Batman in the MCU

Green Goblin

Rhino and Batman stood in place both waiting for the other to make the first move. Batman was studying the Rhino waiting for his attack, Rhino on the other hand was staring at the gloves on Batman's hands with a trace of fear.

Rhino couldn't remember the last time he felt that much pain since he gained the suit.

Batman done waiting for him to charge dropped smoke bombs covering the entire hallway with smoke and vanishing within the smoke.

In the lab, "sir, I really think this is a bad idea. We have yet to perform any tests, we have no idea..."  Norman cut him off by grabbing him by the neck, " did I ask for your opinion?"

"No... sir" The man barely managed to spit out, "then shut up" Norman dropped him before walking into the chamber.

Norman had ditched his suit and was now in a tight fitting black body suit. The people around stood still watching him with nervous eyes.

"What are you all waiting for! activate it!"  Norman screamed at the scientist who just stood there like statues.

Two scientist turned to look at one another moving to the console and began to activate the device.

The door closed, some vents in the chamber closed and a green gas came through the tubes. The scientist all watched quietly as the gas quickly filled the chamber but soon this silence was broken by screams of pain.

The screams caused all present to take a step back. The screams lasted for a whole minute before coming to an abrupt halt, the scientist were curious as to what was going on.

One of the braver scientist took a few steps forward coming to the chamber, leaning forward he tried to peer through the green gas when a palm slammed against the glass.

The abrupt action causing him to fall on his bum. The sound of laughter was heard through the lab, the eerie laughter sent chills through the back of all present.

The scientist before the chamber slowly crawled away from the chamber as he stared at the palm with had turned a dark green. His heart tightened hearing the eerie laughter that seemed to scream insane.

*thud* A fist smashed into the chamber leaving a crack on the tempered glass, this was the last straw as the people began to run out leaving almost everything behind, no one wanted to wait for whatever demon to come out of that chamber.

George finally arrived at the floor with the lab only to see countless people in white lab coats running out of a lab. Each and everyone of them had a look of terror on his face as though the most horrifying existence was behind them.

George rose his gun to eye level, moving his finger to the trigger ready for whatever he would find.

He moved into the lab, with the thing drawing his attention being the chamber in the center of the lab, which had a huge hole in front of it with green gas coming out of it.

"what the hell" George muttered to himself when he saw the sight, thinking back to the things he saw recently, Scorpion, the Lizard with the hulking grey creature he encountered  on the lower floors his mind couldn't help but think ' what mad experiment was Osborne up too'.

A eerie laughter broke his train of thought,  " who is there? show yourself, this is the police" George spoke as he began to make his way into the lab but the lingering green gas hindered his vision.

As George got deeper into the lab, he had a feeling a weird feeling as though someone was watching  him.

Turning around, his heart began to beat faster when he found nothing. He turned his head to the side to come to face with a green creature with bright amber eyes that had a maniacal grin on its face right before it slammed into him.

On the lower floor Rhino lay beneath Batman's feet unconscious, Batman standing above had a few injuries with a trail of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, a few holes in his cape.

He suit had been ripped in a few places, showing some parts of his places. Batman touched some of his injuries thinking back to the fight with Rhino.

'Rhino, he truly deserves to be Spiderman's physical strongest villain.' The damage to the environment surrounding serving as the witness to battle which had just taken place.

At this point the scientist had arrived at the floor and came to a screeching halt when they laid their eyes on the Batman with his foot on the Rhino's head. Some pissed their pants at the scene.

Ignoring the looks on their faces, Batman thought back to they run here as if they were escaping from something and his eyes widened as he muttered "George" rushing to his aid.

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