Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 7

Episode 7 Changes in the Beauty Bell

Kanami Inugami was sweating all day at the Royal Palace bathing facility – a place to bathe in the water.

A simple place surrounded by wooden bumps.

The collision is only as high as hiding to the waist, so only the lower body is hiding.

From the navel, everything is completely visible.

“Well, I don’t have any more soap. Mt. Cat, could you give me some of that soap?


After catching the soap thrown from the next impulse, Kanami Inugami foams the soap and starts washing his body.

Kanami covered her head with water from a bucket and shook her body.

At the same time as your body is shaking, your glossy, impeccable boobs are swinging.

Behind the impulse, Mizuki Katayama stroked her chest in a light shock.

“Ha-ha! Refreshing.”

Without checking the surroundings, Kanami kicked the impulse that was hiding below her waist and left the bathing area.

Nothing to wear – show the sun what you are born to look like and grow with pleasure.

As rude as the name suggests, Kanami the Inugami loves the sun.

So I threw everything away and talked to the sun naked without lies – I liked it more than anything else.

“Kanami is definitely going to be exposed.”

“What do you say? I’m not excited to see my bare skin. It’s more than anything that makes nature and the mind go through without wearing anything, as they were born – that’s all I think.”


Contrary to such an open-minded Kanami, Mizuki is modest when it comes to such things.

Crouch in behind the impulse, wear all underwear and sailor clothes properly, then check the surroundings and exit the bathing area.

I don’t feel very confident with my body, so I don’t want others to see it if I can.

Whether you know or not about the beauty bell, Kanami shakes her violent tits and returns to the bathing area with a majestic look.

When Mizuki moved her gaze, her crotch hair, which had grown in proportion to her age, came into her eyes.

Regarding that, Mizuki cares.

A body that is growing properly in a stunning style.

For Mizuki, seeing Kanami’s body was a pretty stimulating experience for the complex.

“I envy Kanami’s body….”

“Well, Mt. Cat should get a little more exercise. If women don’t put some meat on them, boys won’t like it.”

“Meat, like Takeyama-san…?

“That’s meat in the name of meat. I’m talking about the muscles.”

Speaking of which, Kanami wondered what was going on with Takeyama, an out-of-school child.

Almost a week has passed since I was summoned to this world.

How time passes in the original world.

There is nothing particularly unproductive about the original world, but your family and acquaintances will be worried.

Kanami thought it would be nice if the time over there stopped.

I wonder if Takeyama-san and other foreigners are doing well.

A group of foreigners like Mizuki refers to a group of Yankees who dyed their hair with Kinkirakin.

Kanami is also used to this natural boke-like conversation of Mizuki.

I knew it was useless to stick it in, so I smiled through.

“When we disappear, the world is turning. It’s a little lonely.”

“I’m not lonely. I mean, you’re not alone, are you?

“If I’m left alone in a world I don’t know, I can’t live with my heart.”

Who did Mizuki refer to as “one person”?

Whose name and whose face came to mind while spinning the words.

Kanami couldn’t notice her happy expression, like the maiden Mizuki fell in love with.

“But… Cat Yama-san…”


A young classmate wearing a slightly ragged sailor outfit.

I thought that Mizuki was like a sister to Kanami.

But why?

From the last few days, I began to feel many moments when Mizuki Katayama seemed to grow up.

It’s not physical growth.

The cute tails and manners that some groups of women call “babies” are still alive.

I don’t know what has changed.

But there’s only one thing I can say for sure.

Something’s changed, Cat Yama-san.


“Nh, you’re a little grown up, or you’re more grand than ever.”

“Ah, ahh, ahh…”

Mizuki unexpectedly dyed her face red and began whistling as she distracted her eyes.

I will not mention anything about not blowing at all.

“Did you kiss Tiger Raw?

“Nhh! No! I didn’t do that with Tiger Raw!

What is Tiger Raw (…)?

I thought he was a big, pure kid, but Kanami thinks he should do it properly.

Beauty bells never got ahead of me! I’m not in a hurry.

It’s true.

But if so, who is it?

