Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

On the waterfall base, since the dozen or so Golden Eagles appeared, the base

Some warriors in the jungle were also attracted by the dozen or so huge figures in the air, and temporarily stopped hunting monsters in the jungle.

Even though the dozen or so Golden Eagles with gust of wind spread out from their wings, the overall size was very scary.

It looks much bigger than the king beast on the ground.

While making people feel the visual impact, there is also a strong sense of oppression!

The soldiers watched the overlords in the air and flew towards the waterfall.

This kind of scene, I encountered a few days ago, but it flew from another direction.

Above the waterfall, Ye Qiong held an iron arrow in his right hand, and the tip of his left finger flicked gently on his body, very regular.

In the space under the stone building, several soldiers looked nervous and stared at the air.

More than a dozen Golden Blast Eagles, led by a Golden Blast Eagle that was obviously one size larger, rushed towards them.

To be precise, he swooped down towards Ye Qiong who was standing above.

The dignity of a monarch-level beast cannot be challenged!

Especially the king beasts in the air, if they are all on the ground, they are also king-level beasts. Flying beasts are not the opponents of land king beasts, but the same level.

But if a king-level flying beast is in the air and attacks in a diving posture, then the same-level king beast can be instantly killed as long as it is hit!

In the same way, if it is not hit, it will be counterattacked by the king beast on the ground, then the advantage of flying beast will become a disadvantage, and there is a high probability that it will be bitten and killed by the king beast on the ground.

That King Blast Golden Eagle is getting closer and closer to Ye Qiong…

This kind of swooping power, not to mention the petite body of a human being, even a beast at the monarch level, if it resists hard, it will be instantly killed.

Ye Qiong still looked like a normal person, with only his eyes, he was staring at the golden eagle of the king, and his body was still in a relaxed state at the moment.

In this relaxed state, when you start to exert your strength, you can burst into the most powerful force!

The kind of person whose muscles have already started to tighten before the fight is obviously not very good at fighting.

A truly powerful warrior can control his body freely.

Ye Qiong changed his mind after seeing the golden eagle of the king who took the lead…

Since I can’t find a small-sized Golden Eagle, then…

Catch only the biggest!

But in order to be fair, Lei Ting is a one-legged, so Ye Qiong planned to get the leg of the king’s golden eagle.

It’s too cruel to get rid of it, and it’s just fine to get it half-crippled, the kind that can be recovered later.

After all, it was a flying beast at the king level, so Ye Qiong had to give him some respect.

Three hundred meters…

two hundred meters…

fifty meters…

When the figure of the golden eagle of the king, the golden eagle, appeared thirty meters away from Ye Qiong, Ye Qiong clenched the iron arrow in his hand.

Then he bent his legs slightly.

twenty meters…

Ten meters!

The speed of the flying beast swooping down was very fast. It only took less than a second after the golden eagle of the king entered the 100-meter range until its figure appeared in front of Ye Qiong’s eyes.

Just when the big mouth of the golden eagle was about to touch Ye Qiong, Ye Qiong suddenly turned his body to the side…

The figure of the golden eagle in the wind suddenly glides over Ye Qiong’s head. After turning over on the ground, Ye Qiong did not stop, and made a sudden impact, with his right foot slamming on the edge of the stone building. Step on, the whole body, like a cannonball, rushed out.

Ye Qiong in the air grabbed its right foot at a speed equal to that of the golden eagle of the King Gale!

Next, the iron arrow clenched tightly in his right hand was slammed into it by Ye Qiong from the sole of his right foot!


The king, the golden eagle, burst out with a miserable roar!

The iron arrows, under Ye Qiong’s brute force, were directly inserted into the right sole of the king’s golden eagle by Ye Qiong.

After releasing his right hand, Ye Qiong suddenly exerted force with his left hand, and his body climbed up on the instep of the right foot of the king’s golden eagle.

The right foot of the Golden Eagle of Gale is now like a huge pillar to Ye Qiong. After Ye Qiong stood upright, his head could barely touch the hair on its abdomen.

Next, Ye Qiong unhurriedly climbed up from the position of the lower abdomen of the right foot of the king’s golden eagle, towards its back.

Ye Qiong now has a lot of flying experience.

He is also very familiar with the body structure of the Golden Eagle.

After crawling directly onto the back of the golden eagle of the king’s wind, Ye Qiong slammed his legs together, crawled up, and lay directly on the neck of the golden eagle of the king’s rapid wind.

Without the reins, it would be more difficult to ride, but the hair on the neck of this golden eagle is much thicker than that of Lei Ting, which could allow Ye Qiong to grab it directly and take advantage of it!

To be precise, feathers!

The king’s golden eagle has an arrow in its right foot. It has not felt this level of pain for a long time. Subconsciously, under the severe pain, it pulled its body up.

The height of the flight, from the first few meters touching the edge of the waterfall, directly soared to tens of meters, and after two breaths, it reached more than 100 meters.

Ye Qiong was accustomed to this height. He didn’t mean to be nervous at all. He directly arched his body, and then his limbs contracted at the same time. , jumped over its neck.


Ye Qiong saw the feathers on the forehead of this King Blast Golden Eagle!

Beautiful feathers!

It’s quite similar to Lei Ting’s, except that Lei Ting’s feathers look more gorgeous!

Seeing the feathers on the forehead of this King Gale Wind Golden Eagle, Ye Qiong couldn’t help but look back.

Just behind him, the dozen or so golden eagles followed closely, but Ye Qiong didn’t see that kind of beautiful feathers on their foreheads.

Is there any difference?

The variety is definitely a variety, but there seems to be a more detailed distinction.

After jumping on the neck of the king’s golden eagle, Ye Qiong was rude and held his right hand tightly.

A fist the size of a sandbag slammed into the forehead of the King Gale Wind Golden Eagle.

“Coax! Coax! Coax…”

Ye Qiong rudely slammed his fists on the forehead of the king’s golden eagle in a circle, and every time he bombarded, he could feel its body tremble! It feels a bit like some kind of vibration mode is on.

With the arm strength capable of shooting arrows with five densities, even a beast at the monarch level could not hold Ye Qiong’s fist.

Although it couldn’t compare to the power of a slap like that of Duan, but Ye Qiong’s fist was much smaller in size, so the lethality caused by the slap didn’t need to be slapped, and the damage caused was small.

After just a few punches, the King Blast Golden Eagle felt his brain buzzing.

Already starting to get confused.

Ye Qiong’s purpose was not to kill the king, the golden eagle, so he still had some strength to start.

After a few more punches, Ye Qiong slammed the head of the king, the golden eagle, and pulled it to the right.

The king, the golden eagle, subconsciously, began to follow Ye Qiong’s movements and began to turn to the right.

At the same time, its flying height began to decrease as the frequency of its wings flapping decreased.

After turning around, the figure of the king, the golden eagle, flew towards the edge of the waterfall base, where Ye Qiong was standing just now.

After more than a dozen punches, Ye Qiong could clearly feel that the body of the king, the golden eagle, had fallen into a state of powerlessness.

At this time, when Ye Qiong twisted the neck of the King Gale Wind Golden Eagle, its body would react subconsciously and turn around following the twisting of the neck.

After realizing this, Ye Qiong relied on the tacit understanding he had established with Lei Ting over the past few months, and he was controlling the golden eagle, the king whose brain had been blinded, and headed towards the waterfall.

Soon, the figures of Ye Qiong and the golden eagle of the king, the golden eagle, appeared from

What the soldiers never imagined was that Ye Qiong actually had sex with the King Gale Golden Eagle…

In the previous plan, wasn’t it catching a smaller one with a similar size to Lei Ting and going back? Why did Ye Qiong directly target the biggest Golden Eagle King of Gale?

They couldn’t understand it, and couldn’t do much to help. The soldiers could only watch Ye Qiong ride the golden eagle of the king’s rushing wind, and swooped down towards the dense forest on the left under the waterfall!

Ye Qiong now has the feeling of gliding and flying. He rode the golden eagle of the king’s wind and swooped directly to the waterfall.

“Boom! Boom…kakaka…”

The huge body of the King Blast Golden Eagle smashed directly into the jungle, accompanied by a noisy roar and the sound of trees breaking.

After hitting a 50-meter-long tree break area, the body of the king, the golden eagle, stopped together with Ye Qiong.

Above the head, more than a dozen Golden Eagles swooped down, but when they were about to touch the jungle, they stretched their body again like a glider.

“Hoohoo! Hohoho!”

At this moment, under the waterfall base, two loud beast roars rang out at the same time, and the army and Dian Dian rushed towards this side together, and at the same time, they roared violently towards the dozen or so golden eagles in the air. .

The dozen or so Golden Eagles immediately became taboo, hovering over the waterfall base, not daring to dive down again.

Ye Qiong’s current posture is still riding on the neck of the king’s golden eagle.

just the clothes…

It’s not very elegant, and it has been scraped by branches and tattered a lot.

Ye Qiong’s physique was able to withstand the rubbing of tree branches, but the animal skin coat on his body couldn’t handle it.

Scraped a lot.

The well-proportioned muscles are also exposed.

Ye Qiong looked at the golden eagle of the king under him, and then looked down at his embarrassed appearance, and couldn’t help but smile.

He took off the animal skin coat directly, and put it behind the neck of the king’s golden eagle, Ye Qiong patted the animal skin coat lightly and said, “I’m sorry, I’ll take you down as soon as we meet…”

“Hooho! Hoo…”

After Ye Qiong got up, two huge figures rushed over immediately beside him.

Dajun and Duodao were still running very fast. They rushed over at such a fast speed, but they broke a lot of trees in the middle.

Ye Qiong immediately bowed to the two of them, otherwise, these two people would come straight up to eat the meat.

King-level monster meat, they will not be wasted.

After stopping the army and Dian Dian, Ye Qiong jumped directly from the forehead of the king’s golden eagle, and went around the front of its head.

This golden eagle of the king, when it was lying on the ground, its head was even higher than Ye Qiong’s.

The wings are now stretched out, so it looks very large.

The eyes of the king, the golden eagle, were still open. It seemed that there was still some consciousness. Ye Qiong immediately whistled, and a dozen soldiers rushed to Ye Qiong at the fastest speed.

“Go and get that big net…” Ye Qiong gave an order, and the soldiers immediately ran back on the snow wolf. .

Strike while the iron is hot, Ye Qiong decides now to drag the King Blast Golden Eagle directly into the Dinglong Mountains.

Judging from its current form, as long as the Golden Eagle of Blast Wind is still there, Lei Ting has returned from the Giant Sword Base, and it is difficult to pass it.

Therefore, it is meaningless to grab a smaller Golden Eagle Eagle and train it for Lei Ting. Even if Lei Ting is a guardian beast of normal size, he still has to fight this King Golden Eagle in the end.

In this case, when Ye Qiong saw this golden eagle, he decided to take it directly to the Great Sword Base.

Under normal circumstances, Thunder may not be able to do it, but…

With himself there, Ye Qiong will be sure.

This golden eagle with a gust of wind, obviously depends on how Ye Qiong is feeling if he wants to enter the peak state.

Ye Qiong himself did not intend to domesticate it. After all, it is an adult monarch beast. It is still a male. It will not give birth to a child like Ran Ran. method, it should not be used on it.

It’s no problem to try it.

If it doesn’t work, just get it and use it as a sparring partner for Lei Ting. When Lei Ting’s strength can crush its normal strength, that is when Ye Qiong brings Lei Ting back to the altar to subdue the Golden Eagles.

This is also the best way Ye Qiong can think of at the moment.

If Lei Ting is brought back directly now, this guy brings his own group of younger brothers to fight Lei Ting, Lei Ting will definitely have no hope, even if it is a one-on-one match, with Lei Ting’s current size and the only remaining one foot, the probability is not too great.

In this case, Ye Qiong must create conditions for Thunder!

It’s just suffering, now the king in front of Ye Qiong is the golden eagle of the wind…

From the king of the golden eagle in the wind, he became a sparring partner for Lei Ting prepared by Ye Qiong.

There is no way, who made Lei Ting his own, and Ye Qiong personally pulled it out of the eggshell by himself.

In a sense, for eggshell creatures, Ye Qiong itself belongs to the existence of parents.

After Lei Ting became conscious, the first picture he saw in that small crack was Ye Qiong’s big face.


King Gale Wind Golden Eagle let out a soft cry, and seemed to regain some consciousness, but in the next second, Ye Qiong’s fist, the size of a sandbag, landed on its forehead again.


Immediately it became quiet.

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