Beesekai [A Monster Reincarnation Isekai]


TLDR: new chapter tomorrow, personal stuff, and a couple lazy bee puns


Hello. I’m back, and tomorrow, chapters will return as well! I just thought this would be a good time to give a bit of an update regarding some things.


First off: THANK YOU! For everything. Before posting this story, I wrote many things, most of which went nowhere. I had a lot of ideas and dreams but I never really had the drive to do anything with them, and I thought posting a story would finally give me the push I wanted to actually finish something. And man, I just keep wanting to continue this story. There are times I don’t really feel motivated to continue, but other times I can’t think about anything other than the next step in Beesekai. I began posting the story with the expectation that I would become incredibly famous and successful, instantly reaching the status of best-selling author- or not. I did hope the story would bee seen by people though, and my expectations were apparently met and surpassed. By quite a bit. Both on Royal Road and on Scribblehub. To everyone who reads, who reviews, who comments nice things or even says nothing at all, you mean a lot to me. To those who only criticize, well you mean a lot to me too. Thank you all.


All that being said, I do have some concerns for the story moving forward. Truth is, I am inexperienced, and this version of beesekai you see could realistically be called a rough draft. Maybe a first draft if we’re being kind. I do edit it and try to make it as high quality as I can, but its ultimately unrefined and sketchy. I guess it could be worse, just look at the state of this update. I have other things I want and need to do, unrelated to the story. This is all to say that I don’t always feel like I’m producing the level of work I’d like to, limited by time and my ever-fluctuating and frustrating motivation issues. I really expected to finish a semester of classes and go on to do nothing but Beesekai, but of course that wasn’t the case.


The last month has been one of the months of all time for me. Really high highs and really low lows. Something happened recently that I have not recovered from fully, and it was really killing any motivation I had to do anything, including write this story. 


Over the last month I was completely unable to actually write anything in the story, but that didn't mean it was gone from my life. I was inspired by so many things I saw, I had moments of silence that became filled with stories and characters and the world of Beesekai. I almost came back completely fresh and ready to write immediately, but life is very good at grinding you under its heel when it feels like it. 


But in the last few days, where I could stomach it, I’ve been opening Royal Road and Scribblehub just to check things out. I had basically gone dark for a month, you know? And what the hell? People are commenting on some chapters? Asking if the story will come back? The chapters are still getting viewed by new people? Whats going on here?


For those wondering, yes I will continue this story. Very much actually. But one thing I want to make clear is that I want to have more fun with this story (not that I wasn’t already). It's important to make sure your story makes sense and things work out in a ‘realistic’ way, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I just want to have fun with something, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Some might be concerned about that, expecting some huge immersion-shattering things to happen, but no that (probably) won’t be the case. 

Anyways, this update has gone on long enough. I don’t really like when authors make whole chapters that are just updates, so I’ll end things here. For Royal Road readers, I appreciate you all. To Scribblehub readers, I am so sorry your chapters are beehind. I appreciate you too though.

For authors with review swaps:




And for everyone who made it this far: 


Happy beeswax to all and to all a good hive. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.