Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 425

Chapter 408: Expedition

An hour later, everyone gathered in the Church of the Storms in the church district.

At this time, everyone has changed into uniform attire, a dark outfit with delicate golden lines, everyone is wearing appropriate clothes, and the powerful aura of everyone makes the whole church feel like a group of demons dancing.

The Arkham Institute is led by Morsi, Kurvin, Wayne, and Zach. Behind him are five powerful students, including Dr. Pochi, Debbie, and Rum, and seven other students. For patients with special abilities, everyone has the strength of level 30 or above.

“Usually you can’t see anything in a white coat, but now you look really handsome in this dress.” Hina, who came over, looked at Mursi and others and said with a smile.

Hina’s white hair is still double ponytails, and her attire is similar to Judy’s, which highlights her solemnity and mystery, and highlights her toned figure very clearly.

The jet-black dress and her long white hair give people an obvious contrast, which makes people look unforgettable.

The Black Gloves team behind him also changed into similar outfits, and by her side were Chambers and Gina of the Green Covenant, Mark who believed in the cat god.

Morsi said with rare excitement on his face at this time: “I didn’t expect that this dress can make a person like me feel a lot more spiritual.”

Rum on the side waved his arms excitedly: “I really want to wear this dress every day in the future, it’s so handsome!”

“Wear it if you want. The mayor said that this dress is the standard dress that our members of Arkham will reveal to the public in the future.” At this time, Danny, a sturdy figure, came over with members of his community security bureau.

Walking side by side with him was the sharp-eyed Joseph, with Sass, Kenneth and others beside him, and behind him was his mechanically transformed ghoul elite troops, a total of ten people.

Soon, two demigods, Jenny and Cos, walked in, with Charlemagne, Judy, Kane and other members of the province of Massa beside them.

“People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, you are quite handsome like this.” Jenny commented on Coase.

Although Kos is not good at words, he reached out and touched the black dress that felt very good at this time, and a smile appeared on his weird mouth: “It feels good too.”

He is not a human being himself, because of the previous reasons, his feelings for humans are called disgust.

But after being in contact with the people here for so long through Ross as a medium, at least Coase still has a very close feeling for the people in this church.

Afterwards, a group of enhanced fighting beauties from Arkham Flower walked in under the leadership of the astrologer Anita, and the dozen or so beautiful girls immediately became the focus of attention of many men.

They came with the Arkham police department led by Harden, Conte, and Gek.

In addition to the Arkham logo, the uniforms of the police department also have the insignia of police enforcement.

Afterwards, members of the University of Michigan led by Dr. Kingston and Armitage also arrived.

Armitage’s eyes were full of emotion as he looked at the plethora of talented people and handsome girls in the hall: “Who would have thought that Arkham could develop into such a dreamy appearance.”

Kingston laughed: “With the mayor, anything is possible.”

During the conversation, the Arkham Commercial Department led by Char and Barlow also arrived, and Eve and the others accompanied them…

Soon, everyone had arrived, and the number had reached eighty-four.

Among them, the lowest strength is thirty-two, and among them, there are thirty legendary superhumans above the forty level.

Everyone stood together in twos and threes, talking excitedly, complimenting each other’s appearance and clothes, and their faces were full of pride and pride.

The people who can come here are the true core of Arkham, the core people who support and protect the city.

While they were talking, everyone seemed to feel something at the same time, stopped and turned to look in silence.

The door opened slowly at this time, and Ross, who was wearing a magical armor, came out.

This armor is no longer the previous set, but modified according to his current abilities.

Less burly, more ruthless and domineering.

And now Ross is not wearing a helmet, the black hair is like a black flame that does not flutter in the air, so that Loss at this time completely got rid of the human impression in terms of temperament and entered a new realm.

Beside Ross, Lilith stood on the left and Minissa on the right.

At this time, both of them also changed into their exclusive uniforms.

The two women’s uniforms add some cuffs and stand-up collars to the regular style, and the lines on them are more intricate.

At the same time, the skirt behind him is longer, which highlights the temperament and grace of the two people.

Lilith is now a cool and graceful queen.

And Minissa’s coquettish body and uniform make her more like a fairy who doesn’t belong to this world.

“Mayor!” Everyone bowed at the same time and said loudly.

Ross looked around, looked at the subordinates who had followed him all the way, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, “Very good, very energetic.”

“Listen, my men! This will be the first time we Arkham will show the world we exist! This time, we will show the world how strong we are! Show them our terror! Tell them , How terrifying is the awakened Arkham!”

“Yes! The great mayor!” Suddenly everyone shouted in unison like a tsunami.

Ross nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hand, and a large number of clouds gradually appeared around everyone.

“Then, go with me now!”


In the capital, the military’s attack on the palace has entered a white-hot stage.

Although there is Eisen’s order, we can’t use weapons of mass destruction on the palace, but because we have mastered the technology of superhuman and Ur people of major organizations, no matter in terms of comprehensive combat power or number of After a short period of time None of the palace guards of the development of time are their opponents.

At this time, the perimeter of the palace had been completely lost, and the remaining elite troops under the leadership of the female officer Dani and the chief guard Inge quickly shrank to protect the core of the Queen’s Castle.

Although the scope has been greatly reduced and the protection strength has been greatly improved, everyone knows that they have become an island at this time, and they have lost all possibilities of escape, only fighting to the death.


With a loud explosion, the two figures in the sky separated.

On the left side, she was wearing a long, fluffy dress, with six divine swords Suyi flying beside her, standing on the top of the castle, looking forward.

Less than fifty meters in front of her, Aisen and an Ur person in weird armor floated in mid-air.

“Suyi! I really didn’t see that you are hiding so deeply, and you have the strength of level 60!” Aisen’s eyes were a little shocked.

Su Yi said lightly, “There are many things you can’t see.”

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