I heard that Torao told Mizuki earlier that he was declaring it to Shinagaki.

Did Mizuki refuse Tiger’s confession?

Certainly, Kanami doesn’t take Toru or Shinagaki very seriously.

Those two are the bad guys in the skins of the honorable students.

The tone of voice and attitude are different when dealing with pure women who are unknown like Mizuki and when talking to women who have a slightly masculine part like Kanami.

Especially Shinagaki.

For some reason, Shinagaki is not approaching Kanami.

Like a beautiful bell, he likes a girl like a little animal who could go to the colony with a little push.

Did you say that you didn’t care about Kanami?

–The other day, I had a fight with a female root about a girl student.

It seems that the woman grunted that she despised Shinagaki’s favorite girl student.

It’s about the female root.

You said something like that, you’re not cuter than a two-dimensional girl.

In enclosed spaces, male and female relationships are still prone to trouble.

I’ve been watching it carefully until now because it’s out of school, but I think I’ll do my best as a morality committee member from here on out.

If it was a bamboo sword, it would be more powerful.

Kanami only takes her skills seriously to make better use of them.

Even if you’re kidding, you can’t beat your classmates or cheat them with this.

“Well, if anything happens to Mizuki, tell me. Talk to your chin and someone else before they’re forced to kiss you or push you down. Do you understand?”

“Nh, okay, kyoh. If you don’t have to, you don’t have to tell me.

Kanami put her hand together in her heart and said, “Thank you for your love dinner.”

◇ ◇ ◇

“Nyah, Kanami-chan’s boobs are getting so amazing!”

“Heh, heh… Uhh, Mizuki, hold back your suction a little bit more. If that happens, I’ll be right out.”

While sitting on the ground with the trees on his back, the orchids enjoyed a blowjob cleaned by Mizuki.

After opening her crotch and reaching her buttocks, a beautiful bell with plenty of saliva hits her happily.

It’s not like a violent masturbation to ejaculate.

This is a kind of break time where you can thoroughly taste the mouth temperature of Mizuki from the tip to the root.

But sometimes Mizuki forgets it and starts blowing like a sex foreplay, so she’s embarrassed just like before.

It feels so good to cum inside my mouth, but I’m exhausted by the boulders tonight.

Every day, I feel that Mizuki’s health is increasing.

Is this also the result of daily combat training?

While stroking Mizuki’s head shaking in front of his crotch, Orchid was thinking about how to convey his decision the other day to Mizuki.

I want to reach out to girls other than Beauty Bells.

Apart from this, it’s not just a nasty reason to rape a classmate who couldn’t do much in everyday life.

An orchid is a human being – an individual who strikes a stone to confront a group.

I prefer a cute, naughty child who has some speaking power in class and has a powerful ability with the given skills.

Of course, if one of your classmates asks who your favorite girl students is, she will not hesitate to answer “Cat Mountain Beauty Bell.”

Nevertheless, orchids are also healthy high school boys.

Girl students in uniform – Girls of the same age spinning their daily lives in the same classroom are intrigued and want to make Harlem with their classmates if it comes true.

“Was Dog God so big?

I wonder if it’s the type to wear easily. Besides, it was Kanami-chan’s Kendo department, so I guess she always put her chest on it. ”

“Isn’t it the bow road that wears the bra?

Kanami Inugami – I don’t remember speaking with her.

I must have been a morality commissioner, so I’ve seen clothing inspections in front of the school gate sometimes.

Basically, boys and girls see it, so I don’t remember Kanami Inugami examining it.

Kanami Inugami is a Kendo girl with long, glossy black hair and a stunning ponytail.

Manly and loud, but not like yelling at or threatening someone.

Rather, I witnessed many scenes where I was helping juniors and classmates who were not good at asserting themselves, like Mizuki.

When I made the proxy confession, it was also a topic of discussion in my class for a few days.

It is unusual for such things, in a good sense.

“If your tits were as big as Kanami’s, you’d be able to squeeze them.”

“But I think I can do enough with a beautiful bell….”

“I don’t need any compliments. I know who I am. When I do it, it’s all I can do is push my chest against my boobs and dick.”

It seems that Mizuki doesn’t know that it feels very good.

A beauty bell that presses desperately against your soft, moderately resilient chest.

Cherry blossom nipples irritate the area around the tip – it’s very good.

And when I hear the word “octopus” from my classmate’s mouth, I get strangely excited.

That word encapsulates a magical spirit.

When a girl of her age talks about it, she gets quite freaked out.

“… yes, it’s over. Ran-chan’s thigh and dick have become beautiful.”

While thinking like that, the cleaning blowjob of Mizuki was finished, and the wet saliva × po was removed from the mouth of Mizuki.

The wind tends to hit you, and the twitching pleasure runs up your spine.

I was just going to let you clean up, but it’s impossible to put up with it.

“Beauty bell, give my Pex a strong recovery.”

“What do you mean? Because it’s already…..”

“Impossible, limit. Just one more time, let me insert it.”

Roll down Mizuki’s short body and open his crotch.

Are you getting used to it? The honeycomb pot of Mizuki was already melting.

If I put my finger in it, the tip will melt.

From now on, I think I’ll be able to insert Chi × Po here again.

“Oh, don’t let me cum, tell me to do it again, it’s selfish”

“I shouldn’t have had a pretty bell.”

“Ah! Oh, no. I haven’t recovered yet!”

A beautiful bell that makes you feel good with your chin, even though you look disgusting.

Entering Wise Man Mode will diminish your resolve.

I don’t want to think about other girls now.

I just want to look at the beautiful bell, think about the beautiful bell and feel the beautiful bell.

The body and mind were about to unite, and she hugged Mizuki’s body.

The legs of the bell are turned around the hips, holding each other tightly.

When I shake my hips while holding each other, it feels like I’m in love.

The lethargy you’ve felt just now disappears in no time.

It seems like it will become a habit or something, but it will depend on the beautiful bell.

After several vaginal ejaculations, the orchid suddenly learns tiredness and collapses.

I did too much on the boulder.

My body hurts everywhere.

“Absolutely… Ran-kun.”

Enhanced healing is applied to the whole body, and the pain and fatigue are wooshing away.

At the same time, the feeling of overhanging was cool, and the orchid threw its sleeve through the uniform that had been torn off.

“Speaking of which, you don’t have to wear a uniform to get tough training every day.”

“When I train, I change into training clothes. I wear my underwear every day… like pumpkins.”

“Oh, but do you always wear light blue bells?”

When I rolled up my skirt without hesitation, I noticed a light blue underwear with clearly engraved cracks and buttocks.

It was undoubtedly the underwear the orchids wore when they came to this world.

“I mean, I’m embarrassed like a baby. I don’t want Ran-kun to see me like that.”

“… so, are all the boys and girls wearing leopard pants?

“Not all of them, but most of them. Some children wear the same clothes every day.”

By the way, orchids drain the water of the lake every night to remove dirt and dry it during the night.

I was hoping to get a change of clothes as soon as possible because it would be scratched off.

“… hey, aren’t you off for combat training?

“… yeah. I have a break, but I don’t think I have a day off yet.”

It’s like an army – no, an army.

So the orchid’s position is that of a deserter?

If we get caught, we’re going to get a hell of a penalty.

“But why do you ask me that?

Whatever, that’s right.

Mizuki and her gaze staggered, and the orchid leaned unexpectedly.

I repeated things like sex and blowjob, but I couldn’t say the word “I wanted to date” because I was embarrassed.

Are you paralyzed or something like this?

For the first time, the orchid’s chest is just thrilled with an early bell, and there is no answer.

“… I wanted to go shopping for clothes with you.”

“Ahh, because you’ll prepare the essentials at the royal palace. If it’s not a boy’s thing, why don’t I ask for it?

“Ah, yeah. May I ask you a favor?

After wiping her body, Mizuki changed into her papa and uniform and, as usual, spoke of her affection for orchids, then disappeared into the night road.

Then the orchid sat down, and pressed its head against the trunk of the tree.

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