Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races: I Have a Billion Times Crit System

Chapter 790: Five Powers

Seven hundred and ninetieth chapters five major forces

In Kunxu, Chang Zhen's heart was ashamed, and his body was cold.

He was sure that the Kun Ruins would disintegrate in a moment, and all the monks came to help him destroy Chen Xuan, but the dramatic reversal of the matter made him stunned for a long time... because in the perception of Yuemang, the 100,000 foundation-building monks under him, Three thousand Golden Core monks fell at the same time.

They were all killed by Chen Xuan...

And Chen Xuan's body was clearly standing in front of him, and the psychic golden shield was in a stalemate with Huang Tong Rimang. Where did the tens of thousands of Chen Xuan who killed him come from?

If they are all Chen Xuan's avatars, how could one person create so many powerful avatars... You must know that in the spirit world, only two avatars can be barely separated if they have reached the stage of distraction. Moreover, these avatars also need to borrow the power of the main body, and it is extremely consuming to operate them.

In a high-end war, such a doppelganger will actually reduce the overall strength of the cultivator.

Therefore, the avatar in the distraction stage is not very useful, and is often used for sneak attacks from multiple angles, or manipulating multiple spiritual weapons, etc.

Chen Xuan not only has tens of thousands of clones, but each clone has the strength to kill Golden Core cultivators, and each clone seems to have independent consciousness, which is too scary.

What's even more frightening is that if it's really his avatar, it should also appear beside him. It's impossible to instantaneously send the avatar to all directions in endless distances. This is equivalent to being able to teleport without limit within a large world.. .The kind that can ignore even the space barriers of the small world.

For Chang Chen, this was unimaginable.

He rode his horse all his life and fought countless times. He never imagined before that he would die in the hands of a person from the lower realm, and fell into the lower realm of Kunxu... But at this moment, he already understood in his heart that this was an imminent fact.

Chen Xuan's strength made him unable to resist or run away.

As for how to explain to the suzerain after losing the battle... he is going to die right now, so naturally there is no need to pay attention to these.


On the outskirts of Wanxiyoudi, all the big bosses have already been fighting with each other red-faced.

They are not only rich in theory, but also strong in practical ability. Immediately, several monks in the distraction period were forced to clone, but their few clones were not enough to explain what happened just now...

So more hypotheses were put forward and overthrown one by one.

But now the overall situation has been decided... Asura Sect's second operation against the lower realm of Kunxu ended in a disastrous failure again... Uh, it's hilarious...sad.

Who would have thought that such a freak would appear in the lower realm, and Kunxu would become a hard-headed one because of this.

This kid is too weird, his cultivation level is unknown, and his ability is so weird, it's really hard to figure it out.

Furthermore, the stronger the strength he shows, the more difficult it is to explain the improvement of the cultivation base in the lower realm... The strength of the cultivation base, the improvement of the Shura eye spell, and this strange and incomparable identity technique... This kid really has a whole body. Mystery... A gray-haired monk sighed.

Hearing this, the Zen old man and Hua Fairy looked at each other, and there was a flash of understanding in their eyes: Maybe he really found the legendary golden world, otherwise it would be difficult to explain all the previous...

At this time, the roar of the sky-shattering dragon came, and a giant dragon with a body length of hundreds of millions of miles and covered with blue divine light appeared outside the Evil Land. He was followed by the footless Beihai old turtle, the thirteen-tailed fox, etc. Waiting for the elders of the demon world.

The dragon's voice resounded like a bell, resounding in all directions: Old bald man, flower fairy, meat ball, and those two gatekeepers... The twelve great demon clans of my demon clan have joined forces and elected me, the old dragon, as the rotating leader.

The old turtle with no feet said: That is to say, in the future, in the important affairs of the spiritual world, my demon world should also have a place and the corresponding right to speak. The scepter of the demon world will be represented by Brother Zulong...

Everyone was shocked.

The old turtle from Beihai really convinced many demon clans to integrate them together.

In these troubled times,

After falling apart for millions of years, the demon world, which has been in civil strife, reunited and became a superpower in the spirit world that keeps pace with Shurazong, Zen Land, Huajian School, and Nine Revolving Gates...

The first reaction of many people is: the spiritual world is going to be in chaos.

There are many internal contradictions in the demon world, and it is difficult to integrate...unless there is a crisis of life and death, or there are huge benefits or opportunities that are coveted by all major demon clans.

Everyone present is the head of the major forces in the spirit world. Facing the powerful forces of the demon world, they reacted differently. Some frowned, some sneered, and some looked forward...

The appearance of a super power will inevitably trigger the reaction of other powers, especially in the immediate matter, only to hear the suzerain of the Asura Sect say angrily: You are a bunch of mobs in the demon world, do you think you can combine them? After our four major factions did you agree?

The guardian of the gate of life also sneered, while the guardian of the gate of death taunted: Ugly people often do mischief.

The roar of the angry dragon howling beast resounded through the world, and everyone only felt that the storm was coming.

Zulong said angrily: My history in the demon world is longer than that of your two sects. I have dominated the spirit world several times and unified the entire universe. What right do you have to look down on us? All dissatisfied forces stand up... I The initial integration of the demon world is completed, and a whetstone is still needed...

For a long while, no one moved.

At this time, the main forces of Shura Sect and Nine Revolving Gate are maintaining a large space formation, unable to draw their hands at all, and Hua Xianzi and Chandi have not made a statement. How can other small and medium forces dare to touch this bad luck?

Several sneers came from above the formation.

Outside the arena, a big monk who was close to the Nine Revolving Gates said: The demon world is temporarily powerful...but my spirit world has always been reasonable, otherwise it will be unfair. You want to expand, but the four sects There are already two major sects in China who oppose it... If the four major forces oppose it, they will inevitably jointly suppress it in the future, and the road ahead for the demon world will not be easy, right?

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zen Land and Hua Fairy.

What do you two venerables mean? Beihai Old Turtle asked softly.

The old man in Zen land was silent for a moment, and then he sent a voice transmission to Fairy Hua: The spirit world is so big, every additional power will inevitably touch our share... In normal times, we should naturally object, but at this moment...

Fairy Hua also said via voice transmission: I understand, at this moment... the great opportunity of the golden world is the most important thing. It is rumored that the golden world is vast and boundless, and the world is full of incomparably rich spiritual energy, even more so. The high-level Primal Chaos Qi, it is said that every plant of grass there has millions of years of cultivation. It is a treasure land of resources that monks like us dream of... If we can enter the golden world, it would not be a pity to lose this foundation in the spirit world. The demon world They are all old antiques with a lifespan that is close to infinity, and they must have spied this great opportunity, so they came here...

Yes, Shura Sect and Nine Revolving Gate want to monopolize this opportunity, but there is no way... But Kunxu is a small realm affiliated to Shura Sect, and I can't force it to grab it. With the reckless people in the demon world, things will be easy There are too many of them, said the Zen old man.

The Zen old man nodded slightly, and said: Congratulations on the successful integration of the demon world, and look forward to working together with the support of various sects in the future to jointly maintain the safety of the spiritual world.

Flower Fairy also nodded.

Hahaha, it's still easy to talk about being decent, you still have to face. Zulong laughed. Previous chapter Table of contents bookmark back page

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