Batman x Arc Reactor [DC]

Ch: 6 [Preparations]

Bruce sighed, realizing he couldn't avoid Lieutenant Jim Gordon's inquisitive gaze. He had to come up with a plausible excuse to explain his presence near the slum area. Playing the innocent schoolboy wouldn't cut it.

"Hey, Lieutenant Gordon," Bruce greeted with a friendly smile, doing his best to appear casual. "I, uh, was just taking a walk. Needed some fresh air, you know?"

Gordon raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of skepticism and concern. He was used to dealing with all sorts of situations in Gotham, and a young boy wandering near the slums piqued his curiosity.

"Fresh air, huh?" Gordon replied, leaning slightly out of the car window. "In this part of town?" He looked at his wristwatch, "And in the middle of school time? You are cutting classes again, I see."

"No. Not classes." Bruce hurriedly denied it and explained further, "Self-study classes."

"Yeah, right, whatever, young man. I can't let you wander around alone," He unlocked the back door, "Get in. I will call your dad to pick you up."

Bruce let out a defeated sigh and begrudgingly got inside the car, the heavy weight of disappointment bearing down on him.

The car sped off, the wind from the open windows fluttering through his hair. Bruce gazed out the window and watched the scenery blur past him. He glanced up and his gaze fell upon Lieutenant Gordon's expression.

The old cop looked tense. There was no hint of the relaxed demeanor that Bruce was used to seeing on him, only a sense of caution and wariness.

He made a split-second decision to ask Gordon about the case.

"Do you have a case to attend right now, Lieutenant?" Bruce interrupted, the last bit of his curiosity rearing its head, and the fact that he wanted to talk a bit to Gordon.

"Something like that. My team got a call about a group of street gangsters smuggling some people... Hm... Bad case of smuggling, something like kidnapping. I was on the way to interrogate the Vince Clothings' factory manager. You ever heard of this company?" Gordon explained.

He nodded his head with a sigh. Just another day in Gotham, "Of course, Vince Clothing Company's main warehouse is at 1909 Ford Ave, South Gotham. Went there a couple of times with Alfred."

"What do you think of the manager?" Gordon asked as he looked at the 8-year-old's face in his rear mirror.

The atmosphere was somehow better than in his classroom as he decided to speak a bit freely, "If you are asking for my personal opinion, then, all I can say is that guy is one hell of a negotiator, his smooth tongue can fool anyone. Good at doing stuff with paperworks and hides everything in a layer of those, you can only find out if you heat the bottom part," He smirked, "Though it seems like you got enough reason to interrogate him."

"Really? How did you figure out he hides something behind all those papers," Gordon replied in an impressed tone.

"Lemons... There were bags of lemons in the trashbin outside his shop," He replied as he polished the wristwatch, "Now, why would a clothing shop need so many lemons?"

"Lemons?" Gordon frowned as he was now curious and surprised at Bruce's response.

"Lemon... Invisible ink? Rings a bell? Yep. Classic trick for hiding sensitive information," He smirked again as if he knew every inch about those tricks, "I tried it once... Works... Almost flawless."

"Who taught you that?!" Gordon was flabbergasted by Bruce's response. He thought that it was normal knowledge. How the hell is a kid this young, a kid, knows how to do it... He heard about Bruce's intelligence from Thomas, but to experience it in such a direct and crisp way...

Bruce saw Gordon's shocked face and found himself mentally fist-pumping himself.

'And here I thought it would be boring. I learned something new,' his ego purred, "Obviously from the books, where else would I learn it?"

The rest of the ride was in silence.

Gordon stopped his car near the clothing store, "Stay here, and don't even think of running away." He ordered Bruce before disappearing inside the shop.

"Don't worry Lieutenant, I wouldn't dream of it," Bruce's response was heard as Gordon was already inside.

He watched from the window as Gordon questioned a middle-aged man dressed in a tan suit, the man's face red with anger and bluster. Although he couldn't hear anything from outside, he noticed as the manager handed Gordon a stack of paper and an expensive trenchcoat. He took the papers and the coat with a sharp nod and walked back towards the car.

