
Chapter 1: Winning the lottery…?

Here's the same PSA from the story description, please read it if you haven't yet and are concerned about the sexual content in this story:


I took a seat in the center-left section, right beside the aisle, in the ginormous waiting room, basically an auditorium that could seat five hundred but without the stage, and patiently browsed social media on my phone, ever cautious to keep the brightness down and ensure no one was looking. Can’t let them see my risqué feeds, after all.

This location was built specifically for this yearly event, although it holds numerous events that require similar setups throughout the year, like regional elections. What is this special event? The Awakening. It takes place one week before the first trimester of college academies, which is standardized throughout the nation as September 1st.

The venue was rather plain, comprised of a black carpet, rows of black metal seats with black cushions, and dark wooden walls that rose about fifteen feet high. The ceiling was unfinished with metal supports going across it and some random pipes here and there.

People constantly walked in and out of the room. New people came to wait, others left to get awakened, then returned a minute later and walked straight out the entrance, almost always dejected.

The chances of awakening a strong system were slim. Everyone had a system, but most were E tier. E tier systems did pretty much nothing. Things like cleaning, cooking, lifting, running—they provided some limited opportunities, but they didn’t surpass human limits, they only brought you closer.

An order of magnitude rarer were D tier systems. D tier provided basic combat and magic as well as some craftsman and blacksmith systems, which allowed you to reach human limits and sometimes get a little past. With D tier, you can elect to enroll in an academy and get training. After graduating you're allowed to join dungeon raid teams, although most don’t, preferring to join the normal army or set up shops to sell goods where the risk of death is much lower.

The next order of magnitude was C tier. They basically matched D tier, but were stronger, having higher limits. Most people here do end up raiding dungeons since they are strong enough to survive a few hits.

Then there’s B tier, another magnitude rarer. In B tier, specialized systems start to appear—katanas, whips (very hot), daggers, crossbows, specific materials for blacksmiths, specific support roles, like healing, buffing, or nerfing. Almost all B tiers end up raiding dungeons, often as the leader of a team of ten C tiers.

After that, A tier. Specialized just like B tier, but so much stronger. An A tier could easily wipe out a balanced team of B tiers, even as a support role. A tiers usually form their own teams, attacking high-level dungeons.

Here’s where the pattern changes. S tier. S tier is two magnitudes rarer than A, making it one in one million. They can kill A tiers as easily as A tiers kill B tiers. S tiers usually lead A tiers’ teams or form guilds/companies to manage dungeon teams.

Then lastly, three orders of magnitude rarer, X tier. One in a billion. X tiers are unstoppable. Fifty S tiers wouldn’t be able to kill one. X tiers are still specialized, but their normal stats grow so fast that specialization is meaningless, they are good at everything. Only six of them exist. They… sometimes raid dungeons? They usually just do whatever until some country begs them to go on an impossible raid.

Naturally, I’m hoping for an X tier. Realistically, I’ll get an E tier, probably something based around computer science or engineering, since those are my skills, but we’ll see.

“Scarlet Diamond, chamber left 1,” the speakers blared monotonously, breaking me free from my immersion. It was finally my turn to get awakened.

I stood up from my aisle seat and walked toward the front of the room, passed by a small group chatting at the front, then turned left, and passed by a heartbroken girl holding back tears as she sped to the exit, and walked forward a little bit farther toward the front-left metal door, which opened into the testing chamber.

I stepped into the room and the door shut behind me. The room was matte white all over, with a small stone pedestal in the middle that had a flat black stone laying on it. It was nothing spectacular. No fancy patterns or swirls. No magical aura or feelings, just a plain black stone.

“Hello, Scarlet,” a voice called out from the right, causing me to jolt a bit. I turned toward it and saw a man dressed in a white lab coat. He was about six feet tall and had short blond hair and was holding a small tablet. “Please go ahead and place your hands on the stone.”

Cautiously, I approached the pedestal as my heart started pounding. I didn’t expect this to be so nerve-racking, but I guess the mere possibility of a life-altering event is enough. Just like the eager tension when checking a lottery ticket. I took a deep breath and stepped the last step forward, then extended my arms. I placed my hands onto the stone and waited.

“Alright, I’ll start the procedure now. Keep your hands on the stone and relax, it’ll be over in seconds,” the lab coat person said from behind me.

After a few more seconds, the black stone lit up, turning into a bright angelic white that forced me to reflexively close my eyes. As I strained to open them again, I could see a translucent blue panel in front of me. Shortly after, the light calmed down.


Welcome, Scarlet Diamond!

You have successfully awakened a system. Please wait while we finish setting up your account.


After I read the message, it was replaced with a new panel.



Before we begin, there’s a few final steps to ensure your comfort.


The panel slid higher up in my vision and another appeared underneath.


Step 1 of 4

Your system has determined the following themes as suitable for you.

Please select a theme. Don’t worry, this can be changed in the future.



A theme to match those infatuated with love.



Only one option? Don’t get me wrong, pink is great, but I’ve never heard of only one option before…


Step 2 of 4

Next, let’s choose your menu layout. Don’t worry, this can be changed in the future.

Your system features some custom values, so the default layouts won't be available.





Active Effects



Stat 1

Stat 2

Custom Stat 1

Stat 3

Stat 4

Custom Stat 2



Really? Only one option again? At least it looks fine, it's basically the default. Usually effects and credits are in a row, with the level below, and the stats below this. If anything, this is actually more compact so I guess it's okay.


Step 3 of 4

Finally, let’s choose your system’s personality.

This cannot be changed later.



Your system will serve its purpose, nothing more.


Your system will encourage you to improve your skills in whatever field you pursue.


Your system will always be there to cheer you up, no matter what happens.


Your system will have no defined personality, acting as it sees fit.



Finally! Some choices! Okay, okay. According to the internet, stoic and passionate are the default choices. Humorous is also fairly common. ??? has been seen a few times, and according to the internet, it really is as it says. Everyone who has chosen it has had something unique. 

As appealing as safety is… I’m gonna have to go with ???. It’s the rarest, so surely it’s the best…


Step 4 of 4

Last, but not least, choose your focus.







Holy shit. B tier? Only B tier and up have specializations, so if I was offered this choice… that’s one in a thousand. And it’s even a combat system. I… didn’t expect that.

My breathing grew heavy, out of fear or happiness I couldn’t say, but I slowed it back down and began to think this through.

First off, tank is out. I do not want to be hit by monsters for no reason. Regardless of my kinks, monsters are just… bleh. Yeah no, imagine some weird-ass lizard swinging his tail at you, clawing your shield, not hot at all.

But damage or support, that’s tough. The roles are substantially different. Damage would lead to real power, I wouldn’t need to rely on anyone, not that I would need to for any role, but less so with damage. It’s also a good deterrent, especially against any questionable people of the same rank.

Support on the other hand is much safer. Sure, it’s weaker, but I wouldn’t be on the frontlines. I’ll never have to kill. I can just help, or heal, or buff. In all honesty… I think it fits me better. I don’t like being in charge, leading raids. I’d rather follow, I guess.

Yeah. Let’s do support.

The top panel slid back down as soon as I made my decision.



Once again, welcome.

Your system has been unlocked.


Right after reading the message, the panel disappeared and was replaced by my status window. I can finally discover my system.


Scarlet Diamond


Unique - X tier

No active effects.

Level 0

Credits: 100

Health: 10/10

Mana: 10/10

Submission: 0

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Points: 10


BDSysteM… BDSM… Submission? 

What the fuck?

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