, Chen Xianwu’s bitter smile flashed in his mind, and Li Xiaodong’s appearance of dancing over and over because of his saying “That’s it,” and Lu Bingyang. This is obviously good for practicing silently, but he can’t bear to watch other people’s inability to start, and take the initiative to help others pull the action…

   There are more people sweating like rain in those eight small training rooms.

  Everyone is working hard!

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