'Ah! To think someone like Gordon takes a bribe in broad daylight like this!' Bruce shook his head in disgust. He always knew about this but not in such an open spot, 'Atleast he seems like a good person. Oh, well, that trenchcoat is expensive for a police officer.'

Bruce glanced over at the shabby watch adorning his wrist and frowned as it registered half past two. His stomach grumbled with hunger.

Gordon entered the car and looked back at him, "You have a nice brain there, kid. I will not tell your father about this but try not to wander alone in a place like this, you might end up hurt."

"Yes, sir. Thank you for the compliments," Bruce replied, ignoring the last part, 'So, he is telling me to keep my mouth shut and in return, he will keep his mouth shut. Nice.'

As the car sped through the streets, Bruce opened his lunchbox and began eating the sandwiches inside. The fresh taste of bread filled his mouth. He even offered the officer a sandwich, which Gordon gratefully accepted.

"Good sandwiches. Is it Alfred who made it for you?" Gordon asked as he finished his food.


"You are lucky to have him. Most kids would kill to have such a great butler," Gordon laughed, "I know I would."

"Hm." He only nodded.

Soon, Gordon drove to the Wayne manor and dropped him off near the gate, "Don't stroll around the city, Bruce. Things aren't the best they've been."

"I will keep that in mind," He responded politely.

"You're a good kid. Stay this way," Gordon spoke one last time as the car disappeared into the road.


The evening rolled in, and the Wayne family had planned to go out for a movie. It was a rare occasion when the entire family could enjoy some quality time together, and they were all looking forward to it.

Bruce couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as the evening approached. He had been preparing for this night for eight long years. It was the night when Joe Chill would kill his parents. The night that would change his life forever.

He had spent countless hours honing his skills, both mentally and physically, in preparation for this moment. He double-checked his wristwatch gun, took his small makeshift explosive grenade in his pocket and even wore the special vest he made to avoid unnecessary complications.

"Bruce, you ready?" Thomas entered the room.

His father stood before him, unaware of the danger that loomed. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his parents. He wants to eliminate all unknown variables as much as possible.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Bruce quickly closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Thomas frowned, noticing that Bruce had a look of fear on his face.

"I snuck out of school, today..."


"Just let me finish," Bruce sat on the bed, "I overheard something about someone putting a hit on you, tonight. Joe Chill is the gun."

"That scumbag?! And, where did you hear about this?" He smiled at the prospect. This was the night.

"Near the slums. Lieutenant Gordon caught me. I know it seems unbelievable, but I can't shake off this bad feeling, I can't be 100% sure but..."

Thomas frowned. He was planning to run for the city council this year. A thought stuck in his mind, could this be his rivals or business enemies making such threats? Could this be one of Wayne's companies doing this... "Are you 100% sure it was the name Joe Chill? And you said Joe is the gun... Bruce... Who is the trigger?"

"Rupert Thorne. Isn't he also running for the city council?" Bruce bit his lips in anxiety, and his forehead scrunched up as he recalled the event.

Thorne was in a hidden deal with Falcone... Why is a piece of fish acting all high-hat? Falcone could still strike even after losing his business. Rupert is doing all that in broad daylight.

Thomas pondered about the information. He recalled the hidden deals between Rupert and Carmine and pondered. Falcone is cunning, to strike out like that... Could this be Carmine's plan to lure me out... Or Rupert has gained more power than I imagined...

'Bruce doesn't lie... Should I put my leg in the trap and capture the mouse if it truly exists? Or should I just avoid it and have the GCPD investigate it thoroughly...?' Thomas stood by the bedroom door and thought about the bad news that kept popping up every day.

"Let's catch the mouse," Bruce said as he pulled out a bag from under his bed. "If we lose this chance, we won't know when they will strike again." He took out another wristwatch and a small grenade, "Non-lethal gun and sleeping gas. Take them."

"How? Did you...?"

"Don't ask, just make sure to protect yourself and mom. As I said, you two must wear bulletproof jackets. And we will go to the movies as planned. Have Mr. Gordon and his team on standby near the alley around the theatre. We will act as the bait," Bruce replied as he stood near the window and sighed, "Just... don't die and protect your heads, yeah?"


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