Batman in the MCU



"Report to your stations immediately this is not a drill! We are under attack!" the alarms in the Hydra facility continued to blare. As the soldiers rushed to grab their weapons so as to join the defense line.

Baron Strucker moved swiftly but calmly towards the command center, "Who gave the order to attack?" he questioned immediately he arrived.

"Eh, Baron its the avengers..." The man behind the console began to speak but was cut of by another who moved in and began to report to the Baron. "They landed in the fore woods, the perimeter guard panicked guard panicked", with his report he left.

Strucker turned around to his partner who had come up to his side, "they have to be after the scepter". After whispering to his partner the Baron turned his attention back to the man behind the console.

"Can we hold them?"

With his hands open the man looked to Strucker, "They're the avengers"

"Deploy the rest of the Tanks" walking away from the man Strucker began to give orders, "concentrate fire on the weak ones, hitch, then hit hem close range"

"This is the moment let us show them our greatness let us show everything we have accomplished." Strucker spoke to his partner.

"Then let us show them. Send out the twins" His friend replied in an eager tone.

"Its too soon, they are not ready"

"This is what they signed up for", the partner tried to argue but Strucker would hear none of it. "My men will handle it" saying that he gave a quick glance to the twins before shifting his attention back to the screens to observe the battle outside.


Outside the facility;

Black widow had managed to get an armored vehicle and was now heading straight for the facility with Hawkeye standing at the back offering cover fire. He quickly fired an arrow taking out a Hydra soldier who rushed up the side of the vehicle in an attempt to take out Black widow.

Iron man flew in from above taking care of the shooters in front before flying off once more. A vehicle which tried to come up behind Hawkeye and Black widow was stopped in its tracks as the god of thunder descended upon them.

He took down the vehicle swiftly before leaping up on to a sentry tower and taking out the shooters on it. A hydra soldier believing himself lucky flew in with a jet pack firing a blast at Thor, who simply tilted his head to the side to avoid the blast, before grabbing the man out of the air and tossing him to the earth below.

With that done Thor sent his hammer at a few soldiers before jumping down to deal with the soldiers below. Grabbing a sizable piece of metal Thor began swinging it around taking out any who were foolish enough to approach.

Just a Thor finished decimating the group of soldiers Captain America rode on by on a bike, dragging a Hydra soldier. The Hydra soldier was tossed into another group causing a minor explosion as Captain America rode through a couple of trees and launched his shield.

His shield proceeded to bounce from tree to tree taking out the Hydra soldiers in the way before flying back to the good ol captain's hands. At this point Batman performed a barrel roll out of the tree sending explosive batarangs at quite a few Hydra soldier's before shooting his remote bat claw at soldier who had a clear shot at the captain, causing him to be launched up into a tree screaming.

Seeing that was done Batman continued to run forward spotting Thor as he came down with his hammer and lighting, sending a tank flying into the hands of the Hulk who tossed it straight into another Tank.

The jolly green giant proceeded to rip through the Hydra soldiers like Tofu, before joining the rest of the Avengers as they leapt through the barricade and met the line of Hydra soldiers who fired their energy weapons at them.

Batman took out two Hydra soldiers with a clothesline before his suit came alive sending tendrils at the remaining Hydra soldiers surrounding him. He proceeded to perform a front flip before grappling away and sending batarangs toward the Hydra forces hidden in the trees.

Landing atop a tree Batman could clearly see the Hydra facility ahead as well as Iron man who flew straight for it. Iron man maneuvered around avoiding the near constant energy blasts fired at him and attempted to burst through the facility.

His attempt was brought to an end however when he crushed into an invisible barrier which repelled him. "Sh*t" Ironman cursed as he stabilized himself only to hear captain America say, "language".

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