Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Mysterious Existence


Instinctively, Darryl stood up instantly and took out his gun, but before he could react, the gun in his hand was instantly in Carrington’s hand.

Then Carrington’s hoarse and low voice sounded in his ear: “Next time you dare to be so rude to the young master, I will let you know what is more terrifying than death.”

Darryl heard this indescribable shudder emerge from his soul and spread to his body instantly.

He didn’t know how his gun was taken away. If it wasn’t for his eyes that he didn’t have a gun in his hand, he wouldn’t have felt that someone took his gun.

“This… Could it be that Carrington is a superhuman!?” Daryl suddenly thought.

When he was frightened, the head on Ross’s table said, “Carrington, don’t react too violently, Darryl is his own from now on, you know?”

After hearing this, Carrington made a 180-degree turn, and said with reverence, “Yes, young master.”

Darryl recovered his senses at this moment, looked at Ross and stammered, “Mayor, you… are you still human?”

Ross pressed his head back to his neck at this time: “Don’t worry, I’m still human, but I have acquired some special abilities for some special reasons.”

“It is also because of this special ability that I have acquired powerful knowledge, which can cure all human diseases.”

Looking at Loos’ peaceful, intellectual eyes, Darryl felt a little at ease, and his panic and tremors gradually subsided.

“What are your plans?”

After all, Daryl was a professionally trained intelligence officer, so he quickly calmed down and asked calmly.

He had heard about some superhuman beings in the intelligence department, they had powers and abilities far beyond normal human beings, he didn’t believe them at the time, but he believes them today.

And believe all this, the previous doubts and incomprehensions are all explained, that is superhuman, an existence that human beings cannot understand.

“The mayor and his servants are both superhumans. As long as I’m loyal enough, not to mention other things, we can at least ensure the safety of our family. Having such a boss is also reassuring.” Darryl calmed down. .

Ross said: “This chamber of commerce is too involved, I can’t kill all of them, even if they kill all of them, a second chamber of commerce will appear quickly, and it will also cause chaos among all forces in the city. The city doesn’t do any good.”

Darryl nodded in approval: “Yes, these eight forces are closely watching each other. After one force disintegrates, other forces will definitely take the opportunity to enter the field. At that time, the consequences may be difficult to control.”

Ross: “So the best solution is to directly control the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.”

“After gaining control of the chamber of commerce, re-integrate the chamber of commerce so that the chamber of commerce can develop in the direction we need”

Darryl immediately said, “What is certain is that Reis Tariq is one of their top executives, but I don’t know who the real chairman of the chamber of commerce and the relevant shareholders are at the moment.”

Ross: “Next, you will continue to be your city councillor. As before, the Empire will continue to report regularly. However, you should be very clear about what to say and what not to say.”

Mingming’s tone was very flat, but Daryl’s heart trembled when he heard it, and he nodded immediately: “Understood, Mayor.”

Ross was very satisfied: “You continue to stimulate the conflicts between these eight committee members and me, determine the list of core personnel, do not stop them from assassinating me, and cooperate as much as possible.”

Darryl is a smart man, he immediately knew what Ross meant: “Okay!”

“Tomorrow you can invite your best friend to celebrate Tracy’s return to health. He will feel curious and tell him about me and blood therapy.”

Daryl’s heart moved after hearing this: “Dr. Morsi you mean?”

Ross nodded slightly.

Darryl didn’t dare to ask any further questions, and nodded in agreement.

After sending Darryl away, Carrington looked at the distant figure and asked tentatively, “Master, is he worth believing?”

“Since he agreed, then he will not have any betrayal.”

“You follow him secretly these two days to protect his safety, and pay attention to the details that he can’t notice by the way.” Ross said.

“Pay more attention to the movement of the Hand of Chaos. We want to move the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and the conflict with the Hand of Chaos is inevitable.”

Carrington nodded: “Okay, young master.”

He now needs to determine what the strength of the major organizations that deviate from the original setting is now.

At the same time, in a hidden underground room in the central area, two men and women in black robes squatted on the ground.

The robes of the two were dark, and there was a hand holding an inverted triangle on the chest and back, which seemed to be the symbol of an organization.

This underground scene is very terrifying. There are various containers around. At this time, the containers have been broken, and the very pungent smell of preservatives permeates the whole room.

On the ground where the containers were broken, more than a dozen human heads were scattered on the ground. Judging from the pale skin, it was clear that these people had been dead for a long time, and their heads were specially preserved by others.

In the middle of the basement, a headless corpse lay on the ground.

The corpse has been severely damaged, and it can be seen that this person suffered various inhuman tortures before his death.

The corpse held its own head, and the head did not close its eyes, but looked at his body with strange eyes.

“What the **** is going on?” The female voice of the two was incredulous.

The man’s face was also full of solemnity: “Heim is our core member and has the power of a bishop, so he will be tortured and killed like this?”

The woman stood up and looked around: “There is no sign of fighting here. Judging from Heim’s muscles, he has fought and struggled before, which means that this battle is a completely unilateral crushing battle.”

“Having a level 20 Heim, who can easily annihilate a 30-person special forces superhuman, what kind of existence can crush and kill like this?” Thinking of this, the woman suddenly felt a shudder.

“This matter must have something to do with Los Arkham.” The man stood up at this moment and said sternly.

Yesterday afternoon, the top officials of the Hand of Chaos issued an order to kill Los Arkham, requesting to kill him last night.

The superhuman at the core of the sect, the powerful Heim took over this task.

At three o’clock in the morning, he called the headquarters to report that he had killed Los Arkham and his family’s housekeeper with level 19 strength, Carrington, and brought his head back for collection.

The clergy knew his special hobby, so they didn’t say much.

However, this afternoon, their city councilor, Reis Tarek, told them that Los Arkham was not dead, and he came to the city government office in the afternoon.

City Manager Darryl will also join his eight committee members to impeach him.

Not only that, but Carrington, the housekeeper who was killed, also went out to make purchases normally.

This suddenly made them feel weird. Although Heim’s mental state was not very good, he was indeed a faithful believer, and he had never missed a mission in hundreds of missions.

The executives immediately expressed their dissatisfaction, so they sent the two of them over to ask them face-to-face.

Unexpectedly, I saw such a strange scene.

“There are also tools and preservatives on the table, indicating that he was still processing a certain head specimen, which is likely to be Arkham’s head.” The woman looked at the materials on the table and said.

The man shook his head: “How is this possible? His head was cut off and taken away. He can’t live.”

“Our analysis is useless. This matter is beyond our capability. Let’s collect evidence and return to life.”

As the woman spoke, she skillfully took out the camera and related tools in her hand.

“Perhaps a mysterious existence that we don’t understand at all has quietly come to Arkham.”

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