Batman in the MCU


"Pietro!!" Wanda screamed as she rushed to her brothers side to check up on him, a shield was deployed around her just in time to block batarangs from the Batman who was rushing towards her.

Her eyes gained a bright scarlet glow as she launched a hunk of steel staright at the Batman, succeeding in slowing him down. With that done she moved to carry her twin to safety but a drone came up to her taking her twin before turning to her, "do not forget the mission" Ultron's voice was heard before the drone flew away with Pietro in tow.

Klaue's man rushed to his boss side as Klaue took in dee breaths in a futile atempt to abate the pain, having regained his breath he shouted "Shoot them!".

The mercenary turned to look at the battle whose intensity grew with every passing moment and turned back to Klaue, "Which ones?"  "All of them!" came Klaue's immediate response. The command caused the mercenary to spring into action, "Move, move, move!" the others quickly grabbing their rifles and moving to join the foray.

The already messy battle becomes even messier as the constant gunfire from the mercenaries pile on, Batman had just taken out an ultron drone when he came under a rain of fire.

His cape went up in time to take the brunt of the attack, and when the pause finally came batman brought his cape down to return some fire of his own only to see Barton and Natasha who had joined the battle. Nodding to Hawkeye, Batman let loose the batarangs which seemed to gain a mind of their own as they took off in separate directions each taking down a few ultron drones as well as some Mercenaries.

Ultron who was still having his brawl with Tony noticed his numbers and spoke through a drone, to Wanda as he narrowly avoided a repuslsor blast from Tony, "It's time for some mind games."

Bruce in the quin jet, heard the noise over the coms and questioned "Guys, is this a Code Green?"

"Banner stay in the quin jet you are a target, they're after the hulk" Batman's voice resounds in Bruce's ear.

In the Salvage yard Wanda slowly sneaks up on Thor who sends Mjolnir through a drone, with the god unaware of her presence she uses her power on Thor. Not a minute later Steve's voice sounds in Thor's ear through the coms. "Thor! Status?"

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty--" Thor's voice trailed of as the world around him morphed, so the god found himself at a party on Asgard.

Both Steve and Natasha were not spared either as they were soon dropped into their own mental prisons. Batman who was busy in battle noticed the states of the three and understood what was happening, with said understanding he quickly made for the quinjet.

"This is going very well." Ultron spoke up as his drones packed away the vibranium tilting his head just in time to avoid an attack from Tony. Ultron was quick enough to follow with a knee to Tony's gut and a hard right to Tony's head.

Wanda tries to continue her streak by sneaking up behind Barton, but he quickly turns and puts an electric arrow on her forehead which causes her to let out a scream of pain before backing away.

Clint spoke as he drew another arrow, "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." the arrow did not find Wanda however as an Ultron drone popped up slamming itself to Hawkeye's side before picking up Wanda and carrying her to safety.  "I brought you two along to be useful, but so far the brother is still down and I had to expend some effort to save you. Are you still up for it?"

Wanda who had regained her senses, looked to the drone and spoke up "lets finish this."

Steve had managed to drop of his helmet and walked off; speaking to the team "Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?" his query was met with silence.

Natasha found herself in an all to familiar facility where young girls were being taught ballet. A look of horror crossed her face once she realized where she was. "Again", the order caused Natasha to turn to Madame B who was instructing the girls.

"You'll break them."

Natasha's words caused Madame B to turn to her, "Only the breakable ones. You are made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony." With that said she turned her attention back to the girls.

"What if I fail?" Natasha asked once more but her confidence was gone, her voice loosing its age as she returned to her younger self. Madame B turned to the young Natasha with a smile, "you never fail."


Steve looked around stunned as he found himself in a 1940's dance hall. As he continued to look around in confusion Peggy Carter came up to him, "Are you ready for our dance?"


Thor's in Asgard continued to watch his surroundings when Heimdall, eyes milky white, spots him and calls to him. "Is it him? Is that the first son of Odin?"

Thor turns to his friend but has his eyes widen when he sees the sate of his friends eyes, "Heimdall, your eyes?!"

"Oh, they see everything. They see you leading us to Hel. Wake up!" his friend responds and then proceeds to strangle Thor.


Peggy held Steve's hand, looking him in the eye as she spoke to him. "The war's over, Steve. We can go home. Imagine it!" As her words come to an end the dance hall is void of people. At the center of the now empty hall Steve sees himself enaged in a slow dance with Peggy.


"I can still save you." Thor managed to spit out as he struggled to free himself. "We are all dead. Can you not see?"Heimdall continues but Thor pushes Heimdall from him. "You're a destroyer, Odinson. See where your power leads". Electricity hits Thor and spikes around the room, lashing out and reducing everything in the surroundings to ash.


A young Natasha is being trained by Madame B to be an assassin, but continues to make errors. "Sloppy. Pretending to fail. The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world." Madame B turns to Natasha with a cold look letting the girl know her ploy had been seen through.

Natasha argued, "I have no place in the world."

" Exactly."


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