Be my slave for a night

Chapter 4: Pet for the night

To some, flirting could be far from loving. Still, an unfamiliar sensation aroused at the junction of Angela's thighs. What she couldn't recognize as the first strokes of a developing love, she thinks stems from the adoration she has for Rex's manly frame.

With the last strap of her heels off, Rex still kneeled. His face was mere inches away from her torso; just at the same spot, Angela feels the need to rub herself, and for the first time. The lady closed her eyes, trying to block the naughty illusion creeping at her thoughts. Grab his head, Angela, place it at our bodies core, and rub until we understand what's happening after encountering this male tonight. But that would be deemed out of proportion; morality spoke. Still, the determination, and the wonders those hands could accomplish?

Knock it off, Flora; you don't get attracted to a man we only just met.

Isn't he the one to arouse our interest in their species?

What? Are you just turning eighteen to have it this hot?

And what if, with him, I am? Don't you play smug with me, Angie. You realize he can also perceive your interest.

You think? Am I that ajar to read through?

How about opening your eyes instead of closing those lids?

Fine, but you don't get to answer a question by asking another in its stead.

Tucking her inner voice to a distance, Angela opens her eyes, taking delight in the stranger's presence. While he wasn't a hunk, his statue wasn't small in comparison either. Again, where his eyes exhibited the strength of advanced knowledge, Angela couldn't help but envision him roaming those undoubtedly skilled hands of his on her body.

But what a joy killer, because Rex decides to stand at that moment, towering over Angela as if his perfume alone wasn't enough reminder, of just how their worlds were deemed far apart. While his fragrance caressed her nostrils, his aura drew her to recognize their attraction. Although Angela is yet to know if it's one-sided, still her clitoris tingled, reminding her something was amiss.


The need to have a man arose for the first time in her subconscious. And so she rushed to kiss him. But where she feared he would push her off, he actually embraced. Angela, like a cat in heat, didn't wait to allow him to finish the ceremonial proceedings of getting her naked. She bent to the nearest water tap, pushing her pants aside; she allowed him to rub into her needs. After climaxing, the realization settled. Omg, I just had sex with a stranger, but only in mind? She sighed in relief. A look around the surroundings had her further convinced she didn't just have intimacy with him. Her clothes were, after all, yet to be rumpled.

Thankful to see that it had been but a product of her imagination; a part of her was, however, somewhat disappointed. How would it feel to experience having this male spend time entertaining our wild emotions? Would it be as envisioned? Or even more erotic?

'Get hold of yourself, Flora. It's an open environment,' she cautioned. Well, at least her mind and frame agree, concurring with the fact that the brother needs to be taken home for practice.

And so, but for today, she tried to mask herself into a non-caring mood. Yet her body couldn't stop itself from the magnetic pull of the stranger's chemistry. Nevertheless, when nothing was left to be done, and with Rex now standing up, Angela murmured her thanks before taking a step away from his tantalizing magnet.

'Whoops' became the next word to get out of her lips. Before long, she was falling so sure towards the ground. Her weight and alcohol state were obviously in disagreement. She braced in wait for the fall's impact. A few moments later, but experiencing no effect, the smell of that expensive fragrance nudges her to awareness. Subconsciously and still with her eyes closed, Angela reached out to touch the solid wall before her, only to run into contact with a haired chest and straight to the man's nipple.

‘Shouldn't handsome men learn to button up their shirts? These things get distracting.' Angela pondered, gulping down a held-up saliva. Summoning courage, she pried her eyes to travel upwards until she met with his sculptured face. Every thought stood on pause as the two checked each other out.

He wasn't a bad fit for her not-so-small statue. Tall with rich skin, his hair pulled back in a bun, and his air of authority commanding. All flags flied Bad Boy, Prince Charmer, a heartbreaker. Flora, however, screamed, experienced, leader, tender underneath the surface.

Funny, the brother is yet to introduce himself, yet his body has been busy making friends with Angela's hormones. She withheld the urge to kiss him, an unbelievable fraction seeing as how her core had moisturized her undies. But to Angela, she however felt embarrassed, thinking she had leaked her pants. Not understanding what was happening to her ever since meeting Rex, Angela clamps her thighs together, horny as heck, but very hopeful for a traditional relationship. His next remarks, however, have her flaring up in utter disappointed.

“Be my slave for the night,” he requested. To be his servant? Angela's mind rephrased his spoken words. In her drunken state, she tried to assert if the stranger was making jokes or not. Who would like for the man with the power to unleash the passionate side of them, even smelling of the all-knowing boss, but instead of professing his love at first sight, has just asked her to be his sub for the night?

For just twelve hours, Angela. Flora quickly corrected. But who cares, being his slave for a night or the midnight sounds the same to her energetic disappointment. Angela slapped her forehead, forever dreaming higher from a man she just met on the street. First it began with a chuckle, which soon developed into a hysterical one. She no longer cared for the people who were with them in the convenience and still poked nosing. Heck, they might be having fun watching their interaction. Did they see him groping my buttocks? Angela wondered.

Nonetheless, while her imaginations had been busy playing bread and butter with the male, despite being alcohol-messed up and numb from the effect of his offer, Angela projects herself to look beyond his charming frame. It's then that she realizes the absurdity of her predicament.

~ She's standing inside a toilet; the place is now void of people. A stranger has his palms resting on her buttocks, with the excuse of preventing her from falling. He asked her out. Not on a date though, but to be his freaking submissive for some hours? Yep, some lifestyles stink. Angela concluded feeling dejected.

Nevertheless, her clitoris emphasized I need him in contracted rhythm, nudging her to please accept. Stupid penny, eager to experience its first erotica. But damn, a slave with a handsome male like this? And instead of being asked to become his wife? What ridiculousness. Angela reached to grasp his hands, jealous; she pushed the midnight's meal away from her intoxicated body.

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