Batman x Arc Reactor [DC]

Ch: 26 [Training pt2]

Elana Rodriguez, a seasoned warrior and martial artist, stood in the training room of Wayne Manor. She had been asked by Thomas Wayne to spar with Bruce, who was eager to test his newly acquired combat skills.

Elana had a reputation for being a fierce combatant, and she was proud of her skills. She had trained in various forms of martial arts and had seen combat in some of the world's most dangerous regions. Her demeanor was confident, and her movements were calculated.

As she waited for Bruce, she couldn't help but wonder why Thomas had chosen her for this task. She had heard about the young man's intense training regimen and his desire to become proficient in close-quarter combat. Bruce had been making impressive progress, and she was curious to see just how far he had come.

Soon, Bruce entered the training room, his body well-built. He wore a training outfit, ready for the sparring session. Elana nodded in acknowledgment.

"You looked ripped, Bruce," She commented. "How long was it? Four months or so and look at you."

Bruce smiled as he approached her, "Thanks, Ma'am. But I am far from what I want to be."

She arched an eyebrow, "Oh! And what do you want to achieve?"

"To fill the gap of 10 years in the shortest amount of time," He replied honestly.

Elana frowned slightly before smiling, "Very ambitious, Bruce. Let's see if you have the mettle."

He nodded as he got into position, "I am ready when you are, Ma'am."

She nodded, and the sparring session began. The training room was filled with the sounds of their movements, a dance of combat as they circled each other.

Elana made the first move, a quick jab towards his midsection. He easily evaded the attack, and she followed up with a punch to his face. He ducked, avoiding the blow, and countered with a kick to her leg. She blocked the attack and quickly moved in for another strike.

She unleashed a flurry of strikes, testing his defenses. She aimed a high kick at his head, but he smoothly ducked and countered with a roundhouse kick to her side. She blocked it with her forearm and retaliated with a series of quick jabs.

Bruce parried her strikes using his quick reflexes and footwork to maintain his position. He knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down. As she lunged forward with a spinning back fist, he evaded it by pivoting to the side and delivering a powerful knee strike to her midsection. Elana staggered backward, feeling the impact.

"That's a good one..." She praised him, "But we are just getting started."

She quickly recovered, her combat experience shining through. She closed the distance between them, delivering a rapid combination of punches. Bruce weaved and bobbed, avoiding most of the strikes, but a jab landed against his cheek. He winced but pressed on.

The spar continued, the two combatants engaging in a high-paced exchange.

Elana aimed a roundhouse kick at Bruce, he parried it, catching her leg and swiftly tripping her to the ground. She hit the mat but rolled back onto her feet with impressive agility. He didn't waste a moment and lunged forward, attempting a powerful hook punch. She deftly ducked under the strike and responded with a low kick to his legs, attempting to sweep him off his feet.

He jumped, avoiding the sweeping kick, and landed gracefully on the balls of his feet. He spun, using the momentum to deliver a spinning kick of his own, which she blocked with her forearm. Their movements were like a beautifully choreographed dance, a dance that demanded precision and control.

Bruce could feel the rhythm of the spar, and he couldn't help but sense that Elana was holding back. Her strikes, although lightning-fast and precise, lacked the full force that he knew she was capable of. She was testing him, and seeing how far his skills had come. But, this isn't enough. He wants to have a serious spar and all she is doing is testing him.

"Is this all you got?" He taunted her as he cracked his neck with a boring expression, "I was expecting more from a veteran like you, but in the end, you are just an old 37-year-old unmarried woman who can't even get laid."

His words cut deep, angering Elana. She gritted her teeth, her eyes flashing with fury. She lunged forward, unleashing a series of vicious attacks. Bruce parried and evaded the blows, but he could feel the raw power behind them.

'Nice, this is working. It works every time... Man, I miss, Peggy,' He thought with a smirk.

"What? Did I hit a nerve?" He taunted further, "I mean, look at yourself. You are almost 40 and still single. No wonder you are getting weak with age."

Elana feigned a jab before delivering a powerful uppercut. Bruce evaded the strike, but her follow-up kick caught him in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him. He staggered backward, wincing in pain. But, she wasn't done yet. She advanced, launching a relentless barrage of strikes. He blocked and parried the blows, but he could feel the power behind them. His arms were beginning to ache from the impacts.

Bruce knew that he needed to change the flow of the spar, or he would be overpowered. As Elana jumped up with her right leg up, aiming a powerful down kick to his head, he saw an opening. Instead of dodging or running back, he moved inside her range and slightly moved his head. Her kick landed on his shoulder instead of his head.

"Got ya!" He saw the opening, and as her kick landed on his shoulder, he seized the opportunity. He grabbed her kicking leg and, using his strength, he pushed it further upwards, causing her to lose her balance. But what he didn't expect was a sudden flip kick on his chin.

Elana used Bruce's momentum against him, flipping herself backward and delivering a powerful kick to his jaw. He staggered backward, his vision blurring momentarily. She quickly regained her footing and advanced, her fists flying. A hard punch in his gut caused him to double over in pain, but she wasn't finished. She followed up with a powerful elbow strike to his temple, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Hufff... Hufff... It's over, kid," She huffed in exhaustion. It's been a while since she had enjoyed a sparring session with someone who was able to keep up with her stamina. But Bruce's remark about her being single and old really irked her.

The spar was over, and Elana had won. Or so she thought. As she stood over Bruce, panting heavily, she saw a flash of movement. Before she could react, he swept her feet with his legs, causing her to fall over him. In a split second, his elbow appeared right before her nose, stopping less than an inch away from hitting it.

Bruce smirked victoriously, "It's over..." He used his knee to support her upper torso and whispered near her ears, "You wanna continue?"

She gulped nervously as she felt his hot breath against her ear. She could feel his muscular body beneath her, and a strange sensation coursed through her body. She quickly pushed herself up, putting some distance between them.

Bruce chuckled as he rose to his feet, "Good fight."

Elana composed herself, hiding the emotions that were stirring within her. She cleared her throat, "Yes, it was indeed a good match."

"Sorry about earlier. I was just trying to get you riled up to make you fight seriously," He apologized.

She shook her head, "No need to apologize, Bruce. That was a smart tactic. I should've been prepared for such provocation."

They shared a smile, both feeling satisfied with the spar.

'WOW!' His eyes fell on her white tank top. Her perky nipples poked through the thin fabric, thanks to the sweat produced during the spar.

"Here," He opened the mini fridge, grabbed a bottle of energy drink, and tossed it to her.

She gratefully accepted it and took a sip, "Thank you."

Bruce noticed the beads of sweat dripping down her neck and chest. He couldn't help but admire her figure. Despite her age, she has a well-toned body with ample curves in all the right places. Her skin glistened with perspiration, accentuating her toned muscles.

She noticed him gazing at her bust.

"See something you like, Bruce?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

He snapped out of his trance, "What's there not to like?" He complimented her, "A gorgeous woman with a perfect body and amazing fighting skills. You are truly a sight to behold, Ms. Rodriguez."

"Hahaha... Is that a new pickup line you just came up with?" She teased him, "Because if it is, then it needs some work."

"Nope. Just stating some honest facts," He replied honestly.

"Yeah, yeah... Young man and their raging hormones," She scoffed.

Bruce shrugged nonchalantly, "Older women and their mature charms."

Elana laughed heartily, "Touché."

Bruce joined in the laughter as he walked towards her. He took a towel hanging on the wall and handed it to her.

"Thanks," She said as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

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