
Chapter 29: The first of many…

Melody disappeared upstairs and left me alone once more. This time, I didn’t masturbate… since I had to choose a punishment…

I don’t know! What would Melody enjoy?! She said if she likes it she might let me cum, but what does she like? Obviously, whips… and ropes… since her abilities sorta… revolve around those. Should I ask her to tie me up and whip me?

I guess… but that seems too… normal? I can’t believe I’m calling that normal, but she’d want something creative, right? Something crazy… something to make me uncomfortable… ideas ideas ideas… what do we have easy access to?

Toys, I assume Melody has ropes and chains and whips, I… could let her tie up my limbs? Force me to walk like a cat? That would be rough on my joints though, I kinda don’t want that unless we get some pads or something. Melody probably wouldn’t let me do that without them anyway…

Maybe… for a night? Just in her bed… she can tie me up like that… and… whip me… then leave me like that while I sleep. I’d be sore, but that’s… fine. We have tomorrow morning to recuperate before the orientation and by then I should be basically normal. How detailed does Melody want my suggestion to be?

What would she like? Probably something detailed… obviously she likes me at her feet… okay, okay, okay… how do I phrase this? You can tie me up like a kitty—no.

Please tie me up Mel—No… 

Please tie up your slutty kitty Mistress. That’s not detailed enough. What do I need to mention? Obviously the punishment, the full punishment. So tie me up like a kitty… tie me up the way I belong… then… whip my butt. No, my feet would block it, the order needs to be changed.

Tie me on your bed, whip my butt, tie me up how I belong, and leave me suffering all night… unable to touch myself… unable to do anything.


Now I just need to phrase it… uh… Please tie your slutty kitty across your bed and whip me until I learn my lesson… then tie me up in my pro—

Shit. I heard Melody walking back downstairs and immediately spun around, taking a look at the clothes she had in her hands… she brought a fluffy black tail plug. No way was she going to make me wear that to dinner… in public. No fucking way…

She sat down beside me, then asked, “What punishment did you decide on?”

Fuck… uh… how do I phrase it? Ah… “Hurry up kitty. I already gave you plenty of time.”

Fuckfuckfuck… “P–Please t-tie up your slutty… slutty kitty to your b-bed and whip… her ass… until kitty learns her lesson… then tie her up into her p-proper form… s-so it sticks… Mistress.”

What am I saying?! My face is so red I can feel it… I’m literally on fire… and so fucking horny! God let me cum… please… please like it, I hope I didn’t make mistakes… Melody kept grinning at me, revealing nothing, until asking, “And what lesson does my kitty need to learn?”

What lesson? To not be horny… I’m failing so badly… uh… no no not that… “To be patient…”

“Good girl,” Melody reached out, patting my head, then she glanced down at her phone, checking the time. “Keep entertained for the next hour, no touching yourself, then I’ll dress you up for dinner.”

You won't tell me if you liked it? Meeellllloooodddyyyyy… you’re killing me… you did say good girl though… eep! I’m a good girl… Why does that feel so so good?! Ahhhh… I think she liked it. I hope she liked it…

I pulled out my phone, and attempted to stay entertained, reading things that weren’t smut. It felt like a decade, but I survived. Somehow. Melody was also on her phone the whole time, doing whatever she was doing.

It was five o’clock when Melody decided, “It’s time to dress you up.”

Putting away my phone, setting it on the table, I turned toward Melody, waiting for her instructions. She tossed me a black bra, “This first.”

I put it on, then looked back over… at the tail sitting in her lap. She grabbed the black skirt under it first, throwing it to me. “Now this.”

I’m wearing that tail, aren’t I? I stood up to put on the skirt, and, thankfully, it was large, reaching past my knees… hopefully enough to cover the tail, which didn’t seem super long. The plug was also small, probably the smallest we bought. I zipped up the skirt and tucked it in, sitting back down.

Then, Melody threw me a plain black shirt. I slipped it on.

Finally, she tossed me a plain black hoodie, and I slid it over my head. It wasn’t oversized, it was a perfect fit, which honestly doesn’t feel very perfect since it exposes the back of my shirt and maybe my skin when I sit…

Lastly, she smirked. “I forgot lube. Just a sec.”

Ruining the moment… silly Melody. And now I’ll only get more nervous, thinking of how weird it’ll feel… I’ve pushed a finger in there… but… nothing more… The plug is at least like two fingers wide, I think? How tight will it be?

Melody returned, hiding her exhaustion from running down the stairs, and donning an evil smirk as she, standing away from the couch, commanded me. “Crawl to me, kitty.”

I stood up from the couch, then lowered myself onto my knees and hands. I crawled to her… her little horny slutty pet… reaching her, I tried to sit. How does a cat sit? The same as a dog… I think? I shifted my body backwards, letting my butt fall onto my heels, then scooched my hands toward me, widening my legs a little, so they could slide in between. My butt was cold, sitting skin on skin with my feet. I wish I could tuck in my skirt, but that’s not very cat-like.

“Spin around,” Melody ordered, turning a finger on her left hand in a circle. Her right hand was holding the black furry tail and a small bottle of lube.

