Beasts: Only I Can See the Hidden Evolution Path

Chapter 86: Changing to a New Identity, the Black-Robed Man Xiao Xingyu!

Chapter 86: Changing to a New Identity, the Black-Robed Man Xiao Xingyu!

As the dawn broke over the eastern horizon, the world began to come to life.

In a hotel room, Xiao Xingyu awoke to find his head resting on a pair of long, snow-white legs.

“Lulu, good morning~”

Dai Lu sat at the edge of the bed all night, allowing her legs to serve as a pillow for Xiao Xingyu.

“Now that you’re awake, get up. My legs are going numb.”

Reluctantly, Xiao Xingyu moved his head away from Dai Lu's thighs.

Dai Lu reminded him, “Tomorrow evening is the time for Medusa's execution.”

“I know; you don’t need to remind me.”

Xiao Xingyu changed into a fresh outfit, admiring his spirited appearance in the mirror.

“Everything is ready; it’s time to embark on a journey fraught with uncertainty.”

Even with a well-thought-out plan and worst-case scenarios prepared, Xiao Xingyu was, after all, only a two-star Beastmaster, and it was inevitable that he felt uneasy.

Dai Lu noticed Xiao Xingyu’s anxiousness and felt a pang of sympathy.

“If you want to back out, now’s the time.”

“After all, you are the Master, and I am merely your beast.”

“The Master has no obligation to risk his life to help a beast.”

After spending that night of intimacy together, Dai Lu saw Xiao Xingyu as more than just a Master.

The thought of their impending raid on the execution site, which could cost Xiao Xingyu his life, made Dai Lu hesitate, her expression filled with complexity.

Suddenly, Xiao Xingyu raised his hand and embraced Dai Lu’s shoulders.

“Lulu, I told you, you are not just my beast; you are my family.”

“No matter how perilous this journey may be, I will accompany you to the end.”

A warm feeling flowed through Dai Lu; her cold heart was repeatedly warmed by the young man before her.

“Xiao Xingyu.”


They locked eyes.

In Dai Lu's clear and ethereal voice lay sincerity and determination.

“Thank you for helping me. I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

“But I can guarantee that if the rescue of Medusa fails, I will do my utmost to ensure your safe retreat.”

Dai Lu’s words came straight from the heart.

Perhaps after that night of intimacy, Xiao Xingyu’s life had come to mean more to her than her own.

Xiao Xingyu smiled broadly, playfully saying, “No need to be so sentimental; I’m not just helping you for nothing.”

“As long as we rescue Medusa, she will submit to me and become my beast.”

“Moreover, she holds secrets about the Dragon-slaying War and Empress Shangguan Lan; these are invaluable treasures.”

“So we’re mutually beneficial here, and you don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself.”

Dai Lu remained silent, knowing that Xiao Xingyu’s words were also meant to comfort her and alleviate her psychological burden.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Xiao Xingyu answered the call.

“Hello, Director Chen.”

Chen Qinian urged, “Don’t think that with the finals just five days away, you can slack off. Hurry to the gym for pre-match training!”

At that moment, Coach Chen Qinian and the Murong siblings had already arrived at the central gym of Siling City.

Before the finals of the Supernova Competition, Chen Qinian planned to organize training for the three contestants together.

One reason was to practice tactical teamwork, and the other was to test Xiao Xingyu’s potential limits.

Xiao Xingyu had thought of an excuse to avoid this and quickly said, “Director Chen, I’ve been away from home for several days, and my sister misses me.”

“Can I take a leave to go back to Longyin City and accompany my sister?”

Chen Qinian initially disagreed but couldn’t resist Xiao Xingyu’s persistent pleas.

“Fine, fine, fine; I’ll allow you to take a leave!”

As the head coach, Chen Qinian naturally understood Xiao Xingyu’s family situation.

Since childhood, Xiao Ruoxue and Xiao Xingyu had relied on each other, and they were a pair of siblings enduring hardships together.

Chen Qinian had no reason to reject Xiao Xingyu’s leave request and could only agree.

“Thank you, Director Chen, for granting me the leave!”

“Xiao Xingyu, there are still five days until the finals. I’m only giving you three days off; you must return for pre-match training after that!”

“Don’t worry, Director Chen. I’ll definitely be there before the finals start!”

Chen Qinian wanted to say a few more things, but Xiao Xingyu had already hung up.

“This kid dared to hang up on me like that!”

Murong Yangshuo leaned over and asked, “Director, when will Xingyu come over?”

“This kid asked for leave to return to Longyin City to see his sister.”

When Murong Xinxin heard that Xiao Xingyu had taken leave to go home, she immediately lost interest in training.

“Director, I’m feeling unwell; I’ll skip today’s training and head back to the hotel.”

“Fine, go back and rest well.”

After Murong Xinxin left, a cold wind blew over the open-air gym, leaving only Chen Qinian and Murong Yangshuo staring at each other.

“Director, I’m not feeling well either…”

“Men should toughen up; just bear with it!”

“Director, I want to go home to see my mom…”

“Not allowed! Stay and train!”

Murong Yangshuo was near tears, forced into “one-on-one teaching training.”

“Director, this is so double-standard!”

“What did you say?”


“[Spirit Power Enhancement Training] adds 8 sets, [Reaction Test] adds 5 sets, [Physical Limit Stretching] adds another 40 minutes.”

Murong Yangshuo collapsed to the ground, tears welling in his eyes.

“Now it’s perfect; I’m the only one suffering in this world!”

This training, dubbed the “Pre-Match Training Camp,” was practically Chen Qinian’s excuse to focus on training Murong Yangshuo alone, akin to shearing a sheep.

Less than a day later, Murong Yangshuo was so exhausted he felt dizzy and nearly dehydrated.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with shades of red, a young man appeared on the beach, accompanied by a stunning beauty.

The beauty wore a red long dress, exposing her slender legs and pristine feet.

Those delicate feet seemed to leave no trace of sand even while walking on the beach washed by waves.

Behind the beauty, nine fluffy tails swayed in the wind.

“Lulu, this is the Blue Beach.”

“I checked the map; starting from here, it’s nearest to the naval headquarters on Ice Fire Island.”

With the route planned, the next question was choosing a mode of transportation.

This journey wasn’t just a casual sea trip; it involved life-threatening risks to raid an execution site.

To set sail, being discreet was crucial.

At that moment, Xiao Xingyu desperately needed a reliable flying beast or a water beast.

Although the Holy Light Angel Beast had flying capabilities, Xiao Xingyu wouldn’t summon it.

Because in this venture, he couldn’t use the identity of “Xiao Xingyu”; he needed to adopt a brand new identity to have a chance of making it back alive.

Xiao Xingyu reached into his spatial ring and pulled out a mask with a ghostly face.

Once he donned the mask, only his eyes were visible; the rest of his face was completely concealed.

With a wave of his hand, he draped a large, thick black robe over himself, the edges fluttering in the sea breeze.

In that moment, he was no longer the talented youth Xiao Xingyu from Qinglong Academy.

He had transformed into a mysterious assassin, the Black-Robed Man, ready to storm the naval headquarters and brazenly raid the execution site. 


-Translator notes: If you like my work you can support me here  


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