Be the Boss From Doupo

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 .The protagonist is dead, the book is ov

Xiao family.

The Xiao family is one of the three major families in this city of Wutan, and the patriarch Xiao Zhan is a terrifying powerhouse at the level of a master.

And among the younger generation of the Xiao family, there are also many geniuses.

The most striking thing in the Xiao family is Xiao Yan, the son of the patriarch Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Yan, with outstanding qualifications, practiced Qi at the age of four, possessed the 9th Duan of Fighting Qi at the age of ten, and condensed the cyclone at the age of eleven, becoming the youngest fighter in the Xiao family in a century.

Xiao Yan’s performance made the entire Xiao family an unusually open forest. I thought that because of Xiao Yan, the Xiao family would surely rise and become the only overlord of Wutan City.

But when everyone in the Xiao family thought so, Xiao Yan, the genius of the Xiao family, seemed to be cursed.

For three years, Xiao Yan’s fighting spirit has always been in the third stage, and progress was made during the period, but after one night’s time passed, the next day, he would still decline to the third stage of fighting spirit.

It seemed that he had received some kind of curse, and it seemed that the third stage of fighting spirit was Xiao Yan’s fate.

Once a genius, depravity has become a waste, how dazzling it was, then how embarrassed he is at this time.

No matter where he goes, there will be strange eyes revealing to him that someone will always point him.

Moreover, in recent times, the Xiao family has also become a joke in Wutan City, and has become a post-dinner joke for many people.

Because, not long ago, Xiao Yan, a genius from the Xiao family in the imperial capital, had his fiancee Nalan Yanran on his fingertips, and unexpectedly came to divorce.

As a man, being divorced is really funny in the Douqi Continent.

In the end, Xiao Yan wrote the letter of resignation, retiring Nalan Yanran, and also made a three-year agreement.

The Xiao family saved a little bit of face, but it seemed to the people in Utan City.

Xiao Yan’s move was undoubtedly asking for trouble.

One is waste material, the other is genius. Now there is a world of difference. What can be changed in three years?

What should be waste materials is always waste materials, but from small waste materials to large waste materials.

And those who should be geniuses are always geniuses, and after three years, they will become even more dazzling geniuses.

Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran?

The two parties are simply not comparable.

One is a dragon that spreads its wings and flies high for nine days, and the other is a caterpillar crawling on the ground.

This kind of gap is the difference of the gulf, and it cannot be more than half a point at all.

The three-year agreement is just a joke.

A sealed joke, as long as three years later, the joke will be completely opened.

Today, for the Xiao family, it is also the month before a coming-of-age ceremony, and everyone in the Xiao family who has reached the age of sixteen will participate.

Those who have not reached the seventh stage of the fighting spirit will be forced to leave the Xiao family, regardless of the identity of the opponent.

Therefore, if Xiao Yan did not reach the seventh stage of the fighting spirit, then Xiao Yan would leave the Xiao family, and he would still be passive.

“Fighting Qi, seven segments!”

When Xiao Yan put his hand on the test stone tablet, the huge golden lettering rose into the sky.

It is the “seventh stage of fighting spirit”.

Such a test result plunged the people present into silence, deathly silence.

They clearly knew that Xiao Yan was in the Third Stage of Fighting Qi a few months ago, and only a few months have passed since then.

After surpassing Tier 4 and reaching the seventh stage of Douzhi Qi, such a talent for cultivation is truly terrifying.

At this moment, everyone had a thought in their minds, could it be that Xiao Yan’s talent for cultivation really came back?

Xiao Yan also seemed to feel the gaze from all around, and the corners of his mouth could not help but set up a shallow arc, which was extremely intriguing.

And An Bufan stood in the void, watching everything happening below, a shallow arc could not help but emerge.

“Is that person Xiao Yan?” An Bufan couldn’t help muttering as he looked at the young man below the test stele.

“Sure enough, I am ashamed of being a traverser like me. Looking at him, there is a hint of inexplicable closeness.”

Bang bang bang…

While everyone was still in a shock, An Bufan couldn’t help clapping his hands at this moment.

The applause was extremely loud, falling in the ears of everyone below, and everyone could not help but look up, looking for the clear and loud slap.


When everyone saw An Bufan standing in the void, they couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath, and stood up without the help of any foreign objects. This is what the Dou Zong powerhouse only possesses.

This person, turned out to be a fighting sect, is really terrifying.

Even Xiao Yan, who was the protagonist, looked up at this moment, looking at An Bufan with horror.

Only when Xiao Xun’er looked up at An Bufan, she didn’t show any horror, but instead frowned slightly.

A strong fighting sect appeared here? He is passing by here! Or is it not purposeful?

In the horrified eyes of everyone, An Bufan slowly fell, landing on the high platform where the test stone was placed.

His eyes were full of smiles and he looked at Xiao Yan with a smile: “Are you Xiao Yan?”

“Yes, I am!”

Xiao Yan hesitated a little, then nodded affirmatively.

Xiao Yan unexpectedly felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy with this fighting sect expert.

I wonder, who is this person? Why do you give him this feeling?


An Bufan nodded slightly, already affirmed in his heart, he really is Xiao Yan!

“Are you curious about who I am? You feel close?” An Bufan said with a smile.

Even if he wants to kill Xiao Yan, then he will be killed clearly, and when he is reborn, he will understand who killed him.

Xiao Yan followed An Bufan’s words and asked, “Who are you? Why do you give me an inexplicable sense of intimacy.”

The people of the Xiao family around, seeing that Xiao Yan was able to talk to this mysterious powerhouse, they couldn’t help but start talking.

Are they all discussing the relationship between Xiao Yan and that mysterious powerhouse?

But only one person did not speak and discuss, a pair of bright eyes fell on An Bufan.

Frowning slightly, this person gave her a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But for a while, why can’t I remember it?

“My name is An Bufan, and at the same time I still have the same name-Soul Heaven Emperor!” An Bufan said with a smile.

“An Bufan? Soul Heaven Emperor?”

These two questions were whispered in Xiao Yan’s mouth.


Just when Xiao Yan wanted to ask questions again, An Bufan made a move and waved his hand. A wave of majestic fighting energy turned into a knife, and it went toward Xiao Yan’s neck like this.

The speed was so fast, just as Xiao Yan was about to speak, the blade had already reached his neck.

call out!

Without the slightest accident, Xiao Yan’s head rolled down like this, completely separated from his body.

The protagonist is dead, the book is over!

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