I slowly scratched my legs against the carpet, and spun around until my back was to Melody. The moment I settled, a warm hand curled around my neck from the right, pushing forward… It was Melody of course, so I gave no resistance, and let my body collapse following wherever her grip led, straight into the carpet… it felt wonderful… reassuring… letting myself be hers, and forgetting about everything other than her needs.

She let go once my left cheek rested against the floor. My elbows had collapsed along the way, now laying fully bent, with my hands beside either side of my head, and my ass up in the air, covered by the lengthy skirt. My entire body felt so warm from the carpet, except for my feet. My toes were bent into the carpet, but the rest of my feet were sticking out, radiating little chills.

I heard Melody sit behind me, although I had no clue what position. She placed her warm hands on both of my bare heels, then slid upwards, onto my lower legs… bringing the cozy feeling right along.

Next, she headed under my skirt and passed the back of my knees, causing a little giggle to escape as she just barely scraped above, tickling me. Noticing it, she went back down from my thighs, and passed over my knees again… my giggle was louder as I fought to stay still… then she did it again. “Melody!”

She chuckled, but stopped and continued up my thighs, tugging the skirt up along the way… then slowed as she landed on my butt… nearing my hole. Her left hand left me, taking all the warmth with it, but her right began rubbing. “This might be a little cold.”

Oh my god! Melody rubbed the lube on my asshole, pushing it into it but I felt my whole body tense… it was like really cold! “Did you store that in a fucking freezer?!”

Suddenly, Melody's left hand returned, slapping down on my pussy and causing me to groan. “Don’t say bad words, kitty!”

Her slap left a little lube on random places on the middle of my left buttcheck, creating more cold until my body warmed it up seconds later… her slap had distracted me and by the time I felt her rubbing my hole again the cold had dissipated, and left only the weird feeling of slimy stuff being shoved into my ass… and Melody slowly pumping her finger in and out to spread it.

I didn’t feel much pleasure or pain… just… my ass being fingered, but it wasn’t about that… I felt so much more from my position. Laying on the floor beneath her, letting Melody do as she pleased… letting Melody command me, control me, own me, and letting myself forget about any possible stress… which isn’t much right now, but simply forgetting about the worries of public perception is an indescribable feeling…

As my body relaxed, letting Melody have at me, she slowly shoved in a second finger, which did begin to hurt a little. She was stretching me, but it was bearable… I just let my head rest on the carpet, and ignored the small pulses of pain as she entered, then exited… over and over… until it wasn’t pain, just another rhythmic pulse in my body.

After a little while, she pulled out entirely, and my ass began to close…  I took a few deep breaths, keeping calm, knowing what was coming next. The tail.

I felt the rounded tip of the metal plug press into me, and I relaxed my muscles as much as possible, letting Melody push in… and push she did… The cold metal, covered in another layer of lube, slid in fairly easily at first, once my body relaxed, but then the pain came again… more than last time.

Groaning, I gripped the carpet with my hands to… do whatever that does… both distract me and push the pain somewhere else, into my palms, into the carpet… Melody kept pushing, and I kept panting, my breathing getting a little labored, until finally, it popped in, and my hole closed around it, holding the foreign object tightly, secure.

“You okay, Scarlet?” Melody asked from behind me, pulling my skirt back down, over the tail, which began tickling my skin a little.

I took a few deep breaths, then replied, smiling, although she couldn’t see it, “Yeah…”

“Not too big?” Melody patted my butt cheek, causing the plug to rub a little and the fluffy tail to swish against my leg. “It’s the second smallest… but it took more effort than I expected.”

“It’s fine…” Second smallest? Geez… how big are those larger plugs? This is probably only like an inch wide… dang.

“Try standing,” Melody said, standing by herself and stepping back.

I pushed my upper body back up, then pulled my legs forward to stand… plugs feel weird. I feel so… full? In a way? My butt just feels tense, it was a little uncomfortable, and I definitely wouldn’t forget about it at all. It was way more apparent than my collar, which I totally forgot about while Melody was giving me my tail. I spun my body around, causing my skirt to lift a little and the tail to swish the back of my legs, causing me to giggle as I faced Melody.

“Having fun?” Melody smiled. I blushed. “Try walking, let me know if it hurts.”

I took a couple steps towards Melody, until she raised an eyebrow once I was less than a foot away… then took a step back. The plug was… still weird. It kinda makes me feel constipated? But not in my stomach, just like… my butt. It didn’t hurt much, I still felt some vestiges of pain from the stretching, but with my ass clamped around it, it hurt much less than the initial insertion, although it certainly still stretched. “It’s fine…”

“You sure?” Melody asked again. “We can switch to the smallest.”

“No… it’s good…” I think I can survive. I can survive. Definitely. The pain was minimal, and I’m sure it’ll fade quickly. I need to get used to it regardless, since I can tell Melody loves it. Or maybe she loves me uncomfortable? Either way... this would be fine for dinner… not sure how it feels to sit on a plug… or tail… but, I guess I’ll find out later? If a cat can do it, I can! I’m becoming a little kitty after all… “I like it…”

“Perfect, let’s find a restaurant.